Vol. 11, No. 2 of Southeast Asian Studies
Cui Feng
KMT Troops and the Border Consolidation Process
in Northern Thailand
………………………………………………………….. (177)
Ratri Istania
The Struggling Aristocrats? Noble Families’ Diminishing Roles
after the Splitting of Tana Toraja Region
………………………………….. (195)
John A. Marston
Dharmawara Mahathera, Sihanouk, and the Cultural Interface
of Cambodia’s Cold War Relations with
India…………………………… (219)
Muhammad Taufiqurrohman and Aidatul Chusna
Two Dark Stories from Rural Indonesia:
Comparing the Poverty in Turah (2016) and Siti (2014)
…………….. (249)
Wai Phyoe Maung and Takeda Shinya
Sustainability of Acacia catechu Forest Management
for Cutch Production in Magway Region, Myanmar ………………… (273)
Hwok-Aun Lee
Malaysia’s New Economic Policy:
Fifty Years of Polarization and Impasse
………………………………. (299)
≪Book Reviews≫
Fujita Takanari
Giang Nguyen-Thu. Television in Post-Reform Vietnam: Nation,
Media, Market. Abingdon and New York: Routledge, 2019. ……….. (331)
Edoardo Siani
Peter A. Jackson. Capitalism Magic Thailand: Modernity
with Enchantment. Singapore: ISEAS Publishing, 2022. ………….. (333)
If you would like to submit a paper to our journal, please do so
electronically through the ScholarOne Manuscripts online submission
system: https://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/seas
We are particularly happy to receive papers on agriculture, ecology,
rural development, natural resources management and other related
areas that are analyzed within an area studies framework. Of course,
papers of other topics are equally welcome as well.