CSEAS Digital News Issue 32 – 2024/8/28


Dear friends and colleagues,

The Center for Southeast Asian Studies (CSEAS) Kyoto University is pleased to announce the launch of a monthly internal newsletter. This will be sent out monthly and include updates on activities, research meetings, events, new publications, and podcasts.

August 2024 issue includes:

    1. Announcements and Highlights
    2. Upcoming Events
    3. Publications: Hot off the CSEAS Press
    4. Presentations
    5. Podcasts in Japanese: “Book Talk on Asia”
    6. Media Exposure
    7. Past Events

Thank you and regards,
The Public Relations Committee, Center for Southeast Asian Studies (CSEAS)

 1. Announcements and Highlights

【New Research Associate】

・Allan Edward Lumba (History): CSEAS welcomes Allan Edward Lumba as a Visiting Research Scholar from September 1 to November 30.

・Antonio Andrés Postigo Angón (Life and Medical Science): CSEAS welcomes Antonio Andrés Postigo Angón as a Visiting Research Scholar from September 1 to November 30.

・Roger Pedro Casas Ruiz (Anthropology): CSEAS welcomes Roger Pedro Casas Ruiz as a Visiting Research Scholar from September 1 to November 30.

・Andreas Peter Wimmer (Social Anthropology): CSEAS welcomes Andreas Peter Wimmer as a Guest Scholar from September 1 to October 15.

・Balbir Kaur Singh: CSEAS welcomes Balbir Kaur Singh as a Guest Research Associate from September 1 to November 30.

Visitor’s Voice
   New interview articles are available now. We asked them about their research, future ambitions, and more.
Interview with Gregory Raymond, “How Understanding the Cross-border Dynamics of the Mekong States can Shed Light on the Global Democratic Recession of the 21st Century”

Interview with Matthew Reeder, “Legibility in Ink: Tattoos, Identification, and Labor Control in Nineteenth-Century Siam”

2. Upcoming Events

Korea-Japan Conference of Southeast Asian Studies 2024
    Date: Saturday, 31 August 2024–Sunday, 1 September 2024
    Venue: Pukyong National University, Busan / Online via Zoom
    Theme: Searching for Southeast Asian Powers and Wisdom in the Turmoil World

Seminar on “Examining Hiring Discrimination through Direct Signalling: A Correspondence Study in the Thai Labour Market”
    Date & Time: Thursday, 12 September 2024, 14:00–15:30 (Japan Time)
    Venue: Seminar Room (I-213), 2nd floor, Inamori Center, CSEAS, Kyoto University
    Speaker: Patrick Devahastin (Hiroshima University)

3. Publications: Hot off the CSEAS Press

【Latest Issue】
・Vol. 13 No. 2 of Southeast Asian Studies on 22 August 2024. This issue includes six articles and nine book reviews. All articles are available on the journal’s website and J-Stage.

【Latest Issue】
・Vol. 62, No. 1 of Japanese Journal of Southeast Asian Studies on 31 July 2024. This issue includes a special focus on “Contexts of Crisis: Understanding the Rohingya Issue from Multiple Perspectives,” edited by Yoshihiro Nakanishi (CSEAS). All articles are available on the journal’s website and J-Stage.

【Latest Issue】
Special issue (38) titled “Health, Border, and Marginality: Toward Transdisciplinarity” of Kyoto Review of Southeast Asia is out on June 1, 2024. In this issue, Decha Tangseefa (CSEAS) serves as the guest editor.

【New Article】
TRENDSETTERS column “Thailand’s Senate Election: More Bad News for Thaksin and Puea Thai?,” by William J. Jones, in Kyoto Review of Southeast Asia on August 1, 2024.

【Latest Issue】CSEAS monthly newsletter released on August 7.
    [Notes from the Field] Kisho Tsuchiya, “Introduction to Emplacing East Timor: Regime Change and Knowledge Production, 1860–2010
    [Notes from the Field] Theara Thun, “Unveiling Cambodia’s Unknown Intellectual Past”
    [Letter from the Kamogawa River] Chika Yamada, “Between Architecture and Public Health”

【New Book】Nasir Uddin, Indigeneity, Marginality and the State in Bangladesh: Homeless at Home, Routledge India, August 2024.

【Forthcoming】Theara Thun, Epistemology of the Past: Texts, History and Intellectuals of Cambodia, 1850–1970, University of Hawaii Press, August 2024.

4. Presentations

【Presentation】Toshihiko Kishi, “Exploring the ‘Forgotten Post-War’: BCOF’s Diverse Ceremonies and Their Collective Memory,” Conference on Re-examining Japan’s Cold War,” University of East Anglia, 14 August 2024, United Kingdom.

