Staff Page

- Research Departments・Position
- Environmental Coexistence
Guest Scholar - Area
- Sustainability sciences,
Consumer studies,
Visual anthropology - Research Interests / Keywords
- Sustainable lifestyles,
Consumer behavior change,
Art based research methods - Contact
Towards Sustainable Living: second part of the Lift-Your-Life study for sustainable living.
This is a prolongation of the study Towards Sustainable Living that started in 2020 but could not be completed because of Corona crisis. Then I spend my time at CSEAS developing a paper questionnaire, as well as an online version. The questionnaire addresses the three dimensions of sustainable living: finances, ecology and health/wellbeing; it measures how respondents value different aspects of sustainable living; and inventories problems and wishes for changes. So far, there are around 70 respondents in total. I will continue this study, analyzing data that I gathered last time, but also collecting new data. It is a lucky coincidence that we have restarted this study as well in the Netherlands. It would be interesting to present findings of both studies comparatively.
How to balance Tatemae 建前 (public face) and Honne 本音 (private face): an exploratory visual research project of personal experiences and coping strategies.
An exploratory anthropological research of personal experiences of the interaction between Tatemae 建前 (public face) and Honne 本音 (private face). This fascinating question, which is generally considered a main characteristic of Japanese society, has been depicted by me in a series of paper collages entitled Japan through squinted Eyes.The series has already been exhibited several times in the Netherlands and appears to easily evoke personal narratives from spectators, including Japanese residents in the Netherlands. A selection of 5 collages will be used as visual research tool using a qualitative phenomenological interview method.
The Tatemae – Honne visual research aims
a. to gain understanding of how Tatemae – Honne is experienced in personal life and which balancing strategies are applied.
b. to contribute to further development of the visual research methods in social sciences.
The Tatemae – Honne visual research aims
a. to gain understanding of how Tatemae – Honne is experienced in personal life and which balancing strategies are applied.
b. to contribute to further development of the visual research methods in social sciences.