
CSEAS Online Seminar on Indonesia

You are cordially invited to our online seminar on Indonesia.

Time and Date: 16:30 to 18:00 (Japan Time) or 14:30 to 16:00 (Indonesia Time) on February 24, 2022
Access to the Seminar: Register through the URL:

1st Presentation: “The Potential of Digitalization for Indonesian Content Creator and Audience”
Speaker: Muhammad Neil El Himam (Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy)
Commentator: Matsui Kazuhisa (Matsui Glocal LLC)
Moderator: Putri Widya Utami

2nd Presentation:  “The Potential of Domestic Tourist for Indonesian Tourism and International Tourism”
Speaker: Fransiskus Xaverius Teguh (Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy)
Commentator: Kagami Haruya (Kanazawa University)
Moderator:  Cahaya Rizka Putri

The presentations’ abstracts and the presenters’ bio are as follows:

Abstract of 1st Presentation:
The world economy is currently not in its best condition, and Indonesia is no exception. An obstacle as grand as the pandemic has crashed Indonesia’s previously robust creative economy. The creative economy is the added value of intellectual property sourced from men’s creativity based on cultural heritage, knowledge, and technology. However, when seen from a different angle, the speeding up of the migration of our activity to the digital world caused by pandemics has also created an opportunity. When combined with the digital economy, our research has proven that the creative industry could survive and even thrive faster than other more conventional economic sectors like tourism. The use of e-commerce in Indonesia in 2021 has amounted to 88,1% of the total population, higher than the global average. This percentage is still expected to grow in years to come. It is caused by the domination of the millennial and Gen Z in our demographic composition. The two generations’ familiarity with the digital world and interest in the creative industry are the motors of our shift to the digital creative economy.

The government of Indonesia is trying its best to nurture the potential of the millennial and Gen Z population of Indonesia in the current shift to the digital creative economy. We are setting a supporting business ecosystem that could give the youth assistance and resources such as research facilities, knowledge banks, financial support, intellectual property protection, regulation, access to market, and infrastructure when developing their digital creative businesses. This conceptual scheme has been put into practice through several mainstay programs such as Santri Digitalpreneur Indonesia, BEKUP (Baparekraf for startup), SBBI (Stimulus Bangga Buatan Indonesia), BEDAKAN (course on packaging design), bergerak (practice and assistance on food stall construction), and incubation plus a gift for business model besides food and beverages such as fashion, craft, and design.

Abstract of 2nd Presentation:
With a growing middle class, more and more Indonesians are using their extra income to consume experience, travel being one of them. As global interconnectivity rises, and technology improves, the ease of international travel has been unprecedented. There has also been a growing interest towards domestic travel, into the far ends of the country. However, the pandemic has brought all of this into a halt, or has it? With that in mind, we wish to discuss the potential of Indonesian domestic tourist for Indonesian tourism and international tourism, while discussing the most appropriate response towards this group of people and their behavior.

Bio of the 1st Presenters:
Muhammad Neil El Himam (neil.elhimam[at] is the deputy chairman for digital economy and creative products of the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy of Indonesia (Kemenparekraf). He received his M.Sc. in Industrial Engineering from North Carolina State University, USA, in 1999. He joined the Ministry of Communication and Information in 2008 and helped establishing a number of government regulations and assisted the Indonesian National Police and other law enforcement agencies on various cybercrime related investigations before moving to the Indonesian Agency for Creative Economy as the director for ICT infrastructure in 2015. He continued his service in the agency even after its merger with the Ministry of Tourism in January 2020 in the position of director for application and governance of digital economy until August 2020. He is the co-founder of Indonesian Digital Forensic Association and Bekraf Developer Day.

Bio of the 2nd Presenter:
Fransiskus Xaverius Teguh (frteguh_budpar[at] is the senior advisor to the Minister for Sustainable Development and Conservation in the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy of Indonesia (Kemenparekraf). He received his doctoral degree in tourism from Universitas Gadjah Mada in 2012 and while being a senior advisor for the minister, is also a lecturer at STP Bandung and UGM. Other than being the senior advisor to the Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy, he is also the senior advisor for the Minister for Maritime Affairs and the Minister for Sustainable Development and Conservation. He is the chairman for Center for Integrated Sustainable Management Studies on Tourism, Environment and Social Development (CISTES) and alsi Voluntourism Network (Vtner). He has a number of publications related to tourism.

Contact: Okamoto Masaaki (okamoto[at], Kyoto Univeristy, Japan) 

Online Seminar on Indonesia