CSEAS FELLOWSHIP > List of fellows

List of fellows


Name Period Affiliation Research Title Position


FOUNTAIN, Philip Michael 12/1/2024
Senior Lecturer, Religious Studies, School of Social and Cultural Studies Victoria University of Wellington Religion in Humanitarian Autobiographies: Engagements and Encounters in Southeast Asia Visiting Research Scholar
Wahyu Prasetyawan 11/1/2024
Associate Professor, Faculty of Communication, State Islamic University “Syarif Hidayatullah” Transformation of Indonesian Political Economy, 2004-2024: Power, Capital, and Networks Visiting Research Scholar
Sumanto Al Qurtuby 10/1/2024
Professor, Satya Wacana Christian Universit The Polemics of Pro/Anti-Jewish Narratives and Israeli-Palestinian Conflicts in Indonesia: Perspectives from Islam and Christianity Visiting Research Scholar
CASAS RUIZ, Roger Pedro 9/1/2024
Religion, economy and gender among the Tai Lue in contemporary Sipsong Panna (P.R. China) Visiting Research Scholar
POSTIGO ANGON, Antonio Andres 9/1/2024
ICREA Professor of Life and Medical Sciences, Institute of Biomedical Research, and University of Barcelona School of Medicine Governance of Digital Health Services and Data in Southeast Asia: Harmonization of digital regulatory frameworks within the region and with key partners Visiting Research Scholar
LUMBA, Allan Edward 9/1/2024
Assistant Professor, Department of History, Concordia University Subsidence: Surfacing Life in a Sinking City Visiting Research Scholar
REEDER, Matthew Thomas 7/17/2024
Assistant Professor, Department of History, National University of Singapore Legibility in Ink: Tattoos, Identification, and Labor Control in Nineteenth-Century Siam Visiting Research Scholar
RAYMOND, Gregory Vincent 7/15/2024
Senior Lecturer, Strategic and Defence Studies Centre, Australian National University An informal illiberal-authoritarian solidarist community in Southeast Asia Visiting Research Scholar
WONG, Chin Huat 5/1/2024
Deputy Head (Strategy), UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network-Asia Headquarters (SDSN-Asia), At Sunway University Party Competition and Inter-communal relations in Malaysia: Reassessing the Electoral System after Democratic Transition Visiting Research Scholar
SARKER, Md. Asaduzzaman 5/1/2024
Professor, Department of Agricultural Extension Education, Bangladesh Agricultural University Effect of Rohingya Refugee on Deforestation and Need for Revitalizing the Hill Forest in Teknaf Peninsula of Bangladesh through Innovation Capacity Development Visiting Research Scholar
BASSINO, Jean-Pascal 4/1/2024
Professor, Department of Economics, Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon Southeast Asia in the Great Divergence Environmental Conditions and Socioeconomic Changes (ca. 1600-1914) Visiting Research Scholar
Name Period Affiliation Research Title Position


THOMPSON, Mark Richard 1/8/2024
Chair Professor, Department of Public & International Affairs, City University of Hong Kong From the Anti-Marcos Struggle to the Marcos Restoration in the Philippines Visiting Research Scholar
COLUCCI, Erminia 1/1/2024
Professor, Department of Psychology, Faculty of Science and Technology, Middlesex University London Visual methodologies in collaborative interdisciplinary research Visiting Research Scholar
CHOEMPRAYONG, Songphan 1/1/2024
Associate Professor, Faculty of Arts, Department of Library Science, Chulalongkorn University Thai Collections in Japan: Collecting and Describing Practices Visiting Research Scholar
CROUCH, Melissa Amy 8/1/2023
Professor, School of Global & Public Law, Faculty of Law & Justice, University of New South Wales Constitutional Legacies: How Past Constitutions Matter in Myanmar Visiting Research Scholar
DROR, Olga 7/1/2023
Professor, Department of History, Texas A&M University Ho Chi Minh’s Cult in Vietnamese Statehood and Beyond Visiting Research Scholar
Solahudin Udju Hartman 7/1/2023
Executive Director, Institute for Policy Analysis of Conflict The Roots of ISIS in Indonesia Visiting Research Scholar
LERTCHARNRIT, Thanik 7/1/2023
Associate Professor, Department of Archaeology, Faculty of Archaeology, Silpakorn University Public Interpretation of Cultural Heritage in Thailand: A Case Study of the Bangkok National Museum in Central Thailand and the Ancient Town of Non Muang, Khon Kaen, Northeast Thailand Visiting Research Scholar
GALAY, Remil Linggatong 7/1/2023
Associate Professor, Department of Veterinary Paraclinical Sciences, College of Veterinary Medicine, University of the Philippines Los Baños Development of point-of-care diagnostic methods for zoonotic arthropod-borne diseases Visiting Research Scholar
CHUA, Lawrence 6/1/2023
Associate Professor, School of Architecture, Syracuse University Siam Perfected: reframing the medieval and early modern built environment Visiting Research Scholar
TONG, Chee Kiong 4/1/2023
CIPSH Chair Professor and Adjunct Principal Research Fellow, Institute of Policy Studies, Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy, National University of Singapore 1) Dusun Identity and Ethnic Relations 2) New Religions in Southeast Asia Visiting Research Scholar
Name Period Affiliation Research Title Position


SANTASOMBAT, Yos 3/1/2023
Professor, Dept. of Sociology and Anthropology, Faculty of Social Sciences, Chiang Mai University Impact of China’s BRI on Southeast Asia Visiting Research Scholar
WONG, Shwu Huey 3/1/2023
Associate Professor, Dept.of Education, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, New Era University College The Persistence of Language Education in Non-Native Soils: The Unique Situation of Chinese Education in Malaysia Visiting Research Scholar
RATANAWARAHA, Apiwat 3/1/2023
Associate Professor, Department of Urban and Regional Planning, Faculty of Architecture, Chulalongkorn University The Futures of Thai Urbanism Visiting Research Scholar
LI, Tania 2/1/2023
Full Professor, Department of Anthropology, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, University of Toronto Plantations Today Visiting Research Scholar
CAO, Yin 2/1/2023
Associate Professor, Department of History, Tsinghua University Rethinking Infrastructures in Asian Borderlands Visiting Research Scholar
BONG, Sharon Adeline 1/1/2023
Professor, School of Arts and Social Sciences, Monash University Queer ecofeminism in Southeast Asia Visiting Research Scholar
BELLO, Walden Flores 12/20/2022
Adjunct Professor, Sociology Department, State University of New York At Binghamton Democratic Degeneration: A Comparative Study of Democratic Decay in the Philippines, India, Hungary, Weimar Germany, and Post World I Italy Visiting Research Scholar
Librarian, Special Collection, Pridi Banomyong Library, Thammasat University Library The Data Structure of Cremation Books Published During 1916 – 1990 in the Thammasat University Library Visiting Research Scholar
Herman Hidayat 9/1/2022
Professor Research, Research Center for Society and Culture, Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional/National Research and Innovation Agency Model Participation and The Role of People in Restoration of Peat Swamp Land: A Case Study of Riau, Central Kalimantan Province and Hokkaido Prefecture Visiting Research Scholar
JURILLA, Patricia May Bantug 8/1/2022
Professor, Department of English and Comparative Literature College of Arts and Letters, University of the Philippines A Study on the Survival of the Early Printed Books of the Philippines Visiting Research Scholar
WOMACK, William Burgess 7/1/2022
Visiting Assistant Professor, History Department, University of Alabama at Birmingham Mapping Karen educational pilgrimages between Myanmar and the USA Visiting Research Scholar
BOUAHOM, Bounthong 7/1/2022
Vice president, Lao Rubber Association Responsible investment in Laos! the case of rubber industry development Visiting Research Scholar
K C, Krishna Bahadur 6/1/2022
Adjunct Professor, Department of Geography, Environment and Geomatics, University of Guelph The history and Contemporary Changes of Ecological Resource Use in Southeast Asia: A Case Study in Tonle Sap Lake, Cambodia Visiting Research Scholar
Arief Widodo Djati 6/1/2022
Member of Advisory Board, The AREK Foundation Kwee Thiam Tjing alias Tjamboek Berdoeri, an Indonesian Chinese Biography Visiting Research Scholar
INGAWANIJ, Adadol 6/1/2022
Professor, University of Westminster, Centre for Research and Education in Arts and Media Animistic Medium: Contemporary Southeast Asian Artists’ Moving Image Visiting Research Scholar
MCCORMICK, Patrick Andrew 4/1/2022
Researcher, SEA Junction Imagining Ancient Pasts for New Subjects: Burmese Dialect Speakers Positioning Themselves in Burmese History Visiting Research Scholar
Name Period Affiliation Research Title Position


HERBELIN, Caroline Bich-Lien 1/21/2021
Assistant Professor, Asian History and Civilization, Université Toulouse – Jean Jaurès A History of Vietnamese Court Painting, 1859-1926 Guest Research Associate
ASO, Michitake 1/19/2021
Associate Professor, History Department, College of Arts and Sciences, University at Albany, SUNY Resisting Environmental Warfare in Southeast Asia During the Cold War Visiting Research Scholar
Boon Kia Meng 1/1/2021
Deputy Dean, Faculty of Cinematic Arts, Multimedia University The Development of Protest Policing and Public Order Governance
in Malaysia (2011-2020)
Guest Research Associate
RUIZ TAFOYA, Heriberto 10/1/2020
  Corporate food-regimes, food-politics and wellbeing: Deskilling the urban poor in the Global South Guest Research Associate
KIMURA, Ehito 6/29/2020
Associate Professor, Department of Political Science, University of Hawai’i at Manoa Transitional Justice in Indonesia Guest Scholar
Name Period Affiliation Research Title Position


