Lopez, Mario Ivan | Center for Southeast Asian Studies Kyoto University

Lopez, Mario Ivan

Lopez, Mario Ivan
Research Departments・Position
Global Humanosphere
Associate Professor
Cultural Anthropology, Southeast Asian Studies, Migration Studies, Indicators Research
Research Interests / Keywords
・Humanosphere Potentiality Index Research
・Transnational Migration and Care in Super-aging societies

Lopez, Mario Ivan

Japanese Intellectual Knowledge Formation in Multidisciplinary Research within Southeast Asian Area Studies

This research project analyses the conditions under which the foundations and approaches to interdisciplinary research have been fostered in Japanese Southeast Asian studies. Through quantitative and qualitative methods, it examines how Japanese scholars engage with their fields of study and through their intellectual experiences clarify what generates their research initiatives. This project aims to identify the locus and characteristics of multidisciplinary area studies in Japan and its intellectual contribution to global Southeast Asian studies.

Transnational Migration and Care in Super-aging societies

At present, the demand for securing nurses and caregivers is increasing in rapidly aging societies. In particular, the international migration of nurses and caregivers from the Asia-Pacific region to other regions has been an important factor in meeting this demand. This ongoing research aims to examine the status of this movement and its impacts, and to identify more effective policies.

The main objectives are to propose policy responses that can improve the system for receiving nurses and caregivers from Southeast Asia in Japan. This includes examining the current Japanese government system and establishing a scheme that can more flexibly enable the flow of highly skilled workers between regions.

To achieve this objective, I am conducting comparative research related to the circulation of highly skilled migrant workers under three themes:

  • 1. Comparison with E.U. member countries that allow for the free movement of labor.

  • 2. Comparison of policies and trends in Japan and ASEAN, which set restrictions on highly skilled migrant workers according to political and market needs.

  • 3. Comparative research of Japanese nursing care homes that employ migrant care workers.

Based on regulatory mechanisms in other regions, this research aims to put forward specific proposals applicable to ASEAN countries and Japan. This will include presenting a roadmap that is flexible and responsive to labor market needs according to the political and social conditions in both sending and receiving countries.