CSEAS received a courtesy visit from the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, National University, Indonesia


On Friday, 24 May, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Erna Ermawati Chotim M.Si, Dean of the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences of the National University (FISIP-UNAS), Indonesia, and three others visited CSEAS. Prof. Masaaki Okamoto and Program-Specific Asst. Prof. Youdiil Ophinni (Hakubi Center for Advanced Studies) welcomed their visit and had a lively discussion about further exchanges in the field of education and research.

FISIP promotes urban research and actively accepts foreign researchers and graduate students. Currently, a research plan regarding the new capital is undergoing in response to the request from the governor of East Kalimantan, where the new capital, Nusantara, is located. We discussed the potential collaborations on this plan.

We also proposed the possibility of publication in our journal Southeast Asian Studies and Kyoto Review of Southeast Asia, applications for visiting research scholars, and participation in the 48th Southeast Asia Seminar.