You are cordially invited to our online seminar on Indonesia. The topics are the contemporary politics for the 2024 presidential election and the prospects and challenges of new capital city of Nusantara. The seminar is going to be held in the Indonesian language (Bahasa Indonesia).
Time and Date: 16:30 to 18:30 (Japan Time) or 14:30 to 16:30 (Indonesia Time) on April 27, 2022
Access to the Seminar: Register through the URL:
1st Presentation: Dari Jakarta ke Nusantara: Prospek dan Tantangan
Speaker: Yanuar Nugroho (ISEAS-Yusof Ishak Institute, Driyakarta School of Philosophy, University of Manchester)
Commentator: Wahyu Prasetyawan (Syarif Hidayatullah Islamic State University)
Moderator: Arai Kenichiro (Asia University, Japan)
2nd Presentation: Politik Indonesia Pasca-Pandemi: Dinamika Elektoral jelang 2024.
Speaker: Burhanuddin Muhtadi (Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University, Indikator, LSI, ISEAS-Yusoh Ishak Institute)
Commentator: Kawamura Koichi (IDE-Jetro, Japan)
Moderator: Honna Jun (Ritsumeikan University, Japan)
The presentations’ abstracts and the presenters’ bio are as follows:
Abstract of 1st Presentation:
Pemerintahan Jokowi – Maruf Amin memutuskan untuk memindahkan ibu kota negara (IKN) ke Penajam Paser Utara dan Kutai Kartanegara. Tekad ini semakin bulat sejak pertama kali dinyatakan di depan publik dalam pidato kenegaraan 17 Agustus 2019. Gagasan ini kemudian ditindaklanjuti dengan pengesahaan Undangan-Undang Ibu Kota Negara (UU IKN) setelah mendapat persetujuan para anggota DPR RI pada rapat paripurna ke-13 DPR masa sidang 2021-2022 yang digelar Selasa 18 Januari 2021.
Pemindahan IKN –yang diberi nama Nusantara– ini akan menjadi megaproyek terbesar pemerinah Indonesia dalam dua atau lebih dekade ke depan. Gagasan besar IKN dapat dilihat dari jargon ambisiusnya _locally integrated, globally connected, universally inspired. Presiden Jokowi punya dua tahun tersisa untuk meletakkan dasar dan memulai pemindahan IKN ini.
Paparan singkat ini bermaksud mengidentifikasi sejumlah prospek maupun tantangan utama dalam pemindahan IKN.
_Catatan: Paparan ini didasarkan pada tulisan Nugroho dan Adrianto (in review) _
Abstract of 2nd Presentation:
Bagaimana dinamika politik di Indonesia pasca dua tahun mengalami pandemi? Mungkinkah terjadi kejutan dua tahun jelang pemilu presiden dan legislatif 2024? Webinar ini akan menjawab dinamika politik di tingkat elite dan massa yang mempengaruhi peta persaingan politik ke depan. Pembicara akan mengulas konsolidasi politik Presiden Jokowi dan fenomena “partai tunggal” yang potensial membuat Jokowi tampil sebagai “king maker” pada 2024 nanti. Webinar ini juga akan membahas isu-isu mutakhir mengenai ambang batas pencalonan presiden (presidential threshold) dan gerakan penundaan oemilu untuk memperpanjang masa jabatan Presiden Jokowi hingga 2027. Webinar ini akan ditutup dengan sajian survei nasional terbaru mengenai kontestasi elektoral para bakal calon presiden dan tarik-menarik internal partai mengenai siapa yang akan mendapat tiket maju dalam pilpres 2024 nanti.
Bio of the 1st Presenters:
Dr. Yanuar Nugroho is a social activist, senior academic, and practitioner in public policy, governance, and innovation. Co-founder of Centre for Innovation Policy & Governance (CIPG) Jakarta, Senior Lecturer at Driyarkara School of Philosophy Jakarta, Visiting Senior Fellow at ISEAS Yusof Ishak Institute Singapore (since 2020), Senior Fellow in Public Service at Lee Kuan-Yew School of Public Policy, National University of Singapore (2021), Honorary Fellow with the University of Manchester UK (2004-now, honorary status from 2015) and was Deputy Chief of Staff to the President (Deputy Minister level) for Analysis and Oversight of Strategic Issues on Social, Cultural and Ecological Affairs at the Executive Office of the President, Republic of Indonesia (2015-Oct 2019), and interim Deputy for Human Development and Culture (Oct-Dec 2019). He is also a council member of Open Government Partnership (OGP) – the World Bank Multi Donor Trust Fund (2018-now). He is quite productive in publishing articles in various journals and books: ‘Institutions, Outputs and Outcomes: Two Decades of Decentralization and State Capacity in Indonesia’ in Journal of South East Asia Economies (with Sujarwoto) and “An insider’s view of e-governance under Jokowi: political promise or technocratic vision?” (with Hikmat, A.) in Edwin Jurriëns and Ross Tapsell (Eds) Digital Indonesia: Connectivity and Divergence (Singapore: ISEAS).
Bio of the 2nd Presenter:
Burhanuddin Muhtadi is a senior lecturer at the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University, Jakarta. He is also the Director of Public Affairs at the Indonesian Survey Institute (Lembaga Survei Indonesia, LSI) and an executive director of the Indonesian Political Indicator (Indikator Politik Indonesia). Both polling institutes have long experience in organizing high-quality research and are trusted by the best campuses in the world to carry out first-rate academic research studies. Burhanuddin received his PhD in 2018 from the Department of Political and Social Change, Australian National University (ANU), working on money politics in Indonesia. This dissertation was later published by Palgrave Macmillan (2019) under the title “Vote Buying in Indonesia: The Mechanics of Electoral Bribery.” This book received an honorable mention from the Asian Studies Association of Australia’s Early Career Book Prize, 2020. The Indonesian edition of this book has been published by a prestigious publisher in Indonesia, Gramedia, and has been reprinted a third time. He has also published widely in leading peer-reviewed journals (both area studies and political science) and book chapters. Among others, he has published his original research in leading area-studies journal, such as Asian Studies Review, Pacific Affairs, Bulletin of Indonesian Economic Studies, Contemporary Southeast Asia and Asian Journal of Social Science and high-ranked disciplinary journals like World Politics, Third World Quarterly, International Journal of Public Opinion Research, Party Politics, Democratization, International Journal of Communication, and Electoral Studies.
Contact: Okamoto Masaaki (okamoto[at]cseas.kyoto-u.ac.jp)(CSEAS, Kyoto Univeristy, Japan)