Staff Page / Affiliated Faculty

- Research Departments・Position
- Political & Economic Coexistence
Affiliated Researcher - Area
- Area Studies(Indonesia), Islamic Economics
- Research Interests / Keywords
- ・Islam in Southeast Asia
・Poverty and Social Welfare in Indonesia
・Zakat and Sadaqah (Islamic Phoranthropy)Practices
My main concern of study is Islamic world and its charity and philanthropic activities, especially zakāt (Islamic almsgiving) and waqaf(Islamic endowment of property), sadaqah(Islamic voluntary charity). I conducted on medium and long term field work research in Malang, Indonesia in order to analyze the development trajectories and also the prospects of public and private zakāt management institutions (al-‘amilin ‘alayhā) and the recipients (mustahiqq) for my doctoral dissertation. My recent work is “Discourses of Institutionalization of Zakat Management System in Contemporary Indonesia: Effect of the Revitalization of Islamic Economics”, International Journal of Zakat, Vol. 3, 2018. pp.23-35. It reveals the discourses of reconceptualization of zakat as personal religious obligation to social mandatory for wealth redistribution.