Special lecture by Erminia Colucci: Arts-based and visual methods in activist interdisciplinary research in the Global South and among people from migrant and refugee backgrounds | Center for Southeast Asian Studies Kyoto University


Special lecture by Erminia Colucci: Arts-based and visual methods in activist interdisciplinary research in the Global South and among people from migrant and refugee backgrounds

Speaker: Erminia Colucci
CSEAS fellow, Kyoto University (Japan)
Professor of Visual Psychology and Cultural & Global Mental Health in the Department of Psychology at Middlesex University London (UK)
Visiting Professor at Gadjah Mada University (Indonesia)

Title: Arts-based and visual methods in activist interdisciplinary research in the Global South and among people from migrant and refugee backgrounds

Abstract: This talk shares reflections from carrying out applied & activist interdisciplinary researches using arts-based and visual methodologies in LMICs, such as Indonesia, the Philippines, India, Ghana, and Australia, among people from migrant & refugee backgrounds. It discusses varied methods, from using drawing to explore ‘spirituality’ in Japan, to community-based theatre for participatory and action research on domestic violence among Indian immigrant women.

The talk also presents a recent UK government-funded project “Together for Mental Health: Using collaborative visual research methods to understand experiences of mental illness, coercion and restraint in Ghana and Indonesia”, which used ethnographic film and visual participatory methods to explore collaboration between mental health workers and faith-based/traditional healers to prevent coercion and provide care for persons with mental illness. This project was a follow-up of the ‘Breaking the Chains’, a visual ethnography of restraint/confinement (pasung) & the grassroot implementation of the Bebas Pasung programme in West Java.

Several projects are introduced, where the participants and storytellers were directly involved in creating and making their stories using many techniques (collaborative filming, digital storytelling, participatory video), and also an upcoming visual research inquiry about pilgrimages in Japan and other Asian countries. It concludes with the reflections on creative forms of engagement to ignite social and system changes.

About the Speaker: Erminia is a Professor of Visual Psychology and Cultural & Global Mental Health in the Department of Psychology at Middlesex University London, Visiting Professor at Gajah Mada University, and currently Fellow at CSEAS Kyoto University.

Her main area are human rights and mental health, suicide and suicide prevention, domestic violence against women and children, spirituality and faith-based/traditional healing, and first-hand stories of people with lived-experience of ‘mental illness’ and suicidal behaviour, focusing on LMICs and ethnic minorities/refugees.

She is passionate in using arts-based and visual methods, particularly photography and ethnographic film/documentary. Erminia is the founder of Movie-ment and Chair of the World Association of Cultural Psychiatry SIG on Arts, Mental Health and Human Rights.

For more info: https://www.mdx.ac.uk/about-us/our-people/staff-directory/profile/colucci-erminia

Organizer: Field Medicine seminar, CSEAS, Kyoto University

Contact: chika128 [at] cseas.kyoto-u.ac.jp