NEW: Filipino language and name change of Young Academic’s Voice to Trendsetters


NEW: Filipino language and name change of Young Academic’s Voice to Trendsetters

The Center for Southeast Asian Studies at Kyoto University proudly presents the new issue (24) of Kyoto Review of Southeast Asia (September 2018) titled “Twenty Years after Suharto”. We have five articles as follows:

1. The New Normal: Indonesian Democracy Twenty Years after Suharto, by Paige Johnson Tan
2. From Autocracy to Coalitional Presidentialism: The Post-Authoritarian Transformation of Indonesia’s Presidency by Marcus Mietzner
3. Quo Vadis Civil Islam? Explaining Rising Islamism in Post-Reformasi Indonesia by Alexander R.Arifianto
4. Twenty Years after Suharto: Dynastic Politics and Signs of Subnational Authoritarianism by Yoes C.Kenawas
5. The Trajectories of Transitional Justice and its Discontents in Indonesia by Ehito Kimura

In this issue, we have Ehito Kimura, Associate Professor at the Department of Political Science at University of Hawaii at Manoa, as our Guest Editor.

All articles are translated from English into Japanese, Thai, Bahasa Indonesia, Vietnamese, and Filipino.

This issue, as usual, also includes a section of book reviews. The list of book reviews is below:

1. Working Towards the Monarchy: The Politics of Space in Downtown Bangkok, by Serhat Unaldi, reviewed by Matthew Phillips
2. Owners of the Map: Motorcycle Taxi Drivers, Mobility and Politics in Bangkok, by Claudio Sopranzetti, reviewed by Saksit Chalermpong
3. 50 Years of ASEAN and Singapore, by Tommy Koh, Sharon Seah and Chang Li Lin, reviewed by Chheang Vannarith
4. Cambodia’s Foreign Relations in Regional and Global Contexts, by Deth Sok Udom, Sun Suan and Serkan Bulut, reviewed by Sorpong Peou
5. Khaki Capital: The Political Economy of the Military in Southeast Asia, by Paul Chambers and Napisa Waitoolkiat, reviewed by Josh Kurlantzick

Finally, our column Young Academic’s Voice has been renamed Trendsetters to provide a wider scope of writers. We continue to publish an article on a monthly basis at Trendsetters. Please kindly contact me should you wish to write for us. For this month’s article, we present a piece on “Thailand’s Universal Health Coverage under the Coup d’etat: Is a Coinsurance Raise Good?”, by Natt Hongdilokkul, who was recently with the Walter H.Shorenstein Asia-Pacific Research Center at Stanford University.


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