SCHREURS, Jeanine 3/1/2020
Director, Foundation LIFT Towards Sustainable Living Visiting Research Scholar
CHAMBERS, Paul Wesley 3/1/2020
Lecturer and Special Advisor on International Affairs, Center of ASEAN Community Studies, Faculty of Social Sciences, Naresuan University The Political Economy of Thailand’s Arch-Royalist Military Visiting Research Scholar
BUEHLER, Michael 2/7/2020
Senior Lecturer, Politics and International Relations, SOAS, University of London The diffusion of shari’a laws in democratizing Muslim-majority countries: The case of Indonesia Visiting Research Scholar
TEEHANKEE, Julio Cabral 2/1/2020
Full Professor, International Studies Department, De La Salle University Between Elitist Liberals and Illiberal Democrats: The Rise of Nationalist-Populism in Southeast Asia Visiting Research Scholar
IKEYA, Chie 1/29/2020
Associate Professor, Department of History, Rutgers University Inter-Asian Intimacies: The Politics of Belonging in Burma Across British and Japanese Colonialisms Guest Scholar
MOLLE, François Pierre Marie 1/16/2020
Principal Researcher, Research Unit G-Eau, Institute of Research for Development A socio-environmental history of the Chao Phraya River Basin, Thailand Visiting Research Scholar
FERGUSON, Jane Martin 1/16/2020
Senior Lecturer, Culture History and Languages, The Australian National University Silver Screens Golden Dreams: A Social History of Burmese Cinema Visiting Research Scholar
MIETZNER, Marcus 1/15/2020
Associate Professor, Department of Political and Social Change, The Australian National University Coalitional presidentialism in Indonesia Guest Scholar
Wen-Chin Chang 12/1/2019
Research Fellow, Center for Asia-Pacific Area Studies, Research Center for Humanities and Social Sciences, Academia Sinica Clandestine Travel across the Sino-Burmese Border During the Cold War Guest Scholar
MC WILLIAM, Andrew 11/12/2019
Professor, School of Social Science and Psychology, Western Sydney University Maritime Livelihoods, Social Protection and the Moral Economy in Southeast Sulawesi, Indonesia Guest Scholar
Aliah B. Purwakania Hasan 11/1/2019
PhD student, School of Environmental Science, University of Indonesia Ecospiritual Empowerment Model of Ciliwung Watershed Conservation Program in South Jakarta Guest Research Associate
Jenny Delly 11/1/2019
PhD student, School of Environmental Science, University of Indonesia The Effect of Mining Port against Community Social Life Guest Research Associate
Masni Dyta Anggriani 11/1/2019
PhD student, School of Environmental Science, University of Indonesia Building the Resiliency of Socio-hydrological System for Sustainable River Ecosystem Services in Indonesia (A Study in Citarum River Basin, West Java Province) Guest Research Associate
SANCHEZ, Jean-Noël 10/7/2019
Associate Professor, Culture et Histoire dans l’Espace Roman, Université de Strasbourg Early rōnin diaspora as mercenaries through the case of the Spanish expedition to Cambodia Guest Scholar
Ni Win Zaw 10/1/2019
Professor, Department of Library and Information Studies, University of Yangon An Annotated Bibliography of the Doctoral Dissertations Submitted to the University of Yangon (2000-2018) Visiting Research Scholar
Min Min Htun 10/1/2019
Lecturer, Library and Information Studies, University of Yangon The Study of Literature Magazines Published in Myanmar (1941-1961) Visiting Research Scholar
CHEESMAN, Nick 10/1/2019
Fellow, Australian National University Torture and political order in Myanmar and Thailand Guest Scholar
SHI, Qin 10/1/2019
PhD Candidate, Research School for Southeast Asia Studies, Xiamen University History and Aid:Japan’s Burma Policy after World War II Guest Research Associate
Aung Aung (IR) 10/1/2019
freelance writer & independent researcher The International Politics of Rakhine Crisis in Myanmar: China, Japan, and United States Guest Research Associate
KIM, German 9/15/2019
Director of the Center for Korean Studies, Professor of the Faculty of Oriental Studies, al-Farabi Kazakh National University Transnational Migration Vs Repatriation of Koreans to the kin state and metamorphoses of identities in comparative perspective Visiting Research Scholar
Head of Department, Department of Malay World Studies, International Islamic University of Malaysia To catalog and evaluate Jawi collections in University of Kyoto library Visiting Research Scholar
LEMIERE, Sophie 9/1/2019
Researcher, Ash Center for Democracy, Harvard University Gangsters and Masters: The Invention of Legitimacy in Malaysia and Beyond Visiting Research Scholar
Iqra Anugrah 8/15/2019
Research Associate, Institute for Social and Economic Research, Education & Information (LP3ES) Agrarian Politics in Contemporary Indonesia: Decentralized Politics, Dispossession, Countermovement. Guest Research Associate
CHIEN, Mei-Ling 8/1/2019
Professor, College of Hakka Studies, Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, National Chiao Tung University Writing the Multiple Modernities of the Minority in Southwest China: Life Historical Narrations and the Rural Immigrants of the Hmub in Eastern Guizhou (1930s-2010s) Visiting Research Scholar
GOH, Beng Lan 8/1/2019
Adjunct Professor, Faculty of Humanities University of Indonesia Silent Revolution: Changing Mindsets as Radical Politics in 21st Century Malaysia Guest Scholar
CHEESMAN, Nick 7/1/2019
Fellow, Department of Political & Social Change, Coral Bell School of Asia Pacific Affairs, College of Asia & the Pacific, Australian National University Torture and political order in Myanmar and Thailand Visiting Research Scholar
JIA, Li 7/1/2019
Associate Professor, School of Education Science and management, Yunnan Normal University Theory of Mind for Children Psychological Development in Ethnic Region of China Guest Scholar
BASSINO, Jean-Pascal 6/20/2019
Professor, École Normale Supérieure de Lyon The First East Asian Economic Miracle: Wages, Living Standards and Foundations of Modern Economic Growth in Southeast Asia, 1880-1938 Guest Scholar
Benny Baskara 6/10/2019
Lecturer, Department of Anthropology, Faculty of Cultural Science, Halu Oleo University The Expansion of Tabligh Jama’ah and its Influence on the Religious Belief of Bajo People Visiting Research Scholar
HE, Jun 6/1/2019
Professor, School of Ethnology and Sociology, Yunnan University Coffee Production, global value chain and ethnic minorities in Chinese borderlands at Upper Mekong region Visiting Research Scholar
KEENAN, Rodney John 6/1/2019
Professor, School of Ecosystem and Forest Sciences, University of Melbourne Scaling forest restoration in South East Asia through integrating timber production and private sector investment Visiting Research Scholar
CHANG, Wen-Chin 6/1/2019
Research Fellow, Center for Asia-Pacific Area Studies, Research Center for Humanities and Social Sciences, Academia Sinica Clandestine Travel across the Sino-Burmese Border During the Cold War Visiting Research Scholar
ISHIKAWA, Ken 6/1/2019
Senier Content writer, Comodo Philippines Inc. Japanese-Fillipino Children Guest Research Associate
CHAICHING, Nattapoll 6/1/2019
Assistant Professor, Faculty of Humanities and Social Science/ Social Science, Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University The Destinies and Memories of Thai prisoners of war in The Allied Territories (1945-1946): From the diplomats , Intellectuals to common people Guest Research Associate
BERNAL, Gabriela 5/27/2019
dual degree graduate student, International Peace and Security, King’s College London How has Japan helped improve the balance of power in Southeast Asia by using soft power and multilateral diplomacy? Guest Research Associate
GOH, Beng Lan 5/1/2019
Associate Professor, Department of Southeast Asian Studies, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, National University of Singapore Silent Revolution: Changing Mindsets as Radical Politics in 21st Century Malaysia Visiting Research Scholar
BONNAFE, Alain 5/1/2019
Assoc. Researcher, The Toulouse Mathematis Institute Comparison of National Mathematical Olympiads (N.M.O.) and International Mathematical Olympiads (I.M.O.), Objectives, Practices and Results, in Singapore and in Malaysia, the case of Japan serving as a eference Guest Research Associate
Name Period Affiliation Research Title Position


KASETSIRI, Charnvit 3/28/2019
Prof. Emeritus, Southeast Asian Studies, Faculty of Liberal Arts, Thammasat University Comparative Studies of the last decade of the two long Reigns in Siam/Thailand : King Rama V 1868-1910 and King Rama IX 1946-2016 Guest Scholar
TRAN, Nhung Tuyet 3/15/2019
Associate Professor, Department of History, University of Toronto Catechism, Faith, & Practice: A Cultural History of Vietnamese Catholicism, 1663-1783 Visiting Research Scholar
DE JESUS, Edilberto 3/10/2019
Non-Resident Research Fellow, School of Government, Ateneo de Manial University The Duterte Administration at Mid-Term: Review and Reconnaissance Visiting Research Scholar
DE JESUS, Melinda Quintos 3/10/2019
Executive Director/Founding Incorporator, Center for Media Freedom and Responsibility Promoting a Free and Independent Press in Southeast Asia Guest Scholar
Dianto Bachriadi 3/1/2019
Senior Researcher & Head of the Association, Agrarian Resource Center Land Conflicts in Contemporary Indonesia and its Meaning in the Historical Context Guest Scholar
SRIPANA, Thanyathip 2/16/2019
Committee Member, Thailand-Vietnam Friendship Association, Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Thailand) Gender Diversity in Changing Vietnam Visiting Research Scholar
HIRSCH, Philip 2/15/2019
Emeritus Professor, School of Geosciences/Sydney Southeast Asia Centre, University of Sydney Demarcating the public and private: natural resource and environmental governance in the Mekong Region Visiting Research Scholar
Tubtim Tubtim 2/15/2019
Coordinating researcher, National University of Singapore Small holders in Thailand: Transformations and persistence Guest Research Associate
SERIÑO, Moises Neil Villaflor 1/24/2019
Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, Visayas State University Investigate and value the protection services provided by mangroves to coastal communities during occurrence of super typhoons and storm surges in the Philippines. Guest Research Associate
JORY, Patrick 1/20/2019
Senior Lecturer, School of Historical and Philosophical Inquiry, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Queensland The Politics of Politeness: A History of Manners in Thailand Visiting Research Scholar
LIZÉ, Sulian 1/1/2019
PhD Candidate, International Development, The University of Edinburgh The Rice Market and Derivative Contracts in Southeast Asian Guest Research Associate
MIETZNER, Marcus 1/1/2019
Associate Professor, Department of Political and Social Change, Australian National University Autocratic Endurance and Democratic Fragility: Democratization and its Obstacles in Southeast Asia Guest Scholar
JUNQUERA, Victoria 11/8/2018
Doctoral Student, Dep. of Civil, Environmental & Geomatic Engineering, ETH Zurich, Switzerland Cash crop booms at the frontier: dynamics and impacts on deforestation Guest Research Associate
BOLASCO, Maria Karina Africa 11/1/2018
Director, Ateneo de Manila University Press Untold Lives and the Philippine Political Revolution of the Long 1970s. Visiting Research Scholar
FAROUQUE, Mohammad Golam 11/1/2018
Professor, Department of Agricultural Extension Education, Faculty of Agriculture Bangladesh Agricultural University Prospects and Challenges of Managing Natural Resources through Community-based Approach in Bangladesh Visiting Research Scholar
HOLMES, Ronald Everette David 11/1/2018
Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science, De La Salle University The Filipino as a voter/citizen: Understanding Philippine politics from the ground Guest Scholar
MARTINEZ URTAZA, Jaime Luis 10/21/2018
Senior Scientist, Center for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science, United Kingdom Global Epidemiology of Vibrio infections Guest Scholar
Swe Swe Mar 10/1/2018
Lecturer, Department of Soil and Water Science, Yezin Agricultural University Assessment of farmers’ attitude towards the use of inorganic and organic fertilizers for rice cultivation in central Myanmar Visiting Research Scholar
Nina Yulianti 9/24/2018
Lecturer, Doctoral Program in Environmental Science, University of Palangka Raya Evaluating Social and Health Impacts of Fire and Haze on Local Livelihoods in Tropical Peatland Guest Scholar
Dianto Bachriadi 9/1/2018
Senior Researcher, & Head of the Association, Agrarian Resources Centre (ARC), Indonesia Land Conflicts in Contemporary Indonesia and its Meaning in the Historical Context Visiting Research Scholar
YABES, Maria Criselda Judy 9/1/2018
Independent Writer and Journalist Historical Memories and Their Role in Philippine Literature Guest Research Associate
Lwin Bo Bo Thet 8/23/2018
Demonstrator, Agricultural Engineering, Yezin Agricultral University Regional Agricultural Cooperation Guest Scholar
Ah Kah Myint 8/23/2018
Demonstrator, Plant Breeding Department, Yezin Agricultural University Regional Agricultural Cooperation Guest Scholar
MIETZNER, Marcus 7/1/2018
Associate Professor, Department of Political and Social Change, Coral Bell School of Asia Pacific Affairs, College of Asia and the Pacific, Australian National University Autocratic Endurance and Democratic Fragility: Democratization and its Obstacles in Southeast Asia Visiting Research Scholar
KASETSIRI, Charnvit 6/7/2018
Prof.Emeritus, Thammasat University Comparative Studies of the last decade of the two long Reigns in Siam/Thailand : King Rama V 1868-1910 and King Rama IX 1946-2016 Guest Scholar
KIMURA, Ehito 6/4/2018
Associate Professor of Political Science, University of Hawai’i at Manoa 20 Years after Suharto Guest Scholar
ESGUERRA, Alicia Chavarria 6/1/2018
Associate Professor, Faculty of College of Education, Bulacan State University Comparative Study of Library Education and Practice in Japan and the Philippines with Implication Towards Collaboration Visiting Research Scholar
THOMAS, Kimberley Anh 6/1/2018
Assistant Professor, Department of Geography, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park Japan-Vietnam Linkages in Climate Finance Justice Guest Scholar
VILLACORTA, Wilfrido Villacorta 5/8/2018
Professor Emeritus, De La Salle University The Future of ASEAN: The Role of Japan and China Visiting Research Scholar
HOLMES, Ronald Everette David 5/1/2018
Assistant Professor, Institute: Department of Political Science, De La Salle University The Filipino as a voter/citizen: Understanding Philippine politics from the ground Visiting Research Scholar
Ahmad Hezri Bin Adnan 5/1/2018
Director and Senior Fellow, Institute of Strategic and International Studies (ISIS) Malaysia Retro-fitting or Transformation? Sustainable Development Goals and Public Policy in Southeast Asia Visiting Research Scholar
Raja Hendrik Napitupulu 4/28/2018
Policies Studies Program from University of Gadjah Mada Adaptive Abilities of Government Policy in the Fire of Peatland Issues of the Period Year 1997 – 2017 Guest Scholar
DÜRKOP, Colin Andreas 4/9/2018
Instructor on freerance basis, Academy for International Cooperation ASEAN and BSEC – A comparative analysis between two Regional Organizations Visiting Research Scholar
DUAN, Zheng 4/2/2018
Lecturer, Chair of Hydrology and River Basin Management, Technical University of Munich Integrated river basin management of water resources and ecosystem in Southeast Asia Guest Scholar
Name Period Affiliation Research Title Position


