CSEAS Digital News 27 – 2024/3/27


Dear friends and colleagues,

The Center for Southeast Asian Studies (CSEAS) Kyoto University is pleased to announce the launch of a monthly internal newsletter. This will be sent out on a monthly basis and include updates on activities, research meetings, events, new publications and podcasts.

March 2024 issue includes:
    1. Announcements and Highlights
    2. Upcoming Events
    3. Publications: Hot off the CSEAS Press
    4. Presentations
    5. Podcasts in Japanese: “Book Talk on Asia”
    6. Media Exposure
    7. Past Events

Thank you and regards,
The Public Relations Committee, Center for Southeast Asian Studies (CSEAS)

 1. Announcements and Highlights

【March Get Together】
・The monthly welcome and farewell party, Get Together, will be held on Thursday, March 28, from 12:30 pm at the Mid-sized Meeting Room (on the 3rd floor of Inamori Center). Please join us and have an opportunity to enjoy small talk.
    We have updated the visiting scholars’ web page. Please check here.
    Before the event, we will have a group photo session from 12:20 pm in the courtyard (in case of rain: Research Commons, East Building).

【New Research Associate】
・Jean-Pascal Bassino (Economics): CSEAS welcomes Jean-Pascal Bassino as Visiting Research Scholar on April 1, 2024.
・Lily Hanefarezan Binti Asbulah (Arabic Linguistics): CSEAS welcomes Lily Hanefarezan Binti Asbulah as Guest Scholar on March 1, 2024.
・Charlene Rajendran (Contemporary Performance): CSEAS welcomes Charlene Rajendran as Guest Scholar on March 13, 2024.
・Arunrat Tangmunkongvorakul (Epidemiology and Population Health): CSEAS welcomes Arunrat Tangmunkongvorakul as Guest Research Associate on March 19, 2024.
・Mirlan Bektursunov (Central Asian Area Studies): CSEAS welcomes Mirlan Bektursunov as Guest Research Associate on April 1, 2024.

【Call for Applications】CSEAS Fellowship for Visiting Research Scholars, 2024–2025: The deadline for applications is March 31, 2024.

【Call for Participants】The 5th SEASIA Biennial Conference “De/Centering Southeast Asia”: Early Registration Deadline: May 30, 2024

CSEAS Library has officially become one of Japan’s “Registered Tangible Cultural Properties” on March 15. We would also welcome your support for the CSEAS Library Preservation Fund.

2. Upcoming Events

CSEAS Colloquium “Cataloging the Unknown: Exploring the Complexities of Managing Thai Materials in Japan”
    28 March 2024, 1:30 – 3:00 pm
    Venue: Middle-sized Meeting Room (332), 3rd Floor, Inamori Center, Kyoto University
    Speaker: Songphan Choemprayong (Visiting Research Scholar, CSEAS)

・CSEAS Reading Group session: Ethical Life: Its Natural and Social Histories by Webb Keane
    5 April 2024, 4 pm –
    Venue: Seminar Room (213), 2nd Floor, Inamori Center, Kyoto University
    Presenter: Michael Feener (CSEAS)
    Book information

Special Seminar “New Approaches to Philippine Literary History: New Materials and New Methodologies”
    26 April 2024, 4 – 6 pm
    Venue: Tonantei (201), 2nd Floor, Inamori Center, Kyoto University
    Speaker: Rocío Ortuño Casanova (Assistant Professor, Department of Spanish Literature, UNED / Director, Laboratorio de Innovación en Humanidades Digitales)

Special Seminar on ““The Rising Generation”: Filipino Scholars Before the Second World War”
    9 May 2024, 4:00 – 5:30 pm
    Venue: Tonantei (I201), 2nd Floor, Inamori Center, CSEAS, Kyoto University
    Speaker: Jonathan Victor Baldoza (Department of History, Princeton University)

The 5th SEASIA Biennial Conference “De/Centering Southeast Asia”
    18–20 July 2024
    Venue: University of the Philippines Diliman, Quezon City

3. Publications: Hot off the CSEAS Press

【New Book】SAITO Teruko, Money-lending Contracts in Konbaung Burma: Another interpretation of an early modern society in Southeast Asia, Kyoto Area Studies on Asia 30, Kyoto University Press & Trans Pacific Press, 2024.

【Latest Issue】
・Vol. 12 No. 3 of Southeast Asian Studies published on 26 December 2023. Website/J-Stage

【Latest Issue】
・Vol. 61, No. 2 of Japanese Journal of Southeast Asian Studies on 31 January 2024. Website/J-Stage

【Latest Issue】
Special issue (37) titled “Urban Governance and Platform Dynamics in Southeast Asia” of Kyoto Review of Southeast Asia is out on March 1, 2024. In this issue, Apiwat Ratanawaraha, associate professor at Chulalongkorn University, serves as guest editor.
    Five book reviews are also available.

【New Article】
TRENDSETTERS column “Holding the reigns: Steering development in Thailand” by Praween Van Rysselberge, in Kyoto Review of Southeast Asia on March 1, 2024.

