Call For Applications Assistant Professor (non-tenure track)


Global Young Scholars into the Future (GYSF) Program
Center for Southeast Asian Studies
Kyoto University, Japan

Call For Applications
Assistant Professor (non-tenure track)

The Center for Southeast Asian Studies (CSEAS) at Kyoto University seeks to appoint an early-career scholar (no more than 5 years beyond PhD conferral) at the rank of Assistant Professor, to commence on 1 October 2021. The term of employment will be five years, with the possibility of extension for a further two years subject to satisfactory performance review.

CSEAS conducts interdisciplinary research on the environment, culture, society, politics and economy of Southeast Asia and beyond. This research is channeled towards addressing crucial global issues, including environmental degradation and natural resource management, economic growth and distribution, democratization, health and ageing, urbanization and demographics, infectious diseases and natural disasters. A description of CSEAS research divisions can be found here.

The appointment will be made under the Global Young Scholars into the Future (GYSF) program, which is an initiative jointly administered by the three institutions that constitute the Department of Area Studies (ASAFASKokoro, and CSEAS). In order to develop young scholars into world-class university faculty members, GYSF requires that they engage in overseas research at a world-class overseas university for at least one year during their term of service and that they promote international collaborative research and participate in educational activities at the host university. If the application for overseas research is judged to meet certain criteria, the three departments will jointly provide support for travel and other expenses.

[Job Description]
In seeking to propagate the Center’s emphasis on collaborative research among domestic and international researchers, Assistant Professors are expected to pursue the following academic activities:

  1. Developing and disseminating a dynamic interdisciplinary research program in area studies arising primarily from the candidate’s own research agenda. This would include publishing in reputable international outlets, and participating in international and local conferences and symposia. Funds for research and conference attendance will be provided on par with other Assistant Professors at the Center.
  2. Engaging in substantive collaboration with the Center’s faculty and staff. This includes facilitating and supporting the Center’s flagship programs, workshops, seminars and other academic activities.
  3. Working on secondment in a top-level research institution such as an overseas university for about one year during the period of employment.
  4. Assistant professors may be able to do part-time undergraduate teaching or graduate student mentorship subject to faculty approval and availability.

**Assistant Professors work according to a discretionary system equivalent to 38 hours 45 minutes per week (7 hours and 45 minutes per day). Salary will be determined on the basis of the Kyoto University standard salary scale. Assistant professors will be eligible for social security and insurance according to the standard provision of the Japanese Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Education (MEXT).

Applicants must fulfil the following selection criteria:

  1. Applicants must have an officially conferred PhD in a discipline that aligns with any of CSEAS research agendas from a reputable scholarly institution by 30 September 2021.
  2. Applicants must have been conferred a PhD no earlier than 30 September 2016.
  3. Experience in sustained field research in a specific region and a demonstrated capacity to conduct joint research with faculty members from various academic disciplines is preferred.
  4. The applicant should be able to work at a top-level research institution outside of Japan for about one year during the period of employment.

*Kyoto University is actively promoting gender equality and welcomes applications from any gender. All nationalities are welcome to apply.

[Period of employment]
The term of employment is five years from 1 October 2021, including a probationary period of six months. There is a possibility of a two-year extension subject to a formal performance review at the end of the fourth year.

[Application Procedure]
Applicants must complete an online application form which can be accessed by clicking here. In addition, the documents below should be sent in PDF Format as an email attachment to (The email subject line must contain the applicant’s name and surname).

  1. COVER LETTER (in English). This letter should include a statement of the applicant’s suitability to the position by identifying the CSEAS research division that is most compatible with his/her research interests.
  2. RESEARCH STATEMENT (in English). This document should include a statement of the applicant’s current research as well as her/his longer-term research plans (maximum 1500 words in English). The document may also identify the overseas research institution/s that could possibly be nominated for the one-year secondment and the anticipated collaborative activities (at this stage, approval from or negotiation with the receiving institution is not necessary).
  3. FULL CURRICULUM VITAE (in English or Japanese) The CV should include the following:
    •  Biographical details including nationality, date of birth and current position and institutional affiliation.
    •  A list of research publications classified into books, papers, conference proceedings. The list must clearly indicate the lead author’s name, year of publication, title, book title, journal name, volume, issue, page, and whether or not it has been internationally refereed. Please circle the two research publications that are particularly demonstrative of the candidate’s research achievements and/or scholarly capacity.
    •  A list of ongoing research projects, fellowships, competitive research funding acquired, language skills, presentations at international conferences and seminars, field research experience, awards received.
  4. Up to TWO RESEARCH PUBLICATIONS (in English or Japanese). These documents should include full publication details and a summary/abstract (250 words each in English or 500 characters each in Japanese).
  5. CERTIFICATION OF PhD CONFERRAL (in English or Japanese). A copy of the official certification of the applicant’s doctoral degree (such as a degree testamur or a certificate of doctoral completion) from the officially designated office of the University or academic institution

Applicants are to arrange for two academic referees to upload letters of recommendation (in English or Japanese) to a dedicated online portal, which can be found here. Letters of recommendation must be written on the referees institutional letterhead.

The deadline for applications is 23:59 (Japan Standard Time) on 12 March 2021 Shortlisted candidates will be invited to an online interview in English with the selection committee.

For inquiries, please contact Associate Professor Julius Bautista
For more information about this position, please click our FAQ section HERE