CHENG, Ke-Sheng 3/31/2018
Professor, Department of Bioenvironmental Systems Engineering, National Taiwan University Detecting hydrological changes and assessing the impact of climate change in Southeast Asia Guest Scholar
PATHMANAND, Ukrist 3/29/2018
Director of Mekong Research Center, Institute of Asian Studies, Chulalongkorn University Japan’s role for Greater Mekong Sub Region since Post Cold War : Why, how and Trends? Guest Scholar
MELBER, Takuma Winfried 3/24/2018
Lecturer and Coordinator of the Master „ Transcultural Studies“ Programme at the Cluster of Excellence “Asia and Europe in a Global Context”, Heidelberg University A history of the Overseas German Community in Southeast Asia in the 19th/early 20th century Guest Scholar
CHALERMPONG, Saksith 3/16/2018
Associate Professor, Division of Transportation Engineering, Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Chulalongkorn University The Political Economy of Public and Informal Transport in Thailand Visiting Research Scholar
BARRY, Coeli 3/15/2018
Associate Professor,  M.A. Human Rights Studies & PhD Human Rights and Peace Program Scholar Migrants and Intellectual Communities in ASEAN/Southeast Asia Guest Scholar
畢(Bi) 世鴻(Shihong) 2/2/2018
Prof. of School of International Studies, Deputy Director of Institute of the Belt and Road Initiatives/Institute of South Asia and Southeast Asian Studies, Yunnan Univ. International Cooperation between Japan and South,Southeast Asia – Japan’s recognition on Belt and Road Initiative Guest Scholar
PHONGSAVATH, Sypha 2/1/2018
Head of Information Service Department of the Central Library, National University of Laos Compiling Academic and Non-Academic Journal Titles are published in Laos for Making the National Journal Bibliography Books Visiting Research Scholar
THONGPHANITH, Phoukham 2/1/2018
Librarian, National Library of Laos Creating and Printing of the National Bibliography Visiting Research Scholar
PAWAKAPAN, Puangthong 2/1/2018
Associate Professor at the Department of International Relations, Faculty of Political Science, Chulalongkorn University ISOC as the Thai Military’s Anti-Democratic Machination Visiting Research Scholar
Dianto Bachriadi 1/29/2018
Chairman, Agrarian Resource Center, Indonesia Land Conflicts in Contemporary Indonesia and its Meaning in the Historical Context Guest Scholar
SALIM, Muhammad 1/1/2018
Professor, Bangladesh Agricultural University Agricultural Modernization and Sustainability of Rice Production in Bangladesh: technological issues Visiting Research Scholar
MOHD DAUD, Kathrina 12/1/2017
Deputy Dean (Academic), Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, Universiti Brunei Darussalam Norsiah Gapar’s Pengabdian and Contemporary Muslim Narratives in the Nusantara Visiting Research Scholar
APHORNSUVAN, Thanet 10/16/2017
Distinguished Fellow, Thammasat University The Moralist Political Discourse and the Demise of Democracy in Thailand Guest Scholar
TAHAN, Zaher Samman 10/6/2017
Associate Professor, Department of Microbiology, Faculty of Science, Aleppo University Detection of virulence factors genes (fimbrial types, biofilm and siderophore systems) in asymptomatic bacteriuria Escherichia coli strain 83972 in order to understand its colonization mechanism. Visiting Research Scholar
JACKSON, Peter Anthony 10/1/2017
Professor, Australian National University Sociological and Political Dimensions of the Resurgence of Supernatural Ritual in Thailand Visiting Research Scholar
BARRY, Coeli 9/15/2017
Associate Professor, Mahidol University, Institute of Human Rights & Peace Studies Scholar Migrants and Intellectual Communities in ASEAN/Southeast Asia Visiting Research Scholar
OSTAPIRAT, Weera 9/1/2017
Associate Professor, Research Institute for Languages and  Cultures of Asia, Mahidol University Linguistic past and present of the Palaung people of the Myanmar-China border area Guest Scholar
WEISS, Meredith Leigh 7/24/2017
Professor, University at Albany, SUNY
Rockefeller College of Public Affairs & Policy
Department of Political Science
Malaysia: Politics and Society Visiting Research Scholar
San Tun 7/1/2017
Department of Philosophy
Dagon University
Social Implication of Studying Abhidhamma in the Contemporary Myanmar Visiting Research Scholar
CHENG, Ke-Sheng 6/21/2017
Professor, Department of Bioenvironmental Systems Engineering, National Taiwan University Detecting hydrological changes and assessing the impact of climate change in Southeast Asia Guest Scholar
Ali Musa 6/1/2017
Senior Librarian, Ajip Rosidi Library, The Sundanese Study Centre Preservation and Maintenance of Special Collection Visiting Research Scholar
KIMURA, Ehito 6/1/2017
Associate Professor, Department of Political Science, College of Social Science, University of Hawaii at Manoa The Local Roots of National Power in Southeast Asia Guest Scholar
KASETSIRI, Charnvit 5/15/2017
Professor Emeritus, Southeast Asian Studies, Faculty of Liberal Arts, Thammasat University After the King Rama IX passed away 13 October 2016 Guest Scholar
PADOCH, Christine Anne 5/15/2017
Adjunct Professor, Department of Ecology, Evolution and Environmental Biology, Columbia University Updating Understanding of Human Mobility, Livelihood Transitions, and Changes in Landscape Patterns in Borneo Visiting Research Scholar
Aung Naing Oo 5/1/2017
Associate Professor, Department of Soil and Water Science, Yezin Agricultural University Food Security And Socio-Economic Impacts Of Soil Salinization In The Central Myanmar Visiting Research Scholar
DAO, Minh Truong 4/20/2017
Researcher, Central Institute for Natural Resources and Environmental Studies, Vietnam National University, Hanoi Studies on land use dynamics in Southeast Asia Guest Research Associate
DAQUILA, Teofilo Corales 4/3/2017
Associate Professor & MA Coursework Coordinator, Department of Southeast Asian Studies, Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences, National University of Singapore Internationalising Higher Education in Asia Pacific: Australia, Japan and Singapore Guest Scholar
LE HOANG, Ngoc Yen 4/1/2017
Lecturer, General Education Program, Hoa Sen University Affliction, stigma and care regimes among leprosy sufferers in Vietnam Guest Research Associate
Name Period Affiliation Research Title Position


