
Special Seminar on April 13th by Prof. Ukrist Pathmanand

Date: April 13th (Fri.) 2018, 16:30-
Venue: Middle-sized Meeting Room (No. 332), 3rd Floor, Inamori Foundation Building, Kyoto University

Title: Japan’ s role toward GMS’ countries in the post-Cold War Era: why, how and where?

Japan has had important roles toward GMS’ countries, that is Myanmar, Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam since the end of Cold War. Japan has been a major donor to develop those countries’ infrastructure and human resources. And Japan has invested a lot in different sectors. With the rapid transformation of political economy that is geared to further integration and connectivity with the construction of roads, railways and ports in GMS countries and ASEAN in general, different major players such as China and the US are relaunching their own new grand strategy for GMS and ASEAN. Japan is also urgently required to renew its strategy.
This presentation will explore the current role of Japan in GMS and ASEAN by focusing on the different approaches toward GMA by Japan, China (One Belt One Road), and the US. That will clearly show newly emerging harsh competitions among major powers in the fields of geopolitics and economy that any scholar on Southeast Asia is now required to focus on.
