Announcing the release of No. 80 of CSEAS Newsletter


CSEAS Newsletter No. 80 (2022)


Editorial Foreword
Takamichi Serizawa and Kisho Tsuchiya

Message from the Director: Reflections on FY2022
Fumiharu Mieno

Pioneering New Fields with Informatics Knowledge and Methods: The Trajectory of Research, Development, and Practice — Reflecting on a life in research
An Interview with Professor Shoichiro Hara to Commemorate his Retirement

Shoichiro Hara and Hiroki Baba

Beyond Nationalism? Revisiting the Youth Movements of the 1990s in East Timor and Indonesia
Takahiro Kamisuna and Kisho Tsuchiya

CSEAS Special Seminar “Knowledge Hegemonies and Autonomous Knowledge” with Syed Farid Alatas (National University of Singapore)
Takamichi Serizawa

Voyage to Autonomous Knowledge, with Farid Alatas
Syed Farid Alatas, Takeo Suzuki, and Zenta Nishio

Seeing Southeast Asia through Chinese-Language Newspapers
Gen Shibayama

Imperial Japan’s Propaganda: Political Publicity and Visual Media Coverage Fueling “War
by Toshihiko Kishi
Contemporary Myanmar Politics by Yoshihiro Nakanishi
Seeking Modernity Behind the Veil: Post-Soviet Experiences of Muslim Women in Uzbekistan by
Chika Obiya
The Strength to Dream: Indonesian Cinema and Imagination by Yoshimi Nishi


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