TAYLOR, Robert Henry 3/13/2017
Professorial Research Associate, School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London Armies in the Politics of South East Asia Visiting Research Scholar
OSTAPIRAT, Weera 3/1/2017
Associate Professor, Research Institute for Languages and Cultures of Asia, Mahidol University Linguistic past and present of the Palaung people of the Myanmar-China border area Visiting Research Scholar
WETTAYANUKUL, Pariyachat 2/14/2017
Librarian, Library and Information Services Division, Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn Anthropology Centre Observation of academic information infrastructure, constructed and maintained at Japanese libraries Guest Research Associate
SAPPAKIT, Sumitta 2/14/2017
Librarian, Library and Information Services Division, Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn Anthropology Centre Observation of academic information infrastructure, constructed and maintained at Japanese libraries Guest Research Associate
KULKANJANAPIBAN, Pachisa 2/14/2017
Librarian, Khunying Long Athakravisunthorn Learning Resources Center, Prince of Songkla University Observation of academic information infrastructure, constructed and maintained at Japanese libraries Guest Research Associate
KRAIRIKSH, Kraisri 2/14/2017
Secretary/IT Support, Administration Department, Khunying Long Athakravisunthorn Learning Resources Center, Prince of Songkla University Observation of academic information infrastructure, constructed and maintained at Japanese libraries Guest Research Associate
PONGSUWAN, Tipanan 2/14/2017
Librarian, Khon Kaen University Library, Khon Kaen University Observation of academic information infrastructure, constructed and maintained at Japanese libraries Guest Research Associate
SRISOONTORN, Siwanut 2/14/2017
Librarian, Khon Kaen University Library, Khon Kaen University Observation of academic information infrastructure, constructed and maintained at Japanese libraries Guest Research Associate
LASAKUN, Surintha 2/14/2017
Librarian, Information Services Department, Chiang Mai University Library, Chiang Mai University Observation of academic information infrastructure, constructed and maintained at Japanese libraries Guest Research Associate
SUPPASING, Sureewan 2/14/2017
Librarian, Catalog Department, Chiang Mai University Library, Chiang Mai University Observation of academic information infrastructure, constructed and maintained at Japanese libraries Guest Research Associate
SUPISA, Kornwika 2/14/2017
Librarian, Burapha University International College Observation of academic information infrastructure, constructed and maintained at Japanese libraries Guest Research Associate
KHAMUNG, Rungnapha 2/14/2017
Instructor, International Hospitality and Tourism Management, Burapha University International College Observation of academic information infrastructure, constructed and maintained at Japanese libraries Guest Research Associate
CARRUTHERS, Ashley 2/2/2017
Lecturer, School of Archaeology and Anthropology, The Australian National University Cultures of mobility and migration in Central Vietnam Guest Scholar
YU(劉), Youngbong(永鳳) 2/1/2017
Professor, Department of Industrial and Applied Economics, College of Applied Life Sciences, JEJU National University Researchon Long-term Development Path of Asian Agriculture with a focus on Southeast Asia Guest Scholar
PAREDES, Alyssa 2/1/2017
Graduate Sudent, Department of Anthropology, Yale University Japanese Consumer Cooperatives and the Making of a “People’s Economy” in the Asia-Pacific Guest Research Associate
LEE, Sun-Jin 1/29/2017
Research Professor, Institute for East Asian Studies, Sogang University The socio-economic transformation in China-ASEAN border areas since the year 2010 Guest Scholar
Ima Puspita Sari 1/22/2017
Program Manager, Avko Organization From Folklore to Father Daughter Relations: Experimental Filmmaking through Indonesian and Japanese Fairytale Narratives Guest Research Associate
CHEN, Kai 1/13/2017
Assistant Professor, School of International Relations, Xiamen University Interconnections between Child Labor and Child Soldiering on the Myanmar-Thai Border Guest Research Associate
PANTE, Michael Domingo 1/13/2017
Instructor, Department of History, Ateneo de Manial University Conjuringa capital city: The spatial evolution of Quezon City, 1939–1976 Guest Research Associate
HEWISON, Kevin John 1/10/2017
Editor-in-chief, Journal of Contemporary Asia Cold War Alliances: The U.S., Counterinsurgency and the Making of the Modern Monarchy Visiting Research Scholar
Wan Abdul Manan Bin Wan Muda 1/10/2017
Professor, School of Health Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia Obesity and ethnicity in Malaysia and Thailand Visiting Research Scholar
Saiful Umam 1/10/2017
Associate Professor, State Islamic University Jakarta Other Javanese Islam: Pegon Books and the Localization of Islamic Orthodoxy in Java Visiting Research Scholar
SOPRANZETTI, Claudio 1/10/2017
Researcher and Lecturer, All Souls College, University of Oxford Fragility of Power in Thailand:The Unraveling of Royalism in Contemporary Thailand Visiting Research Scholar
Dheny Trie Wahyu Sampurno 1/10/2017
Geospatial Information Agency, Indonesia Restoration of Vegetation Cover Pattern to support hydrological cycle within peathydrology unit Guest Research Associate
Ahmad Muhammad 1/8/2017
Senior Lecturer, Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics & Natural Sciences, Riau University, Pekanbaru Transition of Tropical Peat Land Ecosystem Induced by Land Use Conversion Guest Scholar
XU(許), Erqi(爾琪) 11/18/2016
Research Assistant Professor, Institute of Geographical Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences Application of GIS on Land Use Science and Ecosystem Services Guest Research Associate
Nasreldin Elhadi Hussein Mohamed 11/11/2016
Associate Professor, Department of Clinical Laboratory Science, College of Applied Medical Sciences, University of Dammam New detection methods for enterohaemorrhagic Escherichia coli and Vibrioparahaemolyticus Guest Scholar
TOTANES, Vernon del Rosario 11/1/2016
Director, Rizal Library, Loyola Schools, Ateneo de Manila University Promoting the CSEAS Library as a Venue for Research on Philippine Studies Visiting Research Scholar
Myint Thida 11/1/2016
Associate Professor, Department of Geography, University of Yangon Rural Urban Migration and Rural Depopulation in Ayeyarwady Region: A case study of three villages in Pyarpon Township Visiting Research Scholar
Mar Mar Win 10/1/2016
Research Officer, Food Legumes Section, Department of Agricultural Research A case study: The Impact of Reducing Farm Land by Tourism Development on Local Agricultural Sector and the Household’s Income Contribution in Bagan-Nyaung U Area in Myanmar Visiting Research Scholar
PANTE, Michael Domingo 9/25/2016
Instructor, Department of History, Ateneo de Manial University Conjuringa capital city: The spatial evolution of Quezon City, 1939–1976 Guest Research Associate
WANG (王), Mingbing(明兵) 9/15/2016
Associate Professor, School of History and Culture, Northeast Normal University The discovery of Vietnam in Japan – China, Vietnam, Japan and the situation of East Asia in the 16th century and later Guest Scholar
BELLO, Walden Flores 9/5/2016
Member of the Board, Focus on the Global South Crisis of Liberal Democracy in the Philippines and Thailand Visiting Research Scholar
Tika Dewi Atikah 9/1/2016
Researcher, Research Center for Biology, Indonesian Institute of Sciences Study on Forest Dynamic in Indonesia Visiting Research Scholar
MACLEAN, Kenneth Arthur Samuel 8/1/2016
Associate Professor, Department of International Development, Community, and Environment, Clark University The Protection and Care of Sexualized Ethnic Bodies Across the Sino-Vietnamese Borderlands Visiting Research Scholar
OOI, Keat Gin 7/15/2016
Professor, History Section, School of Humanities, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Penang, Malaysia Borneo in the midst of the Cold War, 1950-1970 Visiting Research Scholar
BUI, The Cuong 7/1/2016
Full Professor, High Senior Researcher, Center for Sociology, Southern Institute of Social Sciences, Vietnam Academy of Social Sciences Configuration of Social Stratification in the Southern Economic Region of Vietnam Visiting Research Scholar
PREEPREM, Sutima 6/30/2016
Graduate Student, Graduate School of  Science, Prince of Songkla University Characterization of pandemic O1:KUT Vibrio parahaemolyticus and evaluation of multiple-locusvariable-number tandem repeat analysis (MLVA) for strain typing Guest Research Associate
KONGRUENG, Jetnapang 6/30/2016
Graduate Student, Graduate School of  Science, Prince of Songkla University Characterization of Human and Shrimp Pathogenic Vibrio Parahaemolyticus Guest Research Associate
KASETSIRI, Charnvit 6/15/2016
Professor Emeritus, Southeast Asian Studies, Faculty of Liberal Arts, Thammasat University Thailand: A New Monarchy Under King Bhumibol: Rama IX Guest Scholar
Lwin Ni Aung 6/13/2016
Library Assistant, Yezin Agricultural University Providing Technical Support of Constructing and Maintaining Academic Information Infrastructure to Libraries in Myanmar Guest Research Associate
Ky iKyi Khaing 6/13/2016
Library Assistant, Yezin Agricultural University Providing Technical Support of Constructing and Maintaining Academic Information Infrastructure to Libraries in Myanmar Guest Research Associate
Nan Kalaya Hlaing 6/13/2016
Library Assistant, Yezin Agricultural University Providing Technical Support of Constructing and Maintaining Academic Information Infrastructure to Libraries in Myanmar Guest Research Associate
Dae Wie 6/13/2016
Library Assistant, Yezin Agricultural University Providing Technical Support of Constructing and Maintaining Academic Information Infrastructure to Libraries in Myanmar Guest Research Associate
Sanda Oo 6/13/2016
Professor& Head of Department, Department of Library and Information Studies, Yadanabon University Providing Technical Support of Constructing and Maintaining Academic Information Infrastructure to Libraries in Myanmar Guest Research Associate
Phyo Phyo Win 6/13/2016
Assistant Lecturer, Department of Library and Information Studies, Yadanabon University Providing Technical Support of Constructing and Maintataing Academic Information Infrastructure to Libraries in Myanmar Guest Research Associate
Thant Phyu Kyi 6/13/2016
Tutor, Library and Information Studies, University of Yangon Providing Technical Support of Constructing and Maintaining Academic Information Infrastructure to Libraries in Myanmar Guest Research Associate
Htay Htay Sint 6/13/2016
Assistant Lecturer, Library and Information Studies, University of Yangon Providing Technical Support of Constructing and Maintaining Academic Information Infrastructure to Libraries in Myanmar Guest Research Associate
Myint Yee 6/13/2016
Tutor, Department of Library and Information Studies, East Yangon University Providing Technical Support of Constructing and Maintaining Academic Information Infrastructure to Libraries in Myanmar Guest Research Associate
Khaing Khaing Thin 6/13/2016
Tutor, Department of Library and Information Studies, East Yangon University Providing Technical Support of Constructing and Maintaining Academic Information Infrastructure to Libraries in Myanmar Guest Research Associate
CHOKSI, Nishaant 6/13/2016
Affiliated Researcher, Carolina Asia Center, University of North Carolina Chapel Hill Beyond Arbitrariness: Iconicity in Austro-Asiatic Languages Guest Research Associate
KIMURA, Ehito 6/3/2016
Associate Professor, Department of Political Science, College of Social Science, University of Hawaii at Manoa Transitional Justice in Southeast Asia Guest Scholar
Ohn Mar Oo 5/16/2016
Lecturer, Department of Library and Information Studies, University of Yangon Bibliometric Study of PhD Dissertations Submitted to the History Department of University of Yangon (2002-2007) Visiting Research Scholar
Ni Ni Naing 5/16/2016
Librarian, Universities’ Central Library, University of Yangon Selective annotated bibliography of books on Myanmar ethnic groups (Shan and Kayin) Visiting Research Scholar
LUANGON, Sukanda 4/11/2016
Assistant Professor, Faculty of Economics, Chulalongkorn University Financial Inclusion in Thailand: Innovations and Challenges Visiting Research Scholar
Muhammad Azka Gulsyan 4/10/2016
Graduate School of Development Studies, Bandung Institute of Technology The Study of Development Planning Implementation Problems in Jakarta – Why Planning never be Implemented Properly Guest Research Associate
ZHANG, Le 4/8/2016
Lecture, College of Environment and Planning, Henan University Livelihood transition in rural Monsoon Asia: Comparative studies in Southeast Asia and China Guest Research Associate
Name Period Affiliation Research Title Position


