
Seminar on Gender Issues in Academia

Date & Time: January 10th (Tue.), 2023 11:00-12:30
Venue: Research Commons, 1st Floor, East Building, CSEAS

Speaker: Champathong Phochanthilath (National University of Laos)

Title: “Promoting Gender Equality in the National University of Laos”

National University of Laos (NUOL) was established in 1996, it is the first comprehensive university in the history of Lao PDR. NUOL has made progress on promoting women advancement in the recent decade, the first female vice-president has been appointed and the number of female doctoral degree holders has increased from time to time. However, the gender gap among academic staff remains a challenge. Furthermore, gender issues are integrated in some undergraduate and postgraduate programs, but the gender studies program does not exist yet. In 2021, Gender Studies Center (GSC) was founded in the context of the pandemic COVID 19. Initially, GSC has conducted research projects, provided training and academic consultation to the INGOs and CSOs. However, gender awareness raising and promoting gender equality activities among students and faculty members have not been conducted, which are challenges for GSC.

Commentator: Sharon A. Bong (Monash University Malaysia)

Moderator: Chika Obiya (CSEAS)

For participants who have small children, we can set up a temporary nursery room for children with a professional sitter during the seminars. If you are interested, please email to danjokyodo[at] by 15:00, Dec. 23.

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