Vol. 11, No. 3 of Southeast Asian Studies
Tran T. T. Giang; Karen Farquharson; and Deborah Dempsey
Son Preference in a Welfare State: The Case of Vietnamese Australian
……………………………. (339)
Dominic Sy
“Anak ng Bayang Dukha”: A Computational and Comparative Keyword
Analysis of Sakdalista and Communist Discourses from 1925 to 1941
……………………………. (363)
Ikwan Setiawan; Albert Tallapessy; and Andang Subaharianto
Mount Bromo Will Take Care of Us: Tenggerese Religious-Ecological
Knowledge, Challenge of Modern Reason, and Disaster Mitigation in
Postcolonial Times
……………………………. (399)
Loh Kah Seng and Jeremy Goh
Semi-archives and Interim Archives: A History of the National Wages
Council in Singapore
……………………………. (427)
Akkanut Wantanasombut
Sending Money Back Home: Banking Digitalization, Myanmar Migrant
Workers, and the Thailand-Myanmar Border Trade
……………………………. (451)
Ng Hooi-Sean
Media Representation of China in Malaysia: Television News Coverage of
Najib Razak’s Visit in 2016
……………………………. (477)
≪Book Reviews≫
Trixie M. Tangit
Vilashini Somiah. “Irregular Migrants and the Sea at the Borders of
Sabah, Malaysia: Pelagic Alliance.” Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave
Macmillan, 2021.
……………………………. (515)
Chyatat Supachalasai
Paul Jobin, Ming-sho Ho, and Hsin-Huang Michael Hsiao, eds.
“Environmental Movements and Politics of the Asian Anthropocene.”
Singapore: ISEAS – Yusof Ishak Institute, 2021.
……………………………. (517)
Kobayashi Atsushi
Gregor Benton and Hong Liu. “Dear China: Emigrant Letters and
Remittances, 1820–1980.” Oakland: University of California Press, 2018.
……………………………. (521)
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electronically through the ScholarOne Manuscripts online submission
system: https://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/seas
We are particularly happy to receive papers on agriculture, ecology,
rural development, natural resources management and other related
areas that are analyzed within an area studies framework. Of course,
papers of other topics are equally welcome as well.