国際セミナー「Preserving History: Archives and Lessons from the Indian Ocean Tsunami Recovery」

本セミナーは2004年スマトラ島沖地震・インド洋大津波被災20周年記念行事「Preserving Memory, Building Resilience」の一部としてインドネシア・アチェ州にて開催されます。


9:00–9:55Opening Ceremony
Drs. Imam Gunarto, M.Hum
Head of the Center for Tsunami and Disaster Archives of the National Archives of the Republic of Indonesia
Prof. Fumiharu Mieno Director of the Center for Southeast Asian Studies (CSEAS), Kyoto University
Prof. Dr. Ir. Marwan Rector of Syiah Kuala University (USK)
Dr. H. Safrizal ZA, M.Si Acting Governor of Aceh
10:35–10:45Opening Remarks
Dr. Kandar, MAP Acting Head of ANRI
10:45–10:55Movie Screening
“Memori yang Terselamatkan: Arsip dalam Perjalanan Ketangguhan Aceh”
10:55–11:05“Peduli Arsip Tsunami” awards
11:05–11:15Launching Project MemoryGraph Applications and awarding of prizes to winners of competition MemoryGraph
11:15–11:30Cultural Performances Marching Band and Dance
11:30–11:50The signing of MoU between ANRI–USK / The Signing of Executive Program between ANRI–ISBI
11:50–12:15Visit the Disaster Archives/Tsunami Archives Exhibition
12:15–14:00Lunch Break
14:00–14:10Prologue from MC
“Turning Tragedy into Triumph: Aceh’s Two Decades of Resilience and Rebuilding After the Tsunami”
Mr. Didik Darmanto, S.Sos., MAP Director of Religion, Education, and Culture – Ministry of National Development Planning/National Development Planning Agency of the Republic of Indonesia
“Lessons in Resilience: Reflecting on the Indian Ocean Tsunami’s Impact and Recovery Efforts”
Prof. Hizir Sofyan Direktur Pascasarjana, Universitas Syiah Kuala
“Restoring the Past to Secure the Future: Archival Strategies for a Resilient Aceh”
Assoc. Prof. Yoshimi Nishi CSEAS Kyoto University
“Tsunami Archives: Preserving History and Lessons from Sri Lanka”
Sri Lanka National Archives (via zoom)
16:00–16:10Closing Ceremony