【Latest Issue】CSEAS monthly newsletter released on March 13. 
    [Interview] “Trailblazing Researcher Yasuyuki Kono: Rethinking the Coexistence of People, Nature, and Society in Southeast Asia” 
    [Interview] “The Making of an Anthropologist: Yoko Hayami Descends the Mountain Ridges to Hear the Streams”
    [Interview] Satoko Kimura, “Unraveling the Mysteries of Living Creatures through Sound—My Que Será, Será Story”
    [Interview] Chika Yamada, “Rethinking Public Health: Lessons from Indonesia’s Harm Reduction Movement”
    [Letter from the Kamogawa River] “ ‘Don’t think, feel!’ ” by Yasuyuki Kono

【New Book】Pavin Chachavalpongpun (ed), Rama X: The Thai Monarchy under King Vajiralongkorn, Yale Southeast Asia Studies Monograph Series 69, Yale University Southeast Asia Studies, Spring 2024.

【New Article / Open-access】Mieno, F. and Demachi, K. (2024), Macroeconomic Imbalance, External Debt, and the Financial System in Laos. Asian Economic Policy Review. DOI: 10.1111/aepr.12469 

【New Article / Open-access】Yamashita T, Quy PN, Yamada C, Nogami E, Seto-Suh E, Iwamoto S, Kato K. A cross-sectional survey of material deprivation and suicide-related ideation among Vietnamese technical interns in Japan. Front Psychol. 2024 Jan 4;14:1241837.   

【New Article / Open-access】Sakamoto, R. (2024) Legionnaires’ disease outbreak in Philadelphia and the 1976 United States presidential election. Sociology Lens, 1–16. DOI: 10.1111/johs.12442 

【New Article】Majid Danesigar, “A Remnant from the Ruined City of Akhsikath, Uzbekistan: Another Rare Persianate Manuscript Belonging to Erpenius,” Cambridge University Library Special Collections, 12 March 2024.

【Forthcoming】Kisho Tsuchiya, Emplacing East Timor: The Cycle of Regime Change and Knowledge Production, 1860-2010, University of Hawai‘i Press, 2024.

【Forthcoming】Theara Thun, Epistemology of the Past: Texts, History and Intellectuals of Cambodia, 1850–1970, University of Hawaii Press, August 2024.

4. Presentations

【Lecture】Kisho Tsuchiya, “Seven Points of Advice for Future Researchers,” Upscale: Ateneo Research Workshop, Ateneo de Davao University, 17 February 2024.

【Comment】Kisho Tsuchiya (Comment), “History of Japanese Settlements in Pre-Eorld War II Davao through Records of Violence: A Public Lecture by Dr. Eri Kitada,” Ateneo de Davao University, 26 February 2024.

【Presentation/Discussion】Erminia Colucci (Presenter), Chika Yamada (Discussant),  “Harmoni -Healing Together-: Film Screening and Discussion with Erminia Colucci,” Anthro-film Laboratory 53, 22 February 2024, National Museum of Ethnology.  

【Presentation】Tomoko Takahashi, “Politics through Environmental Protection: A Case Study on the ‘Marine Biodiversity of Areas beyond National Jurisdiction (BBNJ)’” (Keynote Speech) and Panel Discussion, Kyoto University KURA “AI DA” seminar “Next-Generation Human Resource Development for Harnessing the Forces of Culture and Nature for Peace and Sustainability,” 19 March 2024, Rakuyu Kaikan, Kyoto University.

【Poster presentation】Satoko S. Kimura (Co-author), “Development of the finless porpoise sound classifier using acoustic event recorder data and assessment of vessel noise effects on the distribution of finless porpoises,” International Symposium on Hierarchical Bio-Navigation, 11 March 2024.

【Forthcoming Presentation / Panel discussion】Tomoko Takahashi, “Unraveling the Modernity of International Institutions: Citizenry Viewpoints from the Great East Japan Earthquake,” presentation on the panel “International Cooperation: Information, Public Support and Domestic Politics,” at International Studies Association (ISA) 2024 Annual Convention (San Francisco), on 6 April 2024 (See full program , p.186), and Panel discussion, “Understanding Contemporary Trends in Global Governance and World Politics,” on 4 April 2024 (See full program, p.80).

5. Podcasts in Japanese: “Book Talk on Asia”

    In this program, the Editorial Office, CSEAS introduce the latest books on Asia. The authors are invited to talk about the contents and background of their books.

