International Conference on Strengthening Sustainable Development Goals in Southeast Asia, October 22-23, 2019 in Jakarta
KYOTO INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL Joint event: CSEAS Kyoto University, Selected works of Visual Documentary Project 2018 & 「Bangkok Traffic (Love) Story」
Tonan Talk on October 15th
International Workshop: Resource Politics in Asia and Latin America
October 10 Special Seminar on Christian Marriage and Indigenous Sexuality in the 17th century Philippines
October 10th: Special Seminar on Histories of amnesties in mainland Southeast Asia
Cancellation: Tonan Talk with Dr. Ong Soon Keong on Oct. 3
Seminar on “Corruption Studies for the 21st Century”
CSEAS Colloquium: The Nature of Corruption in Historical Context
Collaborative Practice for Establishing a Base of Academic Information between Japan and the Three Countries in Indochina ―Towards Sharing the Information Resources of Area Studies for Southeast Asia, 2nd International Workshop―
Tonan Talk on on Mindanao studies on September 5
Seminar: The Expansion of Tabligh Jama’ah Movement and its Influence on the Religious Belief of the Bajo People
CSEAS Colloquium: Promoting private sector investment in forest restoration in South East Asia
Round-table Seminar on Malaysian Politics after the 2018 General Election on July 25
4th RsDA International Workshop
International Workshop on “Fake News and State Control in the Post-Truth Era in Southeast Asia” on July 22
International Seminar on “Cyber Troops and Computational Propaganda in the Indonesian Presidential Election 2019” on July 20
A Brown Bag Talk on Gender and Aid Chains in Cambodia
The 10th Transdisciplinary (TD) Brown Bag Series