Books and Other Materials


The CSEAS library has been a most essential foundation on in the promotion of research activities  in the field of South­east Asian studies. As the result of ongoing collection devel­opment focusing on academic publications on Southeast Asia, the library holds approximately 270,000 items and  as­sures access by both domestic and overseas patrons through its open access policy and reference services.

Special collection in Southeast Asian languages

Map & Documents Room

Tel/FAX: +81-75-753-9650
E-mail: map[at]


CSEAS maintains several databases that contain not only basic research materials such as maps, statistics and visual documentation related to Southeast Asia and its environments, but also valuable resources collected during many groundbreaking projects. CSEAS also maintains experimental databases that contain information critical for area studies research. Applying information science methodologies, these contain information related not only to individual categories, but also to the combinations of categories.
Through these we contribute to the advancement of area studies.

Information processing office

Setting up a hybrid teleconference
(using MeetingOwl Pro, a 360-degree camera)

CSEAS is characterized by numerous joint projects as it constantly collaborates and cooperates with related area studies institutes and researchers, especially in Southeast Asia. For this, the Information Processing Office does not merely maintain, manage, and operate CSEAS’s existing information infrastructure; it also actively promotes the use of ICT by participating in research activities and visiting domestic and overseas fields to construct new infrastructure.

Deployment of ICT-enabled Services
Based on Google Workspace for Education and WordPress, the Office is responsible for building and providing information infrastructure systems for organizational communication, information collection and dissemination, and storage. In addition, since the spread of the COVID-19, the Office has been providing support for online meeting systems, including hybrid systems. We are focusing on the development and enhancement of information infrastructure that facilitates activities in environments that include telework.

Social Contribution
The Office supports community activities related to information services and systems. We contributed to the open-source community as a member of the executive committee of WordCamp Japan 2021, a WordPress event. As an expert of Google products, such as Gmail and Chrome, the Office Head is one of leaders in these communities and contributes to the development of these services through his activities. As an official WordPress plugin developer, he has created several plugins, such as “WP Add Mime Types,” which is used by more than 50,000 sites. In December 2022, he was honored at the Product Experts Summit 2022 for his past contributions to the community by Google.

Award winners for their passion and dedication to the Help Communities at PES2022
Photo by Google:
