Kyoto Review of Southeast Asia Issue 37
Kyoto Review of Southeast Asia Issue 37 “Urban Governance and Platform Dynamics in Southeast Asia,” edited by Apiwat Ratanawaraha, includes five articles. Each article is available in English, Thai, Bahasa Indonesia, Filipino, Vietnamese, Japanese, and Myanmar on our website.
Doing more or less? Possibilities and limitations of platform governance in post-coup Thailand
Andrew Stokols
Platformizing participation in Indonesia cities
Asri Septarizky and Hasanatun Nisa Thamrin
Platformizing Malaysia’s economy: New wine in an old bottle?
Guanie Lim and Yat Ming Ooi
The end of laissez-faire? Gig economy governance in post-pandemic Singapore and Thailand
Gerard Mccarthy
Flexibility, security and the ques for unity in platform work: A case of riders from Thailand
Akkanut Wantanasombut
Book Reviews
Faris Al-Fadhat, The Rise of International Capital: Indonesian Conglomerates in ASEAN, Palgrave McMillan, 2019.
Nandito Oktaviano
Giuseppe Bolotta, Belittled Citizens: The Cultural Politics of Childhood on Bangkok’s Margins, Copenhagen: NIAS Press, 2021.
Janepicha Cheva-Isarakul
Khoo Ying Hooi, The Bersih Movement and Democratisation in Malaysia: Repression, Dissent and Opportunities, Singapore: ISEAS – Yusof Ishak Institute, 2020.
Yukiko Taniguchi
Jenny Hedström and Elisabeth Olivius, eds, Waves of Upheaval in Myanmar: Gendered Transformations and Political Transitions, Norway: NIAS Press, 2022.
Elliott Prasse-Freeman
Supalak Ganjanakhundee, A Soldier King: Monarchy and Military in the Thailand of Rama X, Singapore: ISEAS – Yusof Ishak Institute, 2022.
Gregory Raymond