OSTAPIRAT, Weera 3/30/2016
Associate Professor, Research Institute for Languages and Cultures of Asia, Mahidol University Mon-Khmer Linguistic History Guest Scholar
Ahmad Muhammad 3/13/2016
Senior Lecturer, Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics & Natural Sciences, Riau University, Pekanbaru Transition of Tropical Peat Land Ecosystem Induced by Land Use Conversion Guest Scholar
WONG, Grace Mun Yee 3/1/2016
Senior Scientist, Forest and Livelihoods Portfolio, Center for International Forestry Research Assessing costs, risks and incentives affecting forests and land use decisions in rural landscapes of SE Asia Visiting Research Scholar
BOUNSIHALATH, Manoluck 2/15/2016
Deputy Director, Agriculture and Forestry Policy Research Center, National Agriculture and Forestry Research Institute Observation of Academic Information Infrastructure in Southeast Asia and Join the Workshop Guest Research Associate
YUN, Hak 2/12/2016
Head of Document Center, Royal University of Agriculture Observation of Academic Information Infrastructure in Southeast Asia and Join the Workshop Guest Research Associate
SOK, Sopheap 2/12/2016
Librarian, University Central Library, Royal University of Agriculture Observation of Academic Information Infrastructure in Southeast Asia and Join the Workshop Guest Research Associate
THATSNITHONG, Khampha 2/12/2016
Deputy head of Historical collection, University Central Library, National University of Laos Observation of Academic Information Infrastructure in Southeast Asia and Join the Workshop Guest Research Associate
CHAMPATHONG, Phavady 2/12/2016
Staff, University Central Library, National University of Laos Observation of Academic Information Infrastructure in Southeast Asia and Join theWorkshop Guest Research Associate
KONGMANIVONG, Soulivong 2/12/2016
Data entry manager and Library staff, Agriculture and Forestry Policy Research Center, National Agriculture and Forestry Research Institute Observation of Academic Information Infrastructure in Southeast Asia and Join the Workshop Guest Research Associate
THONGPHANITH, Phoukham 2/12/2016
Staff, National Library of Laos Observation of Academic Information Infrastructure in Southeast Asia and Join the Workshop Guest Research Associate
VONGSIPASOM, Phonepaseuth 2/12/2016
Reseacher, National Agriculture and Forestry Research Institute Observation of Academic Information Infrastructure in Southeast Asia and Join the Workshop Guest Research Associate
PHOMMACHANH, Chanpheng 2/12/2016
Staff, National Library of Laos Observation of Academic Information Infrastructure in Southeast Asia and Join the Workshop Guest Research Associate
VU, Hong Nhung 2/12/2016
Researcher, Southern Institute of Social Sciences, Viet Nam Academy of Social Sciences Observation of Academic Information Infrastructure in Southeast Asia and Join the Workshop Guest Research Associate
NGUYEN, Thi Bao Ha 2/12/2016
Researcher, Southern Institute of Social Sciences, Viet Nam Academy of Social Sciences Observation of Academic Information Infrastructure in Southeast Asia and Join the Workshop Guest Research Associate
SIMPSON, Adam John 2/1/2016
Director, Centre for Peace and Security, University of South Australia Ethnicity and Natural Resource Governance in Myanmar Visiting Research Scholar
Dadang Ahmad Suriamihardja 2/1/2016
Professor, Department of Physics, Faculty of Sciences, Hasanuddin University Study on Environmental Economics Concerning Mining Activities in Jeneberang River Visiting Research Scholar
Ahmad Najib Burhani 2/1/2016
Researcher, Research Center for Society and Culture, Indonesian Institute of Sciences Modernism or Puritanism? A Study of the Muhammadiyah in its Post-Centennial Era Visiting Research Scholar
ONG, Michelle Gedang 1/25/2016
Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology, CSSP, University of the Philippines, Diliman Growingold in an ageing Japan: Filipina migrants’ experiences and meaning-making Guest Research Associate
UTHAISA, Sivaporn 1/18/2016
Catalog librarian, Collection Management Division, Thammasat University Libraries Thai cremation volumes: a comparative study Visiting Research Scholar
PANTE, Michael Domingo 1/17/2016
Instructor, Department of History, Ateneo de Manial University Conjuringa capital city: The spatial evolution of Quezon City, 1939–1976. Guest Research Associate
ZHAO, Shulan 1/12/2016
Associate Professor, The Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, Yunnan Academy of Social Sciences The Relations between Japan and GMS‘s Countries Guest Scholar
Lukman Hakim 1/6/2016
Profesor Research, Center for Science and Technological Development Studies, Indonesian Institute of Science Indonesian Science Technology and Innovation Development under New Administration Changes Visiting Research Scholar
MUKDAWIJITRA, Yukti 1/1/2016
Assistant Professor, Faculty of Sociology and Anthropology, Thammasat University From love story to class consciousness: Subjectivation of Ethnic Thái (the Tai) in Vietnam Visiting Research Scholar
SILLANDER, Kenneth Johan Erik 11/17/2015
Senior lecturer, Swedish School of Social Science, University of Helsinki Sociality and Ethnicity in Borneo Guest Scholar
HSIAO, Hsin-Huang Michael 10/15/2015
Distinguished Research Fellow and Director,
Institute of Sociology, Academia Sinica
Examining the Triple Links of Middle Class, Civil Society, and the Third Wave Democratization in the Philippines and Thailand: In the Light of the Experiences of Taiwan and South Korea Visiting Research Scholar
RATCHATAPATTANAKUL, Nipaporn 10/1/2015
Lecturer, Department of History, Faculty of Liberal Arts, Thammasat University Visions, Values and Narratives of the Thai Bureaucratic System, 1940s-1990s. Visiting Research Scholar
VILAITHONG, Villa 10/1/2015
Assistant Professor, Department of History, Faculty of Arts, Chulalongkorn University Dressing Modern Thai Women: Fashion Entrepreneurs, Commercial Beauty Culture, and Social Shows, 1957-1973 Visiting Research Scholar
Hnin Yu Lwin 9/30/2015
Lecturer, Yezin Agricultural University Improving Agriculture and Rural CDZ, Myanmar: Research on Toddy Palm Tenancy and Jaggery Marketing Guest Scholar
SEIGER, Fiona-Katharina 9/1/2015
Part-time Lecturer, Chair of East Asian Economy and Society, University of Vienna Mobilizing descent: Japanese-Filipinos Claims to Birthright Guest Research Associate
BAO, Maohong 8/1/2015
Professor, Department of History, Peking University The Making of Modern Agriculture in the Philippines and its Transformation: From the Perspective of Agroecological History Visiting Research Scholar
HANSSON, Eva Louise 8/1/2015
Senior Lecturer, Department of Political Science, Stockholm University Inequality, Social Conflict and Political Regime Change in Southeast Asia Visiting Research Scholar
OOI, Keat Gin 7/15/2015
Professor, School of Humanities,
Universiti Sains Malaysia
Borneo in the midst of the Cold War, 1950-1970 Visiting Research Scholar
HARA, Kimie 7/1/2015
Professor/Renison Research Professor, East Asian Studies, Renison University College/Departments of History and Political Science, University of Waterloo 70 Years after World War II: Re-thinking the San Francisco System in the Asia and the Pacific” and “Post-Colonial Borders in Southeast Asia Guest Scholar
RATCHATAPATTANAKUL, Nipaporn 6/15/2015
Lecturer, Department of History, Faculty of Liberal Arts, Thammasat University A study on the construction and support of academic information infrastructure in Asia Guest Research Associate
DOUNGBUPPA, Wilailuk 6/15/2015
Librarian, Collection Management Division, Thammasat University Libraries A study on the construction and support of academic information infrastructure in Asia Guest Research Associate
DEEWAJA, Korawan 6/15/2015
Librarian, Collection Management Division, Puey Ungphakorn Library, Thammasat University Rangsit Campus A study on the construction and support of academic information infrastructure in Asia Guest Research Associate
PHUANGPRASERT, Busaya 6/15/2015
Librarian, Main Library, Thammasat University A study on the construction and support of academic information infrastructure in Asia Guest Research Associate
WATEEWAN, Sumalee 6/15/2015
Librarian, Petchaburi Information Technology Library, Central Library, Silpakorn University A study on the construction and support of academic information infrastructure in Asia Guest Research Associate
CHAOCHIENG, Kobkul 6/15/2015
Administrative Officer, Sanamchandra Palace Library, Central Library, Silpakorn University A study on the construction and support of academic information infrastructure in Asia Guest Research Associate
JAKLANG, Anirut 6/15/2015
 IT Technician, Sanamchandra Palace Library, Central Library, Silpakorn University A study on the construction and support of academic information infrastructure in Asia Guest Research Associate
WONGSAWAT, Hataikarn 6/15/2015
Librarian, Cataloging Department, Library and Information Center, National Institute of Development Administration A study on the construction and support of academic information infrastructure in Asia Guest Research Associate
KAEWPITAKKAN, Budsakorn 6/15/2015
Librarian, Cataloging Department, Library and Information Center, National Institute of Development Administration A study on the construction and support of academic information infrastructure in Asia Guest Research Associate
PRASERTDHANAKUL, Karanrat 6/15/2015
Librarian, Cataloging Department, Library and Information Center, National Institute of Development Administration A study on the construction and support of academic information infrastructure in Asia Guest Research Associate
KIMURA, Ehito 6/4/2015
Associate Professor, Department of Political Science, University of Hawai’i at Manoa The Politics of “the past” in present day Indonesia Guest Scholar
Khin Lay Swe 6/1/2015
Special Affiliated Professor, Department of Plant Breeding, Physiology and Ecology, Yezin Agricultural University Comparative Study on Traditional Application of Resources of SATO in Rural Development in Myanmar and Japan Visiting Research Scholar
JIRATTIKORN, Amporn 6/1/2015
Lecturer, Department of Social Sciences and Development, Faculty of Social Sciences
Chiang Mai University
From “Revolutionary” to “Regret”: Shan Resistance in Burma over the Past 50 Years Visiting Research Scholar
Ahmad Su’adi 5/27/2015
Executive Director for Abdurrahman Wahid Centre for Inter-Faith Dialogue and Peace, University of Indonesia The Emergence of Political Volunteers in the post-Suharto Indonesia and Their Changes Guest Scholar
Abdur Rozaki 5/27/2015
Lecturer, Islamic State University of Sunan Kalijaga, Yogyakarta Rise of Local Oligarchs and Social Resistance in Madura, Indonesia Guest Scholar
MUKIMOV, Azamat 5/22/2015
Junior Researcher, Uzbek Research Institute of Karakul Sheep Breeding and Ecology of  Deserts Hydro-Meteorological monitoring in the desert area Guest Research Associate
Wahyu Prasetyawan 5/17/2015
Lecturer, Islamic State University of Syarif Hidayatullah, Jakarta The elite survey in Southeast Asia Guest Scholar
Almasdi Syahza 5/5/2015
Director, Institute of Research and Social Service, University of Riau Building the governance for sustainable oil palm small holders’ plantation in Indonesia. Guest Scholar
CHEN, Pei-Hsiu 5/1/2015
Distinguished Professor, Department of Southeast Asian Studies, National Chi Nan University Civil-Mlitary Relations in South and Southeast Asian New Democracies Guest Scholar
CLAUDIO, Sylvia Estrada 4/22/2015
Professor8, Department of Women and Development Studies, College of Social Work and Community Development, University of the Philippines, Diliman Analysis of the Pastoral Letters of the Catholic Bishops Conference of the Philippines in the 80s and 90s. Guest Scholar
Name Period Affiliation Research Title Position


