CSEAS Digital News Issue 13 – 2023/01/25 | Center for Southeast Asian Studies Kyoto University


CSEAS Digital News Issue 13 – 2023/01/25


CSEAS Digital News Issue 13 – 2023/01/25

Dear friends and colleagues,

The Center for Southeast Asian Studies (CSEAS) Kyoto University is pleased to announce the launch of a monthly internal newsletter. This will be sent out on a monthly basis and include updates on activities, research meetings, events, new publications and podcasts.

January 2023 issue includes:

    1. Announcements and Highlights
    2. Upcoming Events
    3. Publications: Hot off the CSEAS Press
    4. Podcasts in Japanese: “Book Talk on Asia”
    5. Past Events

Thank you and regards,

The Public Relations Committee, Center for Southeast Asian Studies (CSEAS)

 1. Announcements and Highlights

【January Get Together】
・The monthly welcome and farewell party, Get Together, will be held on Thursday, January 26, from 12:30 pm. This time it will be held onsite at the Research Commons room (on the 1st floor of the East bldg). Please join us and have an opportunity to enjoy small talks.
    We have updated the visiting scholars’ web page. Please check here.

【New Guest Research Associate】
・Tania Li (Anthropology): CSEAS welcome Tania Li as Visiting Research Scholar on February 1, 2023.
・CAO Yin (曹寅) (History): CSEAS welcome CAO Yin as Visiting Research Scholar on February 1, 2023.
・Lee Kuei Min (李貴民) (History): CSEAS welcome Lee Kuei Min as Guest Research Associate on February 5, 2023.

Visitor’s Voice
・New interview articles are available now. We asked them about their research, future ambitions, and more.
    Visitor’s Voice: Miriam Jaehn “Remaining Unsettled – Issues of Forced Migration Research
    Visitor’s Voice: Meita Estiningsih “The Impact of Japan’s Occupation of Indonesia on Films and Collective Memory of the War
    Visitor’s Voice: Sharon Bong “Exploring the Intersection of Gender, Ecology, and Religion
    Visitor’s Voice: Message from Walden Bello

【New!】CSEAS have released a new video in our research introduction video series ‘TANKEN Video: Welcome to Area Studies.’
    “In Their Own Words: The Recent History of a Mindanawan Port Town Through the Experience of Female Ex-smugglers”(Main Cast: Kisho Tsuchiya (CSEAS))
    The aim of this video series is to widely publicize the field activities and research of the CSEAS members, and to introduce the latest area studies through the researchers who are engaged in it.
    A number of videos are available to promote the appeal of area studies. Please take a look! They can also be used as teaching materials.

【CSEAS Week 2022】
GCR Annual Research Report Meeting
    14 Febuary 2023 (Tue) 10 am – 4 pm
    Hybrid Venue: Large-sized meeting room, Inamori Foundation Memorial Building, Kyoto University and online
・CSEAS Seminar
    15 February 2023 (Wed)
The 46th Southeast Asia Seminar “Social Media and Youths in Southeast Asia: An Instrument for Political Change?”
    16 February 2023 (Thu) 9:40 am – 3:00 pm
    Hybrid Venue: Large-sized meeting room, Inamori Foundation Memorial Building, Kyoto University and online

2. Upcoming Events

・Special Seminar: “Intangible Cultural Heritage of Angkor: Traditional Handicrafts & Livelihood
    3 February 2023, 3:30 – 5 pm
    Venue: Tonantei (No. 201), 2nd Floor, Inamori Foundation Memorial Building
    Speaker: IM Sokrithy (Department of Research Training & Communication, APSARA National Authority, Cambodia)

・2023 AAS Annual Conference [Virtual]
    18 February 2023, 10:30 am – 12:00 pm GMT+9
    Narumi Shitara (CSEAS) will participate in the roundtable “Scholarly Publishing in Asian Studies” as a discussant.

・Special Seminar: “Fixing the Image: Ultrasound and the Visuality of Care in Phnom Penh
    10 February 2023, 4 pm – 5:30 pm
    Venue: Tonantei, 2nd floor, Inamori Foundation Memorial Building and Online
    Speaker: Jenna Grant (University of Washington)
    Inquiry: Yoko Hayami (CSEAS)

・International Online Conference: “Dynamics of Change and Continuity in Philippine Political Economy: Martial Law and the Marcos Restoration
   23-24 February 2023
    Julie Ann de los Reyes (CSEAS) will serve as a member of the Organizing Committee.

