Book Talk on Asia,” Sakuma, Kako, “Borneo: A Journal of Forest-Human Relations” (Shunpusha, 2020) | Center for Southeast Asian Studies Kyoto University


Book Talk on Asia,” Sakuma, Kako, “Borneo: A Journal of Forest-Human Relations” (Shunpusha, 2020)


Our second guest is Dr. Kako Sakuma. She talks about her book “Borneo: A Journal of Forest-Human Relations” (Shunpusha, 2020).

“Borneo: A Journal of the Relationship between Forests and People” (Shunpusha, 2020)
Kako Sakuma (Author)
The “forest people” live in longhouses in Sarawak, Borneo. From the age of trade, through colonial rule, to migrant workers, indigenous movements, and the rise of tourism with the establishment of the national park – the residents have survived in relation to the forces around them. Based on fieldwork and analysis of historical documents, this is the story of 100 years of forests and people. (From the Shunpusha website)


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Date of delivery: 2nd and 4th Wednesday of every month (schedule subject to change)
Listener: Yoshihiro Nakanishi (Associate Professor, Kyoto University)
Production: Editorial Office, Institute for Southeast Asian Area Studies, Kyoto University

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