The End of Personal Rule in IndonesiaGolkar and the Transformation of the Suharto Regime
Translated by Yuri KamadaDetail
Grassroots GlobalizationReforestation and Cultural Revitalization in the Philippine Cordilleras
Translated by Alexander BrownDetail
Conceptualizing the Malay WorldColonialism and Pan-Malay Identity in Malaya
SODA NaokiDetail
Violence and DemocracyThe Collapse of One-Party Dominant Rule in India
NAKAMIZO KazuyaDetail
Bali and Hinduism in IndonesiaThe Institutionalization of a Minority Religion
NAGAFUCHI YasuyukiDetail
At the Edge of Mangrove ForestThe Suku Asli and the Quest for Indigeneity, Ethnicity, and Development
OSAWA TakamasaDetail
Money-lending Contracts in Konbaung BurmaAnother Interpretation of an Early Modern Society in Southeast Asia
SAITO TerukoDetail