・CSEAS Reading Group Online Session: Information: A Historical Companion, edited by Ann Blair, Paul Duguid, Anja-Silvia Goeing, and Anthony Grafton
    27 January 2023, 4 pm –
    Moderator: R Michael Feener (CSEAS), Miriam Jaehn (CSEAS), Yoko Hayami (CSEAS), Lopez Mario (CSEAS), Kisho Tsushiya (CSEAS), de los Reyes Julie (CSEAS), Chika Yamada (CSEAS).

3. Publications: Hot off the CSEAS Press

【Latest Issue】
Vol. 11, No. 3 of Southeast Asian Studies on December 22, 2022.

【Latest Issue】
・Special Issue (34) titled “Shinzo Abe’s Legacy for the Future of Japanese-Southeast Asian Relations” of Kyoto Review of Southeast Asia is out on January 1, 2023. In this issue, David T. Malitz (German Institute for Japanese Studies) serves as the Guest Editor.

【New Article】
・TRENDSETTERS column “From Social Regulation to Social Movements: International network in organizing the ALTERSEA Conference” by Gabriel Facal and Gloria Truly Estrelita, in Kyoto Review of Southeast Asia on January 1, 2023.

【New Book】
・Okamoto Masaaki and Jafar Suryomenggolo (eds), Indonesia at the Crossroads: Transformation and Challenges. Trans Pacific Press and Gadjah Mada University Press, 2023.

・Takamichi Serizawa, Writing History in America’s Shadow: Japan, the Philippines, and the Question of Pan-Asianism, Ateneo de Manila University Press.

・Kisho Tsuchiya, Emplacing East Timor: The Cycle of Regime Change and Knowledge Production, 1860-2010, University of Hawai‘i Press.

4. Podcasts in Japanese: “Book Talk on Asia”

    In this program, the Editorial Office, CSEAS will introduce the latest books on Asia twice a month. The authors will be invited to talk about the contents and background of their books.
    Soundcloud / YouTube 

【New!】Book Talk on Asia No. 53 (11 January 2023)
    The Shinano Mainichi Shimbun (ed.) Itsutsuiro no mebiusu: “Gaikokujin” to tomoni hataraki tomoni ikiru (Moebius of the Five Colors). Akashishoten, 2022 (in Japanese).
    The guest speaker is Ushiyama Kenichi (Shinano Mainichi Shimbun).
    Soundcloud / YouTube / Book information 

【New!】Book Talk on Asia No.52 (21 December 2022)
    Takashi Nakano and Jun Suzuki, Tonan Ajia sutatappu daiyakushin no himitsu (Startup Ecosystem in Southeast Asia), Nikkei Business Publications, 2022 (in Japanese).
    SoundCloud / YouTube / Book information 

・Book Talk on Asia No. 51 (14 December 2022)
    Hideki Hayashida (ed.), The Study of Oil Palm Plantation Issues Ⅰ 【Global Edition】: Thinking about the Global Subject in Southeast Asia and The Study of Oil Palm Plantation Issues Ⅱ 【Local Edition】: Inquiring into the Plantation Development and the Structural Change of Local Communities. Kyoto: Koyo Shobo, 2021 (in Japanese).
    Soundcloud / YouTube / Book information

・Book Talk on Asia No. 50 (22 November 2022)
    Takashi Okamoto, Aktō tachi no Chūka Teikoku (The Chinese Empire and Great Bad Men). Shinchosha, 2022 (in Japanese).
    Soundcloud / YouTube / Book information

【Forthcoming】Book Talk on Asia No. 55 (8 February 2023)
    Midori Minamida, Biruma bungaku no fukei: Gunji seikenka wo yuku (The Scenery of Burmese Literature: Going under the Military Regime). Honnoizumisya, 2021 (in Japanese).
    SoundCloud / YouTube / Book information

5. Past Events

・AEDS Seminar
    20 January 2023, 4:45 – 6:15 pm (JST)
   Venue: Seminar Room 103 on 1F, Faculty of Law and Faculty of Economics, East Bldg., Yoshida Campus, Kyoto University
    Title: ”Understanding Vaccine Hesitancy: Empirical Evidence From India”
    Speaker: Pramod Kumar Sur (Asian Growth Research Institute)

・Seminar “The Coalitions Presidents Make: Presidential Power and its Limits in Democratic Indonesia
    19 January 2023, 4 pm – 5:30 pm
    Venue: Seminar Room (Room 213) at the 2nd Floor of the Inamori Foundation Memorial Building
    Speaker: Marcus Mietzner (ANU)
    Moderator: Masaaki Okamoto (CSEAS)

・UCSD Taiwan Studies Center Book Talk Webinar: “Siting Postcoloniality: Critical Perspectives from the East Asian Sinosphere
    19 January 2023, 9 – 10:30 am (JST)/ 4 – 5:30 (PST)
    Caroline Hau (CSEAS) along with co-editor Pheng Chen (UC Berkeley), served as panelists to introduce the latest edited book.

