Staff Page / Affiliated Faculty
YOSHIKAWA, Minako ”Jen”

- Research Departments・Position
- Political & Economic Coexistence
Affiliated Professor - Area
- Southeast Asian Area Studies, Public Health, Marketing
- Research Interests / Keywords
- Analysis of sociopolitical and marketing factors in the disclosure of infectious disease and disaster prevention information in international tourist destinations such as Singapore and Malaysia
- Contact
YOSHIKAWA, Minako ”Jen”
A Study to Compare Disclosure and Visibility of Infectious Disease Information at International Tourist Destinations in Southeast Asia
This research focuses on mosquito-borne viral infections such as dengue fever, which are a common challenge in Southeast Asian countries, and targets two urban international tourist destinations, Singapore and Penang, Malaysia. On-site surveys in each of the world heritage sites and their surrounding areas will be conducted while developing this interdisciplinary area study that will unravel the institutional, political, historical or social influences behind the provision and visualization of infectious disease information.
Traversing connectivity across the globe for new horizons in disaster risk reduction: Sharing good practices and challenges in community empowerment in Japan, Mexico, and Malaysia
This joint research project aims to clarify what is needed to strengthen community empowerment in Malaysia, where knowledge and experience on disaster response and disaster prevention measures at the community level is scarce. It also compares knowledge and experience accumulated in Japan, Central and North America, and Southeast Asian countries, broadening the perspective to a global scale while crossing academic fields, sectors, and regions, and uncovering good examples and challenges of community empowerment that can be shared among regions.