
Special Seminar on Urban Studies in China

Contemporary Urban Planning and Governance in China

Date & Time: March 4 (Mon.) 2019, 15:00~17:00
Venue: CSEAS Seminar Room 213, 2nd floor of the Inamori Foundation Building
Language: English

DANG Anrong (Tsinghua University): “Progress and Trends of Smart
City Development in China”. By reviewing the progress of Smart City
development in China in recent years, five aspects will be summarized:
the academic research achievements; the national policy constitution;
the urban information infrastructure improvement; the application
system development; and the supporting system construction. From
these, along with the development of new technologies and their
application, the trends of Smart City development in China in the near
future can be deduced.
HE Shenjing (The University of Hong Kong): “Evolving enclave
urbanism in China”. Enclave represents an internally homogeneous
territorial unit dominated by distinct social, cultural, and economic
features, demarcated by a clear boundary, either visible or invisible,
to differentiate insiders from outsiders. This presentation discusses
the evolving processes and dynamics of China’s enclave urbanism under
the influence of various socioeconomic, cultural, institutional, and
political forces. It also aims to unpack the heterogeneity of urban
fabrics associated with enclave urbanism and to examine how different
social groups perceive and represent the social aspects of enclave
urban living.