Kyoto Area Studies on Asia

Kyoto University Press, Trans Pacific Press
Year of first issue
This Series was inaugurated in 1999 as a sister series of the Japanese Chiiki-Kenkyu-Sosho. It is a co-production between Kyoto University Press and Trans-Pacific Press. As with its Japanese counterpart series, it was primarily designed as an outlet for CSEAS faculty’s work. However, after 2000, we have opened it to submissions from area studies scholars from all over Asia. Increasing globalization has rendered all the more important our endeavor to understand the region and to address issues that arise from the region. On the foundation of our accumulated scholarship, this series seeks original contributions to Southeast Asian Studies, and prioritizes scholarly works based on sound research data and pathbreaking discussions from Japan and all of Asia. The refereeing process is carried out by the publications committee of CSEAS, who commission at least three top specialists in the field as evaluators. Production is done by Trans-Pacific Press.