
International Conference on Political Development in Southeast Asia: Implications to the Indo-Pacific Democracy


Day 1: July 6, 2023
10:00-10:10Opening Remarks
Prof. Fumiharu Mieno (Kyoto University, Japan)
10:10-10:30Special Remarks on Indo-Pacific Democracy
Prof. Alan H. Yang (National Chengchi University (NCCU), Taiwan-Asia Exchange Foundation (TAEF), Taiwan)
10:30-12:15National and Local Dynamics: The Philippines, Malaysia, and Indonesia
 Moderator: Ir. Solahudin (Institute for Policy Analysis of Conflict, Indonesia)
 Discussant: Assoc. Prof. Akiko Morishita (Ritsumeikan University, Japan)
 1.     Has the Backslide Been Halted?
   Prof. Ronald D. Holmes (De La Salle University, the Philippines)
 2.     Making Sense of Political Change in Malaysia Today:
   A Conjunctural Critique
   Dr. Boon Kia Meng (Kyoto University, Japan)
 3.     The Military Role Expansion in Democratic Indonesia
   Prof. Jun Honna (Ritsumeikan University, Japan)
 4.     No Election: A Way to Political Dominance in Local Indonesia
   Prof. Masaaki Okamoto (Kyoto University, Japan)
12:15-13:45Lunch at the Research Commons
13:45-15:15National and Local Dynamics: Thai and Myanmar
 Moderator: Prof. Roger Liu (Flame University, India)
 Discussant: Prof. Yusuke Murakami (Kyoto University, Japan)
 1.     The Changing Political Landscape of Thailand: The 2023 Elections
   Assoc. Prof. Pavin Chachavalpongpun (Kyoto University, Japan)
 2.     Advancing Local Democracy in Post-Authoritarian Thailand:
   Active Citizens in the Setback Administration
   Assoc. Prof. Viengrat Nethipo (Chulalongkorn University, Thailand)
 3.     Changing Threat Perception of Myanmar Military
   Assoc. Prof. Yoshihiro Nakanishi (Kyoto University, Japan)  
15:15-15:30Coffee Break
15:30-17:00Regional Challenges
 Moderator: Prof. Masaaki Okamoto (Kyoto University, Japan)
 Discussant: Assoc. Prof. Yuhki Tajima (Georgetown University, the US)
 1.     Democracy and Strategic Cooperation in the Indo-Pacific
   Assoc. Prof. Ian Chen (National Sun Yet-sen University, Taiwan)
 2.     India and Taiwan Democracy in Comparison
   Prof. Roger Liu (Flame University, India)
 3.     The Democratic Fault and the Trapped Democracy in Myanmar
   Prof. Alan H. Yang (NCCU and TAEF, Taiwan)
Day 2: July 7, 2023
10:00-12:00Roundtable on the Prospect of Democracy in Southeast Asia and Implications to the Indo-Pacific
Moderator: Prof. Alan H. Yang (NCCU and TAEF, Taiwan)

Co-organized by
Center for Southeast Asian Studies (CSEAS), Kyoto-University, Japan
Center for Southeast Asian Studies (CSEAS), National Chengchi University, Taiwan
In Partnership with
Sun Yat-sen Research Center for Social Sciences, National Sun Yat-sen University (NSYSU)
Taiwan Center for South and Southeast Asian Studies, Flame University, India
Taiwan-Asia Exchange Foundation (TAEF), Taiwan