CSEAS & GS. Agriculture Intensive lectures for Graduate Students (Oct. 1st-12th) | Center for Southeast Asian Studies Kyoto University


CSEAS & GS. Agriculture Intensive lectures for Graduate Students (Oct. 1st-12th)

We – Center for Southeast Asian Studies & Graduate School of Agriculture  – will have 2 intensive courses as common graduate courses from Oct.1st-12th.

Human Security Development

Date: October 1 th, 3th and 11th, 12th, 2022
Venue: 1st at the North Campus Faculty of Agriculture Main Bldg W506,
3th at the Middle Size Room (3F) in Inamori Building, North Campus Faculty of Agriculture Main Bldg W506,
11th at the Middle Size Room (3F) in Inamori Building, North Campus Faculty of Agriculture Main Bldg W506,
12th at the Main Campus Research Bldg. No 12 3F 302


Southeast Asian Studies 2022

Date: 4th Oct. 2022 to 7th Oct. 2022
Venue: 4th-5th at the Middle Size Room (3F) in Inamori Building,
6th-7th at the Library Hall (1F) in Inamrori Building


Both courses are omnibus-type intensive lectures given by a variety of instructors such as CSEAS, GS of Agriculture, Institute of Advanced Energy.

Course 1. Human Security Development
(G-AGR02 8W001 LE77, LE85, LE90)

Course 2. Southeast Asia Studies
 (G-LAS10 80004 LE31)