IGA, Tsukasa | Center for Southeast Asian Studies Kyoto University

IGA, Tsukasa

Research Departments・Position
Political & Economic Coexistence
Affiliated Lecturer
Political Sociology and Area Study in Southeast Asia, especially Malaysia
Research Interests / Keywords
・Media and Politics in Southeast Asia
・Social Movements in the reform era in Malaysia
・Political Scandal and Accountability in Southeast Asia

IGA, Tsukasa

Media and Politics in Southeast Asia

The purpose of this research is to clarify political process on control and freedom of media in Southeast Asia, especially in Malaysia. The qestion of this research is 1) what roles do media play under the competitive authoritarian regime like Malaysia, and 2) how do the technological development influence the political role of media.

Social Movements in the reform era in Malaysia

This is the topic on how social movements change politics and society in the post-Mahathir era in Malaysia. This research focuses on mobilization mechanism and results of social movements.

Political Scandal and Accountability in Southeast Asia

The purpose of this research is to clarify political process on the secrecy, opening, and exposure of information in Southeast Asia, especially in Malayisa. This research focuses on the actors, results, and global trends like the introduction of the accountablity conecpet.