KAGATSUME, Masaru | Center for Southeast Asian Studies Kyoto University


Research Departments・Position
Global Humanosphere
Affiliated Professor
Research Interests / Keywords
・Industrial Structural Change and Export Oriented Agricultural Strategy in ASEAN countries.—in relation to EPA movement —
・Climate Change and Industrial Structure in Asia-Pacific region


Industrial Structural Change and Export Oriented Agricultural Strategy in ASEAN countries.—in relation to EPA movement —

In the Asia-Pacific region, the movement of regional economic integration has been accelerated in order to compete with the EU and NAFTA. The typical cases of these are RCEP and TPP. The former RCEP is the EPA (Economic Partnership Agreement) promoted by China and ASEAN, excluding USA. On the other hand, the latter TPP is the EPA promoted originally by USA, excluding China. These two are competing with each other.
As for TPP, the developed members of ASEAN (Singapore, Vietnam, Brunei and Malaysia) have joined the TPP and the other ASEAN members are leading RCEP with China. Actually TPP has launched in Dec 30, 2018
On the other hand, as for RCEP, originally the East Asia Community Concept among Japan, China and Korea was going to be established. Afterwards, from the concern against China’s dominance, the ASEAN as well as Australia, New Zealand and India have been joined.
We pointed out that the impacts for the agreed countries groups in RCEP is larger than TPP, on the contrary, the impacts for non-agreed countries group in TPP is larger than RCEP.)
In this research, the agricultural structure change and its implication in East Asia and ASEAN under the growing tendency of economic partnership agreement has been tried to be analyzed. In addition, this research has tried to investigate the environmental policy and its implication in ASEAN under the process of shifting from Kyoto protocol to Paris agreement in which the developing countries as well as developed countries have to be responsible for global warming gas emission reduction.
The results of these research have been presented in several international academic conferences. However, the papers and articles which have been published in the academic journals are not so many and most of them are still in the preparing stage of submission for publication. In this point, although it is regrettable, the research work and investigation activities themselves have steadily been carried out. In particular, in October 2018, in the 16th International Convention of the East Asian Economic Association (EAEA) held in National Taiwan University, I presented our own paper in the related session and also played the roles of commentator in the other sessions. In addition, I attended and discussed deeply in the session of Indonesia and FTA or EPA together with Professor Kosuke MIZUNO of Research Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, Kyoto University.

Climate Change and Industrial Structure in Asia-Pacific region

Kyoto protocol will be replaced by the Paris agreement in 2020. In the former Kyoto protocsl, only developed countries have taken responsibility for reduction of global warming gas emission. However, in the latter Pris agreement, developing countries as well as developed countries take responsibility for global warming gas emission. So, ASEAN countries have to adopt new environmental resources policy, which causes social, economic and cultural change nationwide. In this sense, this research on the impacts of these policy change has great significance from the viewpoint of social, economic and cultural aspects. In addition, the relationship between the global warming issues and inductrial structure covers many acedemic subjects and so, this research are very significant in terms of the interdiscinary adpects.