6. Media Exposure

The JICA project, led by Associate Professor Ryota Sakamoto, was featured on Bhutan’s national broadcaster, BBS

7. Past Events

Roundtable on “Formulating the Indonesian Middle Power Strategy: Reflecting Japan’s Experience”
    27 March 2024, 10:30–12:00 am (JST)
    Venue: Tonantei (I201), 2nd Floor, Inamori Center, CSEAS, Kyoto University
    Organizers: CSEAS, Kyoto University, CSIS (Centre for Strategic and International Studies) of Indonesia

ASEAN-Japan Insights: “Carbon Neutral by 2050: How Japan and ASEAN can Collaborate on Emissions Reduction through Carbon Trading Markets”
    26 March 2024, 3:00–4:30 pm JST | 2:00–3:30 pm SGT | 1:00–2:30 pm  ICT
    Zoom webinar (English with simultaneous Japanese translation)
    Organizers: The ASEAN-Japan Centre and CSEAS Kyoto University
    Julie Ann de los Reyes (CSEAS) moderated the panel discussion.

The Memorial Final Lectures by Prof. Yasuyuki Kono and Prof. Yoko Hayami
    22 March 2024 
    Venue: Shiranakaikan, Kyoto University

Special Seminar on the 2024 Indonesian Election
    15 March 2024, 10–12 am
    Venue: Seminar Room (213), 2nd Floor, Inamori Center, CSEAS, Kyoto University

Together for Mental Health: short films screening
    12 March 2024, 15:00–17:30 JST
    Venue: Former Kyoto Prize Library Room, 1st Floor, Inamori Center, CSEAS, Kyoto University
    Movie Director / Presenter: Erminia Colucci (Visiting Research Scholar, CSEAS / Professor, Middlesex University London / Visiting Professor, Gadjah Mada University)
    Discussant: Keizo-u Miyasaka (Professor Emeritus at Keio University and Tokyo Online University)

Symposium — Filosof Angga: Thirteen trials and a thousand hopes
    3 March 2024, 14:00–15:30 JST
    Venue: Nakanoshima Museum of Art, Osaka
    Organizers: Research in Film and Society in Southeast Asia (Refssea) / Center for Southeast Asian Studies (CSEAS), Kyoto University / Osaka Asian Film Festival
    Panelist: Angga Dwimas SASONGKO, 13 Bombs Director
    Moderator: NISHI Yoshimi (CSEAS)

・“Asian Society and Culture through Video” monthly screening
    22 February 2024, 6 pm –
    Venue: Multimedia Room 2, 1st floor, East Bldg, CSEAS Kyoto University
    English with Japanese subtitles
    Title: “Small Island Big Song” (81mins/English with Japanese subtitles)

CSEAS Colloquium: “Which Lineages? History and Interpretations of Philippine Politics” 
    22 February 2024, 1:00 pm – 2:30 pm
    Venue: Research Commons, 1st Floor, East Building, CSEAS, Kyoto University
    Speaker: Mark R. Thompson (Visiting Research Scholar, CSEAS / Professor, City University of Hong Kong)

  ・Breaking the Chains: film screening
    21 February 2024, 3:00 pm – 5:30 pm
    Venue: Former Kyoto Prize Library Room, 1st Floor, Inamori Center, Kyoto University
    Movie Director / Presenter: Erminia Colucci (Visiting Research Scholar, CSEAS / Professor, Middlesex University London / Visiting Professor, Gadjah Mada University)
    Discussant: Kasumi Ito (Eminent Associate Professor, Ritsumeikan University)


Recently, I’ve been involved in organizing retirement ceremonies for two professors, through which I’ve gained a deeper insight into the life journey of academics. One revelation has been that the obstacles I currently face, in the grand scheme of a career, are merely small steps in the vast journey of life. Yet, it is precisely these small steps that collectively forge a broad river, ever-expanding in its reach. Another insight is that we all wield the brush in the canvas of our lives, yet we also imprint our footprints in the lives of many. The world is not only the point where we stand but also a network of interconnected lines and layers, formed through our various interactions. These intricate networks become our foundation of strength, offering a gentle embrace to cushion our falls and inspire courage to continue forward in moments of despair. (Y)

The other day, I had the opportunity to visit Seifuso Villa (historical property of Kyoto University) for the first time during a seminar. They guided us through the building and gardens, where I could almost sense Saionji Kinmochi (Japanese politician and former prime minister in the early 20th century)’s cultured personality, which is in contrast to his pursuit of career in politics. The chair he used to sit in as the Genro, glass and tatami floor from more than 100 years ago, and his handwritten Chinese poems were all preserved from those days. Over the years, the residence has become a place visited by many intellectuals, and it even appears in the diary of Professor Hideki Yukawa, who won the Nobel Prize in Physics. As these facts themselves caught people’s attention, researchers have published a book on its history, and a guestbook has been installed at Seifuso Villa recently, in which I had the opportunity to write my name and message. In the midst of the building, which had watched over the continuity of history, I was reminded once again of the importance of research institutions and the interpersonal connections they foster. March marks the month of retirement and relocation for many people, to whom I would like to express my sincere appreciation. Having received guidance from senseis and colleagues at our home ground, CSEAS, I’d like to keep trying my best, and I would also like to ask for your continued guidance in the future. (T.T.)

––– CSEAS Digital News Issue 27 –––––––––

 Public Relations Committee
 Center for Southeast Asian Studies
 Kyoto University

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