TANGSEEFA, Decha 3/10/2015
Lecturer, Faculty of Political Science, Thammasat University Audible Politics & A Zone of Exception: Linguistic Soundscape in a Thai-Myanmar “Temporary Shelter Area” Visiting Research Scholar
NGUYEN, Van Thinh 3/1/2015
Librarian, Institute of Social Sciences Information The Digitization of Microfilm and Sino Nom Documents Visiting Research Scholar
LAMMERTS, Dietrich Christian 2/4/2015
Assistant Professor, Department of Religion, Rutgers University Buddhism and Written Law: A History of Dhammasattha Literature in Burma Guest Scholar
NGUYEN, Trung Kien 2/2/2015
IT engineer, Department of Information Technology, Institute of Social Sciences Information, Vietnam Academy of Social Sciences. A study on the construction and support of academic information infrastructure in Asia Guest Research Associate
TRINH, Thi Phuong 2/2/2015
Deputy Head, Information and Library Department, Institute of Sociology, Vietnam Academy of Social Sciences A study on the construction and support of academic information infrastructure in Asia Guest Research Associate
NGUYEN, Thi Minh Trung 2/2/2015
Head, Department of Library and Information Studies, Institute of Social Sciences Information, Vietnam Academy of Social Sciences A study on the construction and support of academic information infrastructure in Asia Guest Research Associate
NGUYEN, Duong Do Quyen 2/2/2015
Researcher, Division of Culture and Development Information, Institute of Social Sciences Information, Vietnam Academy of Social Sciences A study on the construction and support of academic information infrastructure in Asia Guest Research Associate
LE, Hoang Thanh 2/2/2015
Chief, Border Office, Long An Provincial Foreign Affairs Department, Vietnam A study on the construction and support of academic information infrastructure in Asia Guest Research Associate
TRINH, Thi Thuy La 2/2/2015
Vice Director, The Library of Social Sciences, The Southern Institute of Social Sciences A study on the construction and support of academic information infrastructure in Asia Guest Research Associate
NGUYEN, Van Su 2/2/2015
Librarian, Library of Social Sciences, Southern Institute of Social Sciences A study on the construction and support of academic information infrastructure in Asia Guest Research Associate
LE, Thi Hong Nhung 2/2/2015
Deputy Head, Department of Administration and Archive, Southern Institute of Social Sciences A study on the construction and support of academic information infrastructure in Asia Guest Research Associate
BUI, Duc Phi Hung 2/2/2015
Deputy manager of Economists Center, Institute of Social Sciences of the Central Region A study on the construction and support of academic information infrastructure in Asia Guest Research Associate
LE, Hoa Thi 2/2/2015
Librarian, Information and Library Department, Institute of Sociology, Vietnam Academy of Social Sciences A study on the construction and support of academic information infrastructure in Asia Guest Research Associate
Ahmad Muhammad 2/1/2015
Senior Lecturer, Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics & Natural Sciences, Riau University, Pekanbaru Transition of Tropical Peat Land Ecosystem Induced by Land Use Conversion Guest Scholar
IKEYA, Chie 1/20/2015
Associate Professor, Department of History, School of Arts and Sciences, Rutgers University Transcultural Intimacies in Colonial Burma, Southeast Asia, and Beyond Visiting Research Scholar
YANG, Hao 1/12/2015
Head, Division of Asia-Pacific Studies, Institute of International Relations, National Chengchi University Southeast Asia Study in Contemporary Japan Guest Scholar
YIN, Soriya 1/6/2015
Lecturer,  Faculty of Development Studies, Royal University of Phnom Penh Realization of social calm-Livelihood transition in farm village Guest Scholar
NOP, Sothun 1/6/2015
Lecturer, Faculty of Development Studies, Royal University of Phnom Penh Realization of social calm-Livelihood transition in farm village Guest Scholar
WINICHAKUL, Thongchai 1/5/2015
Professor, Department of History, University of Wisconsin – Madison Moments of Silence: the Unforgetting and Enigmatic Memories of the 1976 Massacre in Bangkok Visiting Research Scholar
KASETSIRI, Charnvit 1/5/2015
Professor Emeritus, Southeast Asian Studies, Faculty of Liberal Arts, Thammasat University Thailand: A New Monarchy Under King Bhumibol: Rama IX Guest Scholar
Than Than Soe 12/30/2014
Lecturer, Department of Horticulture and Agricultural Biotechnology, Yezin Agricultural University Promotion of International collaboration on Bio- resources Management in Myanmar Guest Research Associate
Khin Lay Swe 12/30/2014
Executive Committee Member, Ecosystem Conservation and Community Development Initiative Promotion of International collaboration on Bio- resources Management in Myanmar Guest Scholar
SOK, Pheak 11/9/2014
Master Student, Royal University of Agriculture Study of Rural Development of landmine-affected area in rural Cambodia Guest Research Associate
CHEA, Navin 11/9/2014
Master Student, Royal University of Agriculture Study of Rural Development of landmine-affected area in rural Cambodia Guest Research Associate
KIM, Soben 11/9/2014
Lecturer, Center for Agriculture and Environmental Studies, Royal University of Agriculture Study of Rural Development of landmine-affected area in rural Cambodia Guest Research Associate
SEN, Rineth 11/9/2014
Master Student, Royal University of Phnom Penh Study of Rural Development of landmine-affected area in rural Cambodia Guest Research Associate
SEAKCHHY, Monyrath 11/9/2014
Master Student, Royal University of Phnom Penh Study of Rural Development of landmine-affected area in rural Cambodia Guest Research Associate
NOP, Sothun 11/9/2014
Lecturer/Researcher, Department of Economic Development, Faculty of Development Studies, Royal University of Phnom Penh Study of Rural Development of landmine-affected area in rural Cambodia Guest Research Associate
CHOEUN, Kim Seng 11/9/2014
Lecturer/Researcher, Department of Natural Resource Management and Development, Royal University of Phnom Penh Study of Rural Development of landmine-affected area in rural Cambodia Guest Research Associate
SRY, Vannei 11/9/2014
Lecturer, Department of Industrial and Mechanical Engineering, Institute of Technology of Cambodia Study of Rural Development of landmine-affected area in rural Cambodia Guest Research Associate
KAN, Kuchvichea 11/9/2014
Master Student, Institute of Technology of Cambodia Study of Rural Development of landmine-affected area in rural Cambodia Guest Research Associate
CHUM, Pharino 11/9/2014
Lecturer, Department of Electrical and Energy, Institute of Technology of Cambodia Study of Rural Development of landmine-affected area in rural Cambodia Guest Research Associate
Asvi Warman Adam 11/1/2014
Research Professor, Centre for Political Studies, Indonesian Institute of Sciences State Violence, Collective Memory and Reconciliation: Preparation to write a book about the 1965’s Indonesian tragedy Visiting Research Scholar
ALI, MD Rostom 11/1/2014
Associate Professor/Head of the Department, Department of Farm Power and Machinery, Bangladesh Agricultural University Prospect and Future of Renewable Energy in Bangladesh: Focuses on Biomass, Wind Energy and Solar Energy Visiting Research Scholar
YU, Hope Sabanpan 11/1/2014
Full Professor, University of San Carlos The Comic in Cebuano Life and Literature Visiting Research Scholar
SENGOUNKEO, Phathana 10/20/2014
Researcher, National Agriculture and Forestry Research Institute Japan-Laos Exchange of Agriculture and Forestry Research Guest Research Associate
SOUVANNAVONGSA, Phouvong 10/20/2014
Researcher, National Agriculture and Forestry Research Institute Japan-Laos Exchange of Agriculture and Forestry Research Guest Research Associate
PHOUTHAVONG, Phatsany 10/20/2014
Researcher, National Agriculture and Forestry Research Institute Japan-LaosExchange of Agriculture and Forestry Research Guest Research Associate
PHOMPHACKDY, Saetmany 10/20/2014
Researcher, National Agriculture and Forestry Research Institute Japan-Laos Exchange of Agriculture and Forestry Research Guest Research Associate
NAGAVONG, Vinaithong 10/20/2014
Researcher, National Agriculture and Forestry Research Institute Japan-Laos Exchange of Agriculture and Forestry Research Guest Research Associate
LORBOUN IA, Phonphiane 10/20/2014
Researcher, National Agriculture and Forestry Research Institute Japan-Laos Exchange of Agriculture and Forestry Research Guest Research Associate
BOUALAVANH, Lakhamvone 10/20/2014
Researcher, National Agriculture and Forestry Research Institute Japan-Laos Exchange of Agriculture and Forestry Research Guest Research Associate
BOUAHOM, Bounthanom 10/20/2014
Researcher, National Agriculture and Forestry Research Institute Japan-Laos Exchange of Agriculture and Forestry Research Guest Research Associate
CHANTHALA, Khounkham 10/20/2014
Researcher, National Agriculture and Forestry Research Institute Japan-Laos Exchange of Agriculture and Forestry Research Guest Research Associate
SENAMOUNTRY, Khamphouvanh 10/20/2014
Researcher, National Agriculture and Forestry Research Institute Japan-Laos Exchange of Agriculture and Forestry Research Guest Research Associate
PANTE, Michael Domingo 10/14/2014
Instructor, Department of History, Ateneo de Manial University Conjuring a capital city: The spatial evolution of Quezon City, 1939–1976. Guest Research Associate
PONGPONRAT, Kannapa 9/1/2014
Associate Dean of Academic Affairs, Lecturer in Service Innovation Program, Service Innovation Program, College of Innovation, Thammasat University Volunteer Tourism to Support Disadvantage Population: A Case Study of Tsunami Disaster in Japan 2011 Visiting Research Scholar
MISSITA, Sompong 8/1/2014
Librarian, Head of Acquisition and Cataloging Department, Sanamchandra Palace Library, Central Library, Silpakorn University The Model of Collaboration between Lecturers and Librarians for Information Literacy of Undergraduate Students Majoring in Japanese: A Case Study of Silpakorn University Visiting Research Scholar
KABIR, Md. Enamul 8/1/2014
Professor, Forestry and Wood Technology Discipline, Life Science School, Khulna University Plant Diversity and Carbon Assessment for the Bangladesh Sundarbans Mangrove: An Address towards Biodiversity Conservation, Climate Change and Livelihood Options Visiting Research Scholar
Agus Hendrawan 7/14/2014
Editor in Chief of Journal “GEO ENERGI” ,
Vi class=”title”ce Editor in Chief of Journal “Maritim”
class=”position”The role of media and independent committees in the 2014 general and presidential elections in Indonesia Guest Research Associate
MCDANIEL, Justin Thomas 6/1/2014
Professor, Department of Religious Studies, University of Pennsylvania The Thai Digital Manuscript and Monastery Project Visiting Research Scholar
KASETSIRI, Charnvit 6/1/2014
Professor Emeritus, Southeast Asian Studies, Faculty of Liberal Arts, Thammasat University Thailand: A New Monarchy Under King Bhumibol: Rama IX Visiting Research Scholar
Agus Suwignyo 5/1/2014
Lecturer at the History Department, Faculty of Arts and Humanities, Gadjah Mada University Collective memories of the survival strategies of tsunami victims: Banda Aceh and Sendai compared Guest Scholar
Andi Amri 4/7/2014
Associate Professor, Fisheries Department, Faculty of Marine Science and Fisheries, Hasanuddin University Fostering Local Experiences with Global Visions of Mangrove Conservation for Sustainable Humanosphere in Southeast Asia Visiting Research Scholar
OUYYANONT, Porphant 4/5/2014
Associate Professor, School of Economics, Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University Contemporary Thai Problems in the Perspective of Economic History Guest Scholar
VITUG, Ma. Teresa Danguilan 4/1/2014
President, Journalism for Nation Building Foundation Reducing Inequality in the Philippines Visiting Research Scholar
CHENG, Ke-Sheng 4/1/2014
Professor, Department of Bioenvironmental Systems Engineering, National Taiwan University Detecting Hydrological Changes and Assessing the Impact of Climate Change in Southeast Asia: Focusing on Extreme Rainfalls in Thailand Visiting Research Scholar
Bondan Widyatmoko 4/1/2014
Research Centre for Regional Resources Indonesian Institute of Sciences Between Environmental Sustainability and Communal Conflict: The Role of Islam in Coastal Community Guest Scholar
Name Period Affiliation Research Title Position


