CSEAS Digital News Issue 29 – 2024/5/22 | Center for Southeast Asian Studies Kyoto University


CSEAS Digital News Issue 29 – 2024/5/22


Dear friends and colleagues,

The Center for Southeast Asian Studies (CSEAS) Kyoto University is pleased to announce the launch of a monthly internal newsletter. This will be sent out on a monthly basis and include updates on activities, research meetings, events, new publications and podcasts.

May 2024 issue includes:

    1. Announcements and Highlights
    2. Upcoming Events
    3. Publications: Hot off the CSEAS Press
    4.  Podcasts in Japanese: “Book Talk on Asia”
    5.  Past Events

Thank you and regards,
The Public Relations Committee, Center for Southeast Asian Studies (CSEAS)

 1. Announcements and Highlights

【May Get Together】
・The monthly welcome and farewell party, Get Together, will be held on Thursday, May 23, from 12:30 pm at the Small-sized Meeting Room 2 (#331 on the 3rd floor of Inamori Center). Please join us and have an opportunity to enjoy small talk.
    We have updated the visiting scholars’ web page. Please check here.

【New Research Associate】
・Thanyathip Sripana (Political Science, Vietnamese Studies): CSEAS Welcomes Thanyathip Sripana as Guest Scholar on May 31.
・Ehito Kimura (Political Science, Indonesian Studies): CSEAS Welcomes Ehito Kimura as Guest Scholar on June 1.

【Visitor’s Voice】
    New interview article is available now. We asked them about their research, future ambitions, and more.
    Visitor’s Voice: Interview with Jean-Pascal Bassino: “Southeast Asia in the Great Divergence (ca. 1600–1914)”

【Call for Applications】The 48th Southeast Asia Seminar
    Theme: Co-creation of New Urban Living: Advancing Quality of Life in the Climate Change Era
    Date: 20–28 October 2024
    Venue: Jakarta and Surabaya, Indonesia
    Application Deadline: June 30, 2024

【Call for Papers】2024 International Academic Conference on Reimagining Neutrality and its Research
    Date & Time: Wednesday, 23 October – Friday, 25 October, 2024
    Venue: Kyoto University Yoshida Campus
    The deadline for applications: 1 June 2024

【Call for Papers】International Workshop on Transition from the Margins: Resource Peripheries and Decarbonisation in the Asia-Pacific
    Date & Time: Thursday, 12 December – Friday, 13 December, 2024
    Venue: Inamori Foundation Memorial Building, Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Kyoto University
    The deadline for applications: 30 June 2024

【Award】Assistant Prof. Chika Yamada and Affiliated Assistant Prof. Youdiil Ophinni won the Best Oral Presenter Award at International Conference on Drugs Research and Policy

2. Upcoming Events

・CSEAS Reading Group Session: The Genetic Lottery: Why DNA Matters for Social Equality by Kathryn Paige Harden
    Date & Time: Friday, 24 May 2024, 16:00– JST
    Venue: Seminar Room (I213), 2nd Floor, Inamori Center, CSEAS, Kyoto University
    Presenter: Youdiil Ophinni (CSEAS)
    Book information: https://press.princeton.edu/books/hardcover/9780691190808/the-genetic-lottery

・Book Launch and Talk: The Future of the Ayta in the Ashes (in Japanese)
    Date & Time: 30 May 2024, 15:00–16:30 JST
    Venue: Research Commons, East Bldg, CSEAS, Kyoto University / Online (Zoom)
    Speakers: Hana Mori (Book Dedign / Illustration), Tetsuya Suzuki (Kyoto University Press), and Hiromu Shimizu (Professor Emeritus, Kyoto University)
    Moderator: Zenta Nishio (CSEAS Affiliated Researcher)
    More information: https://kyoto.cseas.kyoto-u.ac.jp/en/event/20240530/ 

・Seminar by Nick Cheesman (Associate Professor, ANU)
    Date & Time: Tuesday, 11 June 2024, 15:30– (JST)
    Venue: CSEAS, Kyoto University (TBA)

・International  Workshop on China and India’s Perspectives on the Global South in a Changing Global Order
    Date & Time: Wednesday, 19 June 2024, 11:00–12:30 (JST)
    Venue: Seminar Room (I213), 2nd floor, Inamori Center, CSEAS Kyoto University / Online (Zoom)
    Speakers: Yuan Zhou (Graduate School of Law, Kobe University), Raphaëlle Khan (City College of New York- CUNY / Harvard Asia Center), Juan Acevedo (PhD student, City University of New York), and Tomoko Takahashi (CSEAS)
    Discussant: Alanna O’Malley (Leiden University)

・Seminar by Alanna O’Malley: “Undetermined Self-Determination: The Afterlives of Global South Anti-colonial Solidarity at the United Nations”
    Date & Time: Wednesday, 19 June 2024, 16:00–17:30 (JST)
    Venue: Seminar Room (I213), 2nd floor, Inamori Center, CSEAS Kyoto University / Online (Zoom)
    Speaker: Alanna O’Malley (Leiden University)
    Discussants: Yuan Zhou (Graduate School of Law, Kobe University), Tomoko Takahashi (CSEAS)

