Staff Page
KIMURA, Satoko

- Research Departments・Position
- Environmental Coexistence
Associate Professor - Area
- Underwater Bioacoustics, EIA(Environmental Impact Assessment), Natural symbiotic system
- Research Interests / Keywords
- Coastal ecosystem, Aquatic animal, Top predator, Marine mammal
KIMURA, Satoko
I am developing monitoring methods for quantitative observation of large aquatic animals, mainly small odontocetes (dolphins and porpoises). These methods are used to reveal their behavior and ecology, and to assess anthropogenic impact on the species or individuals. By using passive acoustic monitoring methods that utilize the sounds produced by animals and biologging methods that attach equipment directly onto the animals, I am examining the characteristics of the sounds produced by the target species, their vocal behavior, and basic ecological information such as when, where, and how many target animals are present at the target waters. I am also conducting EIA of noise from ship traffic and offshore wind power plant on the animals, stress check in captivity, and drone surveys in the wild.