CSEAS Seminar on Indonesia: Development of Regional Autonomy in Indonesia in the Reformation Era | Center for Southeast Asian Studies Kyoto University


CSEAS Seminar on Indonesia: Development of Regional Autonomy in Indonesia in the Reformation Era

Date and time: Monday, May 8, 2023 15:30-17:00 (Japan Standard Time) or 13:30-15:00 WIB (Waktu Indonesia Barat)
Venue: In-person at Seminar Room, 2nd Floor, Inamori bldg., Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Kyoto University. 

Online via Zoom (https://bit.ly/cseas0508)
*Pre-registration from the above URL is required to participate in Zoom.

15:20 – 15:30 Admission starts and connection confirmation
15:30 – 16:30 Moderator: Masaaki Okamoto (CSEAS)
        Presentation: Mr. Djohermansyah Djohan
16:30-16:40 Comment: Kazuhisa Matsui (Matsui Glocal LLC)
16:40-17:00 Q&A and discussion

About Mr. Djohermansyah Djohan
Mr. Djohermansyah Djohan is a well-known expert on local governance in Indonesia. He is a Former Director General of the Directorate General of Regional Autonomy, the Ministry of Home Affairs (2010-2014); a Professor at IPDN/Institute of Home Affairs Governance (2005 to the present); and the President of the Institute for Regional Autonomy (i-OTDA) (2015 to the present). Some of his publications are Etika Pemerintahan (The Ethics of Governance) (2007), Merajut Otonomi pada Era Reformasi (Weaving Autonomy in the Reform Era) (2014), and Koki Otonomi (The Chef of Autonomy) (2020).

How to participate via Zoom:
(1) Please register at: https://bit.ly/cseas0508in in advance. The email sent after registration will contain the information necessary for your participation.
(2) On the day of the seminar: Open Zoom and enter the meeting ID and password provided in the above e-mail or click “Join Meeting” to sign in/sign up.
*Please refrain from sharing or reproducing the password.

Access to CSEAS
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