LAI, Suat Yan 3/28/2014
Senior Lecturer, Gender Studies Programme, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, University of Malaya Buddhist Women As Spiritual Leaders, Ritual Specialists and Religious Innovators Guest Scholar
KIMURA, Ehito 3/1/2014
Associate Professor, Department of Political Science, College of Social Science, University of Hawaii at Manoa Transitional Justice in Southeast Asia Guest Scholar
BAUTISTA, Julius 1/15/2014
Senior Lecturer, Department of Southeast Asian Studies, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, National University of Singapore ‘Export Quality Martyrs’: An Ethnohistorical Analysis of “Suffering” and “Sacrifice” in the Philippines Visiting Research Scholar
CHEN, Pei-Hsiu 1/15/2014
Professor, Graduate Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, National Chi Nan University The Rising of Continental Southeast Asia and Its Implications to Taiwan Guest Scholar
PHAKDEEWANICH, Titipol 1/7/2014
Head of Department of Government, Faculty of Political Science, Ubon Ratchathani University The Roles of China and the US for the Development of the Greater Mekong Subregion and also for the Strengthening of ASEAN Visiting Research Scholar
Ahmad Muhammad 1/4/2014
Senior Lecturer, Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics & Natural Sciences, Riau University, Pekanbaru Transition of Tropical Peat Land Ecosystem Induced by Land Use Conversion Guest Scholar
RAHMAN, Md. Mizanur 1/1/2014
Director, Rural Institution and Local Government Division, Bangladesh Academy for Rural Development (BARD) Development at Program and Non-Program Villages: A Comparative Study Visiting Research Scholar
Zaw Aung 11/20/2013
Research Fellow, Master of Arts Program in International Development Studies, Faculty of Political Science, Chulalongkorn University Trans-boundary Investments and Responsibility for Social and Environmental Justice: Lessons Learned from the Industrial Development Policies and Practices of Japan and Thailand Guest Research Associate
TRAN, Van Quyen 11/1/2013
Lecturer, Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, Phu Xuan University Study methods of revision, safekeeping Han Nom documents and the ancient maps in Japan Visiting Research Scholar
TREERAT, Nualnoi 11/1/2013
Associate Professor, Faculty of Economics, Chulalongkorn University Media, Politics and Democracy Visiting Research Scholar
SASIWONGSAROJ, Kwanchit 9/15/2013
Lecturer for research and academic affairs, Institute of Population and Social Research, Mahidol Universtiy Healthcare Design for the Elderly Supported by Buddhism Network: International Comparative Study Guest Scholar
Kurniawati Hastuti Dewi 9/2/2013
Researcher, Indonesian Institute of Sciences Female Leaders and Local Politics in Indonesia Guest Scholar
KIMURA, Ehito 9/1/2013
Associate Professor, Department of Political Science, College of Social Science, University of Hawaii at Manoa Transitional Justice in Southeast Asia Visiting Research Scholar
POKHREL,Chandra Prasad 9/1/2013
Lecturer, Central Department of Botany, Faculty of Science and Technology, Tribhuvan University, Nepal Impact of Climate Change on Mountain and Hill Agriculture Visiting Research Scholar
KONG, Jianxun 8/1/2013
Professor and Director, Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, Yunnan Academy of Social Sciences Outbound Labor Migration and Changing Agricultural Life in the Ethnic Minority Areas of Southern Yunnan Province Visiting Research Scholar
Siti Sugiah Mugnie Syah 7/30/2013
Lecturer, Department of Communication and Community Development, Faculty of Human Ecology, Bogor Agricultural University Agroforestry and Gender in Rural West Java, Indonesia Guest Scholar
DIFFLOTH, Gérard Felix 7/1/2013
Associate Member,
Ecole Française d’Éxtrême-Orient
Linguistic History of the East-Khmuic (Austroasiatic) languages Visiting Research Scholar
HARA, Kimie 7/1/2013
Professor, Renison Research Professor in East Asian Studies, Renison University College/ Departments of History and Political Science, University of Waterloo The Cold War and the Regional Conflicts in East Asia and East Asia-Arctic Relations Guest Scholar
Khin Lay Swe 6/20/2013
Executive Committee Member, Ecosystem Conservation and Community Development Initiative Comparative Study on Farming Systems, Rural Community Development and “Satoyama Culture” in Japan and Myanmar Guest Scholar
SYLAVONG, Latsamay 6/1/2013
Country Representative, IUCN – International Union for Conservation of Nature REDD, National Policy and Local Livelihoods in Developing Countries: Development of institutional arrangements and mechanisms to distribute benefits Visiting Research Scholar
DASGUPTA, Swapan Kumar 4/1/2013
Director, Project Division, Bangladesh Academy for Rural Development (BARD) Rural Development in Bangladesh: Experiences of GOs and NGOs Visiting Research Scholar
Boni Setiawan 4/1/2013
Associate, Institute for Global Justice Political Economy of the Supply Chain Guest Scholar
Name Period Affiliation Research Title Position


HOWARD, Elizabeth (Moore) Whittem 3/25/2013
Reader in the Art & Archaeology of Southeast Asia, School of Oriental & African Studies (SOAS) Mapping Myanmar archaeology: local and regional networks of inland and maritime cultures Visiting Research Scholar
OUYYANONT, Porphant 3/10/2013
Associate Professor, School of Economics, Sukhothai Thammathirat Open university Contemporary Thai Problems in the Perspective of Economic History Guest Scholar
CHO, Hung-Guk 3/1/2013
Professor, Graduate School of International Studies, Pusan National University Reinterpretation of King Chao Anouvong (1804-1828) of Vieng Chan and Lao historical perception of Thailand Visiting Research Scholar
Widoyoko Darmaji 2/10/2013
Student, Development Studies, Bandung Institute of Technology A Study on Eco Airport in Indonesia Guest Research Associate
STRECKFUSS, David Eirich 2/1/2013
Honorary Fellow, University of Wisconsin-Madison Thailand on the Cusp: The Thai Monarchy and Lese Majeste in Historical and Comparative Perspective Visiting Research Scholar
NGUYEN, Thi Kim Cuc 1/9/2013
Are marginalized populations segregated in the wake of disasters? Lessons learned from Japan and Thailand Guest Research Associate
Suhardja Djadja Wiramihardja 1/1/2013
Professor, Institut Teknologi Bandung Ethnoastronomy in Indonesia: A Case from West Java Visiting Research Scholar
LIM, Felicidad Cua 12/1/2012
Associate Professor, Department of Film and Media Studies, School of Humanities, University of California, Irvine Troubled Archive Visiting Research Scholar
CAIRNS, Malcolm Foster 11/1/2012
Independent Environmental Anthropologist The Quest of Naga Headhunters for More Agricultural Land and the Pivotal Role of an Alder Tree Visiting Research Scholar
SIAPNO, Marie Jacqueline Aquino 10/30/2012
Political Advisor, Democratic Party, Timor Leste The Global in the National and Local: An Ethnographic Study of Climate Change and Financial Governance in Timor Leste Visiting Research Scholar
SHIH, Virginia Jing-yi 9/1/2012
Librarian, International and Area Studies Department, University of California, Berkeley Crossroads of International Southeast Asia Scholarship & Librarianship: Past, Present and Future Visiting Research Scholar
EVANS, Grant Richard James 8/1/2012
Academic Advisor, Lao Academy of Social Sciences Lao Essays Visiting Research Scholar
SONG, Xianfeng 7/1/2012
Professor, College of Resources and Environment, Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences Development of Web-GIS framework for Soil Mapping and Modeling of Soil Dynamics for Sustainable Resource Management Visiting Research Scholar
Ahmad Muhammad 7/1/2012
Senior Lecturer, Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics & Natural Sciences, Riau University Socio-ecological study of adaptations and sustainability in Indonesian rubber smallholdings Guest Scholar
HARA, Kimie 7/1/2012
Professor, Renison Research Professor in East Asian Studies, Renison University College/ Departments of History and Political Science, University of Waterloo After San Francisco: Post-World War II Japanese Peace Treaty and the Regional Conflicts in East Asia Guest Scholar
LEVEAU, Arnaud 6/25/2012
Ph.D.Candidate, Lyon Institute of East Asian Studies A brief comparison between the Japanese and South Korean approaches on Southeast Asia : The case of Thai studies Guest Scholar
Hery Harjono 6/1/2012
Professor, Research Center for Geotechnology, Indonesian Institute of Sciences Building Soft System of Natural Disaster Visiting Research Scholar
ISLAM, Md. Taufiqul 5/11/2012
Assistant Professor, American International University-Bangladesh Dimension of Empowerment and Rural Local Government in India: Lesson for Bangladesh Guest Research Associate
RIBA, Tomo 5/1/2012
Associate Professor, Department of Geography, Faculty of Environmental Sciences, Rajiv Gandhi University Shifting Cultivation and Tribal Culture in Arunachal Pradesh, India Visiting Research Scholar
PADERANGA, Cayetano Jr. Woo 4/1/2012
Professor, School of Economics, University of the Philippines Financial Sector in the Philippines; Technocracy in the Philippines Visiting Research Scholar
JEONG, Yeonsik 4/1/2012
Professor, Faculty of International Relations, Changwon National University Vietnamese Students during “Study in Japan Movement”(1905-1909) Guest Scholar
Name Period Affiliation Research Title Position


