
CSEAS Colloquium by Bassino, Jean-Pascal: “The First East Asian Economic Miracle: Wages, Living Standards and Foundations of Modern Economic Growth in Southeast Asia, 1880-1938”

Speaker: Bassino, Jean-Pascal

Title: The First East Asian Economic Miracle: Wages, Living Standards and Foundations of Modern Economic Growth in Southeast Asia, 1880-1938

Jean-Pascal Bassino  is professor of economics at ENS Lyon (a French national graduate school), where he is in charge of the master programme in Asian studies. His earlier academic affiliations include the Australian National University in 2006-2007, the Maison Franco Japonaise (Nichifutsu Kaikan, Tokyo) in 2002-2005, and a visiting researcher position at the Institute of Economic Research of Hitotsubashi University, in 2018-2020 under a French CNRS research fellowship. He has been also visiting research for one or two-month periods at the Goethe Universität (Frankfurt), Chulalongkorn University, the London School of Economics and Università Roma Tre. His research interests are mainly related to the analysis of long-term changes in living standards and inequalities in East and Southeast Asia in international perspective. His representative publications include: Asia’s ‘little divergence’ in the twentieth century: evidence from PPP-based direct estimates of GDP per capita, 1913–69 (with P. van der Eng), Economic History Review, 2020 and Sustainable Development in South East Asia, 1700-1870, in S. Broadberry and K. Fukao (eds), The Cambridge Economic History of the Modern World, Vol. I, 1700-1870, 2021, 146-168. He is currently completing a monograph presenting estimates of national accounts for Vietnam since 1880 (to be published by the Toyo Keizai in a series edited by K. Odaka, O. Saito and K. Fukao).