
Special Seminar on Indonesia (social entrepreneur and diamond trade)

Time and Date: 15:00 – 18:00, March 8, 2019
Venue: the Seminar Room at the 2nd Floor of Inamori Memorial Building.

1st Speaker: Mr. Arif Kirdiat (Head of Indonesia Rural Volunteer Foundation)
Title: Building Bridges for the Hope and for the Future.
Arif has built more than 93 bridges at rural areas in Indonesia
since 2011. He and his volunteers decided to transform the rural
life by constructing cement bridges in collaboration with the rural
communities. They have not received any budget from the
government(s) and solicited the donation from the society by online.
With his achievement, he received nine awards.
His talk is on his experiences.


2nd Speaker: Dr. Erwiza Erman (Senior Researcher, LIPI)
Title: Trajectory of Diamond Trade in Indonesia: Past and Present
Diamond is one of the most valuable, easily traded mineral resources,
which can be brought to meet consumers anywhere both locally,
nationally and globally. Until the 18th century, diamonds were traded
from mines in India (Golconda), and Indonesia (Kalimantan). The
diamond trade became increasingly crowded after the discovery of
diamonds in Brazil in the 18th century, and in 19th century in South
Africa. Diamond is believed not only to bring good luck, but also as a
symbol of commitment, social status and even financing civil war. By
choosing two of the oldest mining producing regions in the world,
Landak and Martapura, this presentation will look at the trajectory of
diamond trade since the VOC era, colonial and post-colonial periods in