KAM, Suan Pheng 3/18/2012
Senior Scientist, The World Fish Center, Penang, Malaysia Evaluating if integrative and participatory approaches lead to pro-people and sustainable agriculture development Guest Scholar
HERYANTO, Ariel 3/1/2012
Associate Professor and Head of Southeast Asia Centre Institute, School of Culture, History & Language, The Australian National University Popular Cultures in Indonesia: a New Asian Politics of Pleasure and Identity Visiting Research Scholar
MALITZ, David Michael 3/1/2012
Ph.D.Student, Ludwig-Maximilians University, Munich Nation, monarch and religion: A comparison of the official nationalism of modern Japan and Thailand Guest Research Associate
Ida Nurlaila 2/15/2012
Researcher at School of Architecture, Planning and Policy Development, Bandung Institute of Technology Institution and Technology of the Development of Bio-energy Guest Research Associate
JEON, Je Seong 2/1/2012
Associate Professor, Department of Political Science and Diplomacy, Chonbuk National University Two Types of Labor Politics in East Asian Democracies: A Comparative Analysis of Indonesia and Korea Visiting Research Scholar
KIRIYANANT, Pranee 1/11/2012
Library Coordinator, AIT Library, Asian Institute of Technology Survey of Open Source Integrated Library System in Thai university libraries in Bangkok and Pathum Thani Visiting Research Scholar
FEENER, Roy Michael 1/4/2012
Associate Professor, National University of Singapore Shari`a and Social Engineering: The Implementation of Islamic Law in Contemporary Aceh Visiting Research Scholar
PHONGPAICHIT, Pasuk 1/1/2012
Distinguished Professor, Faculty of Economics, Chulalongkorn University Determinants of Wealth Concentration in Thailand Visiting Research Scholar
ANTOLIHAO, Lou Apolinario 11/29/2011
Tourism Development, Local Livelihood Systems, and the Impact of the East ASEAN Growth Area Initiative Guest Research Associate
Aryana Satrya 11/24/2011
Head of Institution, Laboratorium of Management Study, Department of Management, Faculty of Economics, University of Indonesia Assessing Effective Union Strategy in Asia: Case of Japan Guest Scholar
BAKER, Christopher John 11/2/2011
Land, population, and state in Siam, 1600 to present Visiting Research Scholar
PHONGPAICHIT, Pasuk 11/2/2011
Distinguished Professor, Faculty of Economics, Chulalongkorn University Determinants of Wealth Concentration in Thailand Guest Scholar
MAY, Damian Gerard 10/1/2011
Research Scientist, SARDI (South Australian Research & Development Institute) Food Safety Learning a rapid and easy method for detection of Vibrio
parahaemolyticus in molluscan bivalves.
Guest Research Associate
MILNER, Anthony Crothers 8/1/2011
Professor of Asian History, College of Asia and the Pacific, Australian National University A historical/anthropological study of 1890s Pahang Visiting Research Scholar
Muhammad Iqbal Djawad 7/1/2011
Associate Professor, Faculty of Marine Science and Fisheries, Hasanuddin University Climate Change Adaptation of Aquaculture In Eastern Part of Indonesia Visiting Research Scholar
KHUAT, Thu Hong 7/15/2011
Co-Director, Institute for Social Development Studies Negotiating Identities: The Processes of Cultural Adaptation and Re-Adaptation of Vietnamese Migrants Between Japan and Vietnam and Their Socio-Economic Implications. Guest Scholar
VALLARD, Annabel 6/21/2011
Postdoctoral Fellow, Center of Southeast-Asian Studies, CASE/EHESS-UMR CNRS 8170 Laotian cotton & silk: a materiality shaped in between overseas scientific laboratories and local farms Guest Research Associate
Thin Thin Myat 6/16/2011
Assistant Lecturer, Department of Geography, Pyay University Sustainable Agricultural Practices in Myanmar and Japan Guest Research Associate
Joannes Wibisono 6/1/2011
Editor, Indonesian Service of Radio Netherlands Fascism in Dutch East Indies and the origin of Suharto’s dictatorship Visiting Research Scholar
INTARASIRIPONG, Jirapan 6/1/2011
Librarian (Head Circulation), Circulation Department, Central Library, King Mongkut’s University of Technology Study of Cataloging-in-Publication Data for Transliteration in Asian : Pilot study in Thailand Visiting Research Scholar
MUNPRASIT, Aussanee 5/1/2011
Assistant Training Department Chief for Technical, Training Department, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center Community-base Coastal Fisheries Management in Southeast Asia Visiting Research Scholar
Khin Oo 4/1/2011
Professor, Rice Specialization, Hmawbi Campus, Yezin Agricultural University Concept and practices of agricultural extension in Myanmar Visiting Research Scholar
Name Period Affiliation Research Title Position


SRIPANA, Thanyathip 3/1/2011
Senior Researcher and lecturer, Institute of Asian Studies, Chulalongkorn University Ho Chi Minh in Thailand: The Struggle for Vietnamese Independence Visiting Research Scholar
NGUYEN, Van Chinh 3/01/2011
Associate Professor in Anthropology, College of Social Sciences and Humanities, Vietnam National University, Hanoi The Growing Presence of China in the Mekong Region and Its Influence Guest Scholar
FABROS, Alinaya Sybilla Lactao 1/26/2011
Reseacher, Focus on the Global South Re-imagining citizenship under Globalization: Perspectives of Global Workers in Malaysia and Japan on the Discourse and Practice of Political Agency Guest Scholar
THIRY, Martin 1/20/2011
Researcher, East-West Center, University of Hawaii Collonial Policing in the Dutch East Indies, The Case of Ambonese Guest Research Associate
DAO, Minh Truong 1/14/2011
Center for Natural Resources and Environmental Studies, Vietnam National University Five decades of interaction between land and forest resources and people in Vietnam Northern Mountain Region Guest Research Associate
JINTRAWET, Attachai 12/1/2010
Associate Professor, Faculty of Agriculture, Plant Science and Natural Resources, Chiang Mai University Impacts of climate changes scenarios on rice production systems in Thailand and its implications to food security Visiting Research Scholar
BAHADUR KC, Krishna 11/28/2010
Falculty of Agricultural Sciences, University of Hohenheim Livelihood mapping of Mainland Southeast Asia using GIS and living standard criteria Guest Research Associate
Ahmad Helmy Fuady 11/26/2010
Researcher, Research Centre for Regional Resources, Indonesian Institute of Sciences Elite and Rural-Agricultural Biased Development in Indonesia and Nigeria Guest Research Associate
HOSKINS, Janet Alison 12/1/2010
Professor, Anthropology, University of Southern California Indigenous Vietnamese Religions in Transnational Perspective Visiting Research Scholar
HOLT, John Clifford 11/1/2010
Professor, Dept. of Religion & Asian Studies Program, Bowdoin College Theravada Traditions: Overcoming Dukkha in the Religious Cultures of Sri Lanka and Southeast Asia Visiting Research Scholar
Apallidya Sitepu 11/1/2010
Librarian, Center for Scientific Documentation and Information, Indonesian Institute of Sciences Compilation of Bibliography on Indonesian Religious Publication at CSEAS library Visiting Research Scholar
HOLT, Sree Padma 11/1/2010
Lecturer, Bowdoin College Origins and Transformations of Goddess Cults in Andhra Pradesh, India Guest Scholar
ISLAM, Tazul 10/1/2010
Professor, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, American International University- Bangladesh Microfinance in Myanmar: Potential for Future Growth Visiting Research Scholar
OCAMPO, Lamberto Raymundo 10/01/2010
Chairman, National Historical Institute History, Re-presentation, and the State: Using the past to instill a sense of identity and nationhood Guest Scholar
HARA, Kimie 9/15/2010
Professor, Renison Research Professor After San Francisco: Post-World War II Japanese Peace Treaty and the Regional Conflicts in East Asia Guest Scholar
YONG, Chen Chen 9/6/2010
Senior Lecturer, Institute of China Studies, University of Malaya, Malaysia The Construction of Indexes for Japanese Multinational Companies Performance Analysis Guest Scholar
DAO, Minh Truong 9/4/2010
Center for Natural Resources and Environmental Studies, Vietnam National University Five decades of interaction between land and forest resources and people in Vietnam Northern Mountain Region Guest Research Associate
PERACULLO, Jeane 9/2/2010
Assistant Professor, Philosophy Department, De La Salle University Hunger Has A Female Face: A Phenomenological Reflection on the Vulnerable Body Guest Scholar
Ahmad Su’adi 9/1/2010
Executive Director, The Wahid Institute, Jakarta Managing Identity: Muslim Minority in Singapore, Cambodia and Vietnam Visiting Research Scholar
KINGSADA, Thongpheth 8/16/2010
Director General, Institute for Linguistic Research, Lao Academy of Social Sciences Linguistic diversity and socio-economic development in Laos Visiting Research Scholar
AGUILAR, Filomeno Villanueva 8/1/2010
Professor, History Department, School of Social Sciences, Ateneo de Manila University State, Nation, and Migration: The Philippines in Southeast Asia and the World Visiting Research Scholar
AGUILAR, Juliet Sio 8/1/2010
Professor of Pediatrics, University of the Philippines Issues in Pediatric Gastroenterology Guest Scholar
Truong Xuan Luan 7/16/2010
Associate Professor, Hanoi University of Mining and Geology Study on Geoinformatics for Urban City Hanoi Visiting Research Scholar
ASAWARACHAN, Piyawan 7/13/2010
Lecturer, King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology Ladkrabang Nationalism and Gender: Images of Thai Women during the First and Second Pibun Administrations Guest Scholar
TEO, Victor 6/14/2010
Research Assistant Professor (Sino-Japanese Relations), Department of Japanese Studies, SMLC, University of Hong Kong/ Centre for Asian Studies, University of Hong Kong The China “Factor” in the Strategic Relations of Japan with Russia and India Guest Research Associate
Andi Amri 6/5/2010
Researcher, Center for Environmental Studies, Hasanuddin University Marine Culture and Fisheries Cooperative in Japan: Lessons for Indonesia Guest Research Associate
TADEM, Teresa Encarnacion 5/1/2010
Professor, Dept. of Political Science, University of the Philippines, Diliman The Philippine Technocracy and the Politics of Economic Policy Making During the Martial Law Period (1972-1986) Visiting Research Scholar
TADEM, Eduardo Climaco 4/30/2010
Professor, Asian Center, University of the Philippines Comparative research and revision for publication of book manuscript: “Peasants and Outsiders: Change and Continuity in Philippine Agrarian Society” based on the PhD dissertation submitted to the National University of Singapore, Southeast Asian Studies Programme, Dec 2005 Guest Scholar
WONG, Roy Bin 4/1/2010
Professor, Department of History, University of California, Los Angeles World Regions and Global History : A Methodological Study Visiting Research Scholar
MUDNURAKSA, Pattama 4/1/2010
Librarian, Library and Information Center, National Institute of Development Administration Research articles on Thailand and Southeast Asia: A selection from academic journals published by the National Institute of Development Administration, Thailand (1998-2007) Visiting Research Scholar
Name Period Affiliation Research Title Position


TIONGSON, Nicanor Gadia 3/25/2010
University of the Philippines, Professor The Role of Culture in Nation-Building in Japan and the Philippines Guest Scholar
Marlina 3/15/2010
Lecturer, Department of Pharmacy, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Andalas Training of detection method for Vibrio parahaemolyticus and Escherichia coli O157 Guest Research Associate
Abdul Aziz Djamal 3/15/2010
Associate Professor in Microbiology at the Faculty of Medicine, Andalas University/ Head of Microbiology Installation Dr. M. Djamil General Hospital, Padang, Indonesia Training of detection method for Vibrio parahaemolyticus and Escherichia coli O157 Guest Research Associate
GUILLERMO, Ramon Guerrero 3/15/2010
Associate Professor, University of the Philippines Southeast Asian Robinsonades: A Comparative Historical Study and Analysis of the Translation of Joachim Heinrich Campe’s Robinson der Jungere (1779/1780) into Tagalog (Bagong Robinson [1879] and Bahasa Melayu Hikayat Robinson Crusoe[1875] Guest Research Associate
Dewi Fortuna Khadir Anwar 3/1/2010
Research Professor, Division of Social Sciences and Humanities, Research Center for Politics, Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI) 1) Developing ASEAN Community through intellectual exchanges: the role of Japan 2) Key Relations in Indonesian Foreign Policy: A Reader Visiting Research Scholar
Assistant Professor, Humanities and Social Sciences, Mahasarakham University The Red-shirted movement and the Politics of Post-peasant Society in Northeastern Thailand Visiting Research Scholar
Ahmad Muhammad 2/1/2010
Lecturer, Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics & Natural Sciences, Riau University Developing an innovative agroforest model suitable to the tropical Society and Environment Visiting Research Scholar
Ahmad Helmy Fuady 2/1/2010
Amsterdam School of Social science Research, Universiteit van Amsterdam Elites and Economic Policy-Making in Indonesia and Nigeria (1966-1998) Guest Research Associate
Hla Maung Thein 1/1/2010
Deputy Director, Planning and Statistic Division, Ministry of Forestry Comparative Study of community structure and species diversity of natural teak forests in different ecological range of Bago Yoma, Myanmar Visiting Research Scholar

Information on past fellows and research archived on older site. Click here for details