Special Seminar: Frontiers of Gender Studies in Asia
    12 January 2023 (Thu), 3 pm – 5 pm
    Venue: Seminar Room (Room 213), 2nd floor, Inamori Foundation Memorial Building
    Champathong Phochanthilath (National University of Laos) presented “Gender Relations in Laos Since the New Economic Mechanism,” and Sharon A. Bong (Monash University Malaysia) presented “Critical Relativism: An Intersectional Approach to Gender Equality.” Chika Obiya (CSEAS) and Yoko Hayami (CSEAS) discussed on above topics, Kisho Tsuchiya (CSEAS) moderated the seminar.

・Special Seminar: “Against the Odds in Asia, 1901-2021: On Activists, Autocrats, Exiles and Empires in Several Eras
    10 January 2023, 2 pm – 3:30 pm
    Venue: Tonan-tei (Room 201), 2nd floor, Inamori Foundation Memorial Building
    Jeffery Wasserstorm (Chancellor’s Professor of History at University of California, Irvine) presented his research. Pavin Chachavalpongpun (CSEAS) moderated the seminar.

Seminar on Gender Issues in Academia
    10 January 2023 (Tue), 11 am – 12:30 pm
    Venue: Research Commons Room, 1st Floor, East Building, CSEAS
    Champathong Phochanthilath (National University of Laos) presented the topic on “Promoting Gender Equality in the National University of Laos,” and Sharon A. Bong (Monash University Malaysia) followed with a discussion. Chika Obiya (CSEAS) moderated the seminar.

・CSEAS Colloquium: “Commemorating, Conserving, and Forgetting Wartime Past: Public Memory (Re)construction through Japanese-postwar Film, The Burmese Harp and Indonesian Nationalism-themed Film, Merdeka Narratives
    15 December 2022, 1:00 pm – 2:30 pm
    Venue: Middle-sized room (No.332), 3rd Floor, Inamori Foundation Memorial Building
    Meita Estiningsih (CSEAS Guest Research Associate) presented her ongoing research.

Seminar Series on Energy and Environment in Southeast Asia, Daikin Industries ✕ CSEAS Kyoto University Joint Research Project, 1st Seminar
    14 December 2022, 4 pm – 5:30 pm (JST)
    Venue: Online Zoom
    Opening Remarks: Fumiharu Mieno (CSEAS)
    1st Presentation: “Retiring coal-fired power in the Philippines: Implications for emissions reductions, grid stability and geography”
    Speaker: Julie Ann de los Reyes (CSEAS)
    2nd Presentation: “Keeping cool in Metro Manila: Changing social practices during the pandemic”
    Speaker: Marlyne Sahakian (University of Geneva)
    Comments: Discussant: Jutae Hong (Daikin Industries)

・2022 AAS-in-Asia Symposium “Cultivating the Humanities and Social Sciences: Addressing the Multiple Marginalities of South and Southeast Asia
    8-10 December 2022
    UNISERV, Chiang Mai University, Thailand
    Kisho Tsuchiya (CSEAS) delivered a talk on “History Writings on Timor-Leste: Beyond the Activist Origin and the Global Division of Labor” as part of the roundtable session on “Current Trends in East Timor Studies.”

■To all affiliated researchers using CSEAS mail accounts: A Request from the Public Relations Committee
We are happy to share our monthly CSEAS Digital News with you through CSEAS and ASAFAS mailing lists (all_cseas [at] cseas.kyoto-u.ac.jp, all-tk [at] asafas.kyoto-u.ac.jp).
As announced by CSEAS Information Processing Office in July 4, CSEAS mail account service will change in the next fiscal year. We recommend you obtain the Kyoto University account with ECS-ID (or SPS-ID) and register to the CSEAS mailing list to continue receiving this digital news.
Please consider registering for your KU account using the form provided by CSEAS Information Processing Office.

*Back issues of CSEAS Digital News are listed here in the order of one month after publication.
 If there are any comments, suggestions, or inquiries, please contact the Public Relations Committee, Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Kyoto University.
 E-MAIL: tanken [at] cseas.kyoto-u.ac.jp
 Google Form: https://forms.gle/XGUrqpHW7SFvzut49