Seminar Asia Pacific Studies: “Urban Innovation and Resilience in Developing Countries” | Center for Southeast Asian Studies Kyoto University


Seminar Asia Pacific Studies: “Urban Innovation and Resilience in Developing Countries”

Date and Time: October 15th (Thursday), 2020; 15:15-16:45 (03:15 p.m.-04:45 p.m.)
Venue: Zoom on line (please send your intention to participate to (asiapacific[at], and you will receive the zoom information)
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Title: “Urban Innovation and Resilience in Developing Countries”
Presenter: Dr. Marco Kamiya
Senior Economist, Knowledge & Innovation Branch, UN-HABITAT Global Headquarters in Kenya

The presentation will focus on what constitutes urban innovation and what is resilience in the context of city development. The importance of urban management will be explained with emphasis in the capacity of cities to design and implement effective policies. Urban resilience will be covered with particular detail on the lack or weaknesses of the local infrastructure. Finally, it will be provided an overview of developing countries and context in Africa, Asia and Latin America.

Commentator: Dr. Nobuaki Hamaguchi
Professor, Research Institute for Economics and Business Administration, Kobe University

About the Presenter:
Dr. Marco Kamiya leads global operational and normative work on infrastructure and energy, urban economy, municipal finance, innovation, and climate finance, working with cities and central governments supporting methodologies related with planning and participatory approaches. He has published Economic Foundations for Sustainable Urbanization (with Serge Salat, UN-Habitat & Morphologie Institute Paris), Finance for City Leaders Handbook (with Le Yin Zhang, UN-Habitat and University College London), the Global Urban Competitiveness Report that appears annually in Chinese and English. Previously, he occupied senior positions at CAF Development Bank of Latin America from Caracas, the Inter-American Development Bank from Washington DC, and with PADECO Co., Ltd in Tokyo. He studied Economics and International Development at Harvard University.

Organized by Asia Pacific Studies Unit, Kyoto University; Research Institute for Economics and Business Administration, Kobe University; and Data-oriented Area Study Unit-DASU, Kyoto University