CSEAS Response to Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) | Center for Southeast Asian Studies Kyoto University


CSEAS Response to Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19)



What to do in the case of infection for staff or family members of CSEAS

COVID-19 is an infectious disease of the new coronavirus virus (SARS-CoV-2)

I. When a member CSEAS is infected with COVID-19


II. When a staff member has close contact with a COVID-19 patient


III. When a cohabiting (family) member of CSEAS staff came in close contact with COVID-19 patient

1. Symptoms that require contacting medical help: Difficulty in breathing, persistent chest pain and pressure, loss of clarity/consciousness, not responding to calls, pale lips and pale face. If any other symptoms may appear to be unusual, you should not hesitate to call for medical help.

2. Close contact here is defined as being in contact with a patient (an infected person) in close distance for a prolonged amount of time without appropriate protection, from 48 hours before the patient’s symptoms appeared. “appropriate protection” will include whether or not you had a face mask on, whether or not a distance of 2 meters (6ft) was maintained, and “prolonged amount of time” would be longer than 10 minutes. Even if the time of contact was short, if the patient’s cough was near your face, or you shared an object with the patient, it would constitute close contact. The period of high risk is as follows:
(1) Test based: The end of fever without the use of fever-reducing medications; AND Improvement in respiratory symptoms (eg, cough, shortness of breath); AND negative results of authorized molecular assay for COVID-19 from at least two consecutive nasopharyngeal swab specimens collected ≥24 hours apart (total of two negative specimens).
(2) Non-test based: At least seven days have passed since symptoms first appeared; AND at least three days (72 hours) have passed since recovery of symptoms (defined as resolution of fever without the use of fever-reducing medications and improvement in respiratory symptoms [eg, cough, shortness of breath]).

3. Temperature above 37.5℃, coughing, breathing difficulty. Note that temperature will go up and down. Older persons, persons with low immunity, and those taking medication may have different symptoms.

4. There are cases where symptoms reappear after being discharged from hospital. It is therefore best to stay home for 14 days after discharge.

*This document is based on the Kyoto University Hospital document (March 9, 2020) “In case hospital staff or family members are infected ver.1”; Kyoto University Institute for Frontier Life and Medical Sciences document “In case institute staff or family members are infected”(March 12, 2020); and Center for Disease Control and Prevention “Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Public Health Recommendations for Community-related Exposure” (March 20, 2020).


CSEAS : guideline for everyday and academic life in the face of COVID-19 (December 17, 2020)

We have been experiencing the increasing spread of COVID-19, and some cases occurring in our neighborhood. The situation changes from day to day.
We seek your cooperation in following the guidelines below. From here on, if Kyoto University issues guidelines that are stricter than what the guidelines indicated below, please follow those until we renew our guidelines.

1. Daily attention

2. Meetings

3. Gatherings with food and drink

4. Domestic travel

5. Overseas travel

6. Meetings with incoming business/traders and visitors from outside

(Adapted from Medical School COVID-19 guidelines June 11th 2020 and Kyoto Prefecture COVID-19 guideline May 2020)


Brief Extract from Homepage of Kyoto Prefecture

https://www.pref.kyoto.jp/kokusai/coronavirus_update.html (accessed on March 27th, 2020)

Operating hours: 24 hours a day and 7 days a week
Telephone number: 075-414-4726
<Supported languages: English, Chinese, Korean, Portuguese, Spanish, Vietnamese>
※Vietnamese support is only available from 8:00 – 22:00

Please also report the matter to your department and the clinic of Kyoto University
(075-753-2405), and continue to keep them updated of the situation.


Kyoto University’s Response to the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19)