・The 5th SEASIA Biennial Conference “De/Centering Southeast Asia”
    Date: Thursday, 18 July to Saturday, 20 July, 2024
    Venue: University of the Philippines Diliman, Quezon City

3. Publications: Hot off the CSEAS Press

【Latest Issue】
・Vol. 13 No. 1 of Southeast Asian Studies on 25 April 2024. This issue contains a special focus on “Collective Care in Three Vietnamese Contexts: The Intersection of Health, Community, and the State,” as well as two articles and eight book reviews. All articles are available on the journal’s website and J-Stage.
    J-Stage: https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/browse/seas/13/1/_contents/-char/en 

【Latest Issue】
・Vol. 61, No. 2 of Japanese Journal of Southeast Asian Studies on 31 January 2024.
    J-Stage: https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/browse/tak/list/-char/ja 

【Latest Issue】
・Special issue (37) titled “Urban Governance and Platform Dynamics in Southeast Asia” of Kyoto Review of Southeast Asia is out on March 1, 2024. In this issue, Apiwat Ratanawaraha, associate professor at Chulalongkorn University, serves as guest editor.
    Five book reviews are also available:

【New Article】
・TRENDSETTERS column “Praetorian Variations: The United States and Military Politics in Thailand and the Philippines,” by Mesrob Vartavarian, in Kyoto Review of Southeast Asia on May 1, 2024.

【Latest Issue】CSEAS monthly newsletter released on May 8.
    [Interview] Mariko Ogawa “Understanding Rainfall Characteristics in Indonesia: Fostering Trust with People and Making Use of Hydrometeorological Data”
    [Library Collection] Rikuo Hara “The Region-bridging Language: Arabic Materials at the CSEAS Library”
    [Letter from the Kamogawa River] Caroline Hau “Cabinet of Curiosities”

【New Book】Kisho Tsuchiya, Emplacing East Timor: The Cycle of Regime Change and Knowledge Production, 1860-2010, University of Hawai‘i Press, 2024.

【New Article/Open Access】Miele, M. (2022), The ghosts of Changlimithang: a brief Anglo-Bhutanese negotiation during the British Expedition to Tibet of 1903–1904. Prague Papers on the History of International Relations, 2, 53–63 (issued in 2024).

【New Article】Sakai, M., Kimura, S. S., Mizutani, Y., Ishikawa, M., Ito, T., Arai, N., & Niizuma, Y. Telomere length changes in the Pacific white-sided dolphin measured for one and a half years. Marine Mammal Science, Early View, 1 April 2024. DOI: 10.1111/mms.13123

【New Article】Majid Daneshgar, “The Iranian Diaspora in Southeast Asia: Old Manuscript, New Perspectives,” Leiden Special Collections Blog, April 24, 2024.

【Forthcoming】Theara Thun, Epistemology of the Past: Texts, History and Intellectuals of Cambodia, 1850–1970, University of Hawaii Press, August 2024.

4. Podcasts in Japanese: “Book Talk on Asia”

    In this program, the Editorial Office, CSEAS introduce the latest books on Asia. The authors are invited to talk about the contents and background of their books.
    Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/user-153026370-46049678 
    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLYNr5XeQb9WIM8svoGgRYPkshslSO3iKW 

5. Past Events

・Courtesy Visit from the University of Sumatera Utara
    Date: Wednesday, 22 May 2024

・Special Seminar on ““The Rising Generation”: Filipino Scholars Before the Second World War”
    Date & Time: Thursday, 9 May 2024, 16:00–17:30 JST
    Venue: Tonantei (I201), 2nd Floor, Inamori Center, CSEAS, Kyoto University
    Speaker: Jonathan Victor Baldoza (PhD candidate, Princeton University)

・Special lecture by Prof. David Tushaus
    Date & Time: Tuesday, 7 May 2024, 10:30 am –
    Venue: East Building E202, Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Kyoto University
    Title: Gross National Happiness, Climate Justice, and Challenges Ahead: Perspectives from the Kingdom of Bhutan
    Speaker: David Tushaus (Jigme Singye Wangchuck School of Law, Paro, Bhutan)
    Contact: Ryota Sakamoto (CSEAS)

・Special Seminar “New Approaches to Philippine Literary History: New Materials and New Methodologies”
    Date & Time: Friday, 26 April 2024, 16:00–18:00 JST
    Venue: Tonantei (201), 2nd Floor, Inamori Center, Kyoto University
    Speaker: Rocío Ortuño Casanova (UNED/LINDH)

・Courtesy Visit from the School of Public Policy, Chiang Mai University
    Date: Friday, 26 April 2024

––– CSEAS Digital News Issue 29 –––––––––

    Public Relations Committee
    Center for Southeast Asian Studies
    Kyoto University

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    Learn CSEAS by short movies:

    TANKEN Video: Welcome to Area Studies



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