Staff Page / Affiliated Faculty
Meutia, Ami Aminah
- Research Departments・Position
- Global Humanosphere
Affiliated Researcher - Research Interests / Keywords
- ・Water Culture Development and Green activities for Revitalisation of Jakarta’s Situ
・Effect of Ponds on Pineapple and Wooden Peatland Tree Agroforestry for Fire Prevention in Peatlands
Meutia, Ami Aminah
Water Culture Development and Green activities for Revitalisation of Jakarta’s Situ
In recent years, for the purpose of development, reservoirs have been buried and shrunk, and the residents living in the area have also left the irrigation pond (urban lake) without care for anything. Also, although the irrigation pond basically is the land of the government, there are many cases where it is unknown whether the central government or local governments manage this. Furthermore, the land rights of the residents living around the irrigation pond are also uncertain. Because these boundaries, authorities and obligations are not clear, the state of the irrigation pond is getting worse more and more. If the government has a budget, they will do maintenance of the irrigation pond, whereas the residents throw away a lot of garbage in the reservoir and drain the waste water directly to the reservoir. In order to restore and protect various functions of the ruined pond as above, we considered a new concept called “Tirta Budaya Situ”. It is that the residents themselves recognize and develop the water culture related to the irrigation pond in order for the residents to raise the environmental awareness about the irrigation surrounding themselves. As a place to develop that concept, we chosed five reservoirs representing each town from the Jabodetabek region. Representatives of Jakarta Pond are Situ Rawa Badung in East Jakarta and Situ Babakan in South Jakarta. From Bogor Situ Tonjong. The Depok reservoirs are Situ Pengasinan and Situ Bojong Sari. Tangerang city are Situ Gintung and Situ Bungur, Bekasi is Situ Rawa Binong. The purpose of the research is to promote environmental preservation by the residents of Jakarta’s irrigation pond (urban lake) through the development of Jakarta pond water culture.
Effect of Ponds on Pineapple and Wooden Peatland Tree Agroforestry for Fire Prevention in Peatlands
This study was conducted at Bukit Lengkung Hamlet and Bhakti Hamlet in Tanjung Leban village of Riau province Bengkalis Regency. The purpose of this research is to find a way to prevent the spread of fire on peatlands. This study was conducted to observe the influence of the reservoir pond and the presence of agroforestry pineapple and peat local trees on the humidity of peatlands. The hypothesis is that maintaining the humidity of the peat soil of agroforestry local trees and pineapple may affect the ability of peat soil to prevent the spread of peatland fire.