【Presentation】Kisho Tsuchiya, “Multiculturalism and Its Challenges in Timor-Leste: A Historical Analysis,” Presentation delivered at Multiculturalism, Inclusivity and Public Governance Workshop 2024 in the City University of Hong Kong, 22–23 August 2024.

【Booktalk】Kisho Tsuchiya, “Emplacing East Timor: Regime Change and Knowledge Production, 1860–2010,” Booktalk at the Pilar Herrera Hall, University of the Philippines Diliman, College of Social Sciences and Philosophy, 27 August 2024.

【Presentation】Tomoko Takahashi, Roundtable on Raising International Skills and Experience, August 27, 2024, Ocean Network Express (Japan) Ltd., Tokyo.

【Presentation】Kisho Tsuchiya, “Reconsidering the Concept of Museum: The Case of Timorese Sacred Houses,” Presentation delivered at the 2024 National Conference on Local History and Heritage at the Ayala Museum (the Philippines), 29-30 August 2024. 

【Presentation】Tomoko Takahashi, “Reticence over Universal Norms: Japanese Engagement with the UN World Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction,” 2024 JPSA-APSA Working Group on “Civically Engaged Research for Critical Issues in Society,” September 4-7, Philadelphia, PA.

【Presentation】Tomoko Takahashi, “Taking off for Marketization: China’s Initiatives on Economic Resolutions in the United Nations General Assembly,” Session on “Reshaping the Liberal Order: Strategies of Contestation and Change,” 2024 APSA Annual Meeting & Exhibition, September 8, Philadelphia, PA.

5. Podcasts in Japanese: “Book Talk on Asia”

    In this program, the Editorial Office, CSEAS introduce the latest books on Asia. The authors are invited to talk about the contents and background of their books.

6. Media Exposure

“Deteksi sejak Dini Karhutla melalui Aplikasi Simocakap BRIN,”, 25 July 2024. 
    A seminar on the practical application of the weather, peat fire, and haze monitoring application (SIMOCAKAP) developed by Prof. Osamu Kozan and Assist. Prof. Mariko Ogawa and others were held in Indonesia, and reported in the

“CSEAS Kyoto University Bersama TDMRC dan BAST Selenggarakan Workshop Memorygraph,”, 21 August 2024.
“Memori Kolektif Orang Aceh terhadap Tsunami di Ambang Lupa, MemoryGraph Bantu Menyelamatkannya,”, 24 August 2024.
    A workshop on the use of the Memorygraph developed by Asst. Prof. Yoshimi Nishi and colleagues were held in Aceh, Indonesia, co-organized by BAST-ANRI, TDMRC-USK, and CSEAS, reported

7. Past Events

Workshop “From Photos to Memories: Utilization of Memorygraphs in Maintaining Collective Memory”
    Date: Wednesday, 21 August 2024–Thursday, 22 August 2024
    Venue: Center for Static and Tsunami Archives (BAST) of the National Archives of the Republic of Indonesia (ANRI)

Colloquium on “Facing Violence, Transgressing Boundaries: Issues of Care at Borders”
    Date & Time: Thursday, 8 August 2024, 1–3 pm
    Venue: Tonantei (I-201), 2nd Floor, Inamori Center, CSEAS, Kyoto University / Online (Zoom)
    Speakers: Ai Sugie (Faculty of Letters, Kyoto University), Nurul Huda Mohd. Razif (Marie Curie Postdoctoral Fellow in the University of Bergen, Norway), Miriam Jaehn (CSEAS)

Official Delegation from Thammasat University
    Date: Monday, 5 August 2024

Screening: “The Last Season”
    Date & Time: Friday, 26 July 2024, 6 pm –
    Venue: Media Room (E-106), East Bldg., CSEAS, Kyoto University

CSEAS Colloquium: “Does Malaysia need a pure FPTP system? – Electoral system in Post-Transition Malaysia”
    Date & Time: Thursday, 25 July 2024, 1:30–3 pm
    Venue: Middle Meeting Room (I-332), 3rd floor, Inamori Center, CSEAS, Kyoto University
    Speaker: WONG Chin Huat (Professor, Sunway University, Malaysia / Visiting Research Scholar, CSEAS, Kyoto University)

・Seminar dan Pelatihan Sosialisasi dan Pemanfaatan Aplikasi Monitoring Cuaca, Kebakaran Lahan dan Kabut Asap (SIMOCAKAP)
    Date: Thursday, 25 July 2024
    Venue: STAIN Bengkalis

––– CSEAS Digital News Issue 32 –––––––––

 Public Relations Committee
 Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Kyoto University

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