Staff Page / Affiliated Faculty
- Research Departments・Position
- Environmental Coexistence
Affiliated Associate Professor - Research Interests / Keywords
- ・Adaptation of tree and leaf traits to various environmental stresses
・Human-induced dusturbance and reforestation of tropical forests
・Impact evaluation of drainage canal construction in tropical peat swamp forest
Adaptation of tree and leaf traits to various environmental stresses
The tropical lowland forests are mainly divided three types. They are lowland dipterocarp, heath and peat swamp forests. Due to effects of specific geological characteristics, the heath and peat swamp forests are broadly distributed in Central Kalimantan province, Indonesia. The percentage is more than 10 % of all forests there. The heath forests develop on silica sand that has been leached. It is found in Southeast Asia and South America. The soil is acidity and their nutrient level is low. The lower groundwater retention level becomes a trigger of water stress for trees in dry season. Trees in heath forests have shorter tree heights, slender trunks and thicker leaves. Lower species diversity is also specific in heath forests. The peat swamp forests are distributed in along rivers and low lying areas. Seasonal flooding suppresses litter decomposition and they are accumulated as deeply peat soil on the forest floor. Soil nutrient level is low as same as in heath forests. However, specific species which is adapted seasonally flooding is founded there. We conducted forest census in heath and peat forests and found that the species composition and height of trees were different between two sites.