
Japanese Book Launch and Talk: The Future of the Ayta in the Ashes by Hiromu Shimizu

CSEAS is pleased to announce a book talk event to celebrate the publication of a Japanese book titled The Future of the Ayta in the Ashes: A Photo Ethnography of Volcanic Eruption and Creative Reconstruction (アエタ 灰の中の未来─大噴火と創造的復興の写真民族誌) by Professor Emeritus Hiromu Shimizu, published from Kyoto University Press in February 2024. 

The event will be held in Japanese.

Hana Mori (Book Design / Illustration)
Hiromu Shimizu (Professor Emeritus, Kyoto University)
Tetsuya Suzuki (Editor-in-Chief, Kyoto University Press)

Zenta Nishio (Researcher, Graduate School of Core Ethics and Frontier Sciences, Ritsumeikan University / Affiliated Researcher, CSEAS Kyoto University)

Book information:
Shimizu Hiromu 清水展, The Future of the Ayta in the Ashes: A Photo Ethnography of Volcanic Eruption and Creative Reconstruction アエタ 灰のなかの未来─大噴火と創造的復興の写真民族誌, Kyoto University Press, 2024.

About the event:
The event will feature the book’s designer Ms. Hana Mori, and the editor, Mr. Tetsuya Suzuki, alongside the author, Professor Emeritus Shimizu. They will discuss their thoughts on the book, share insights into the roles of its design and editing, how it connects readers and writers, and introduce their roles as the book designer and academic editor. Professor Shimizu will talk about the strategies he has used to make the book accessible to both specialists and general readers, as well as the process and behind-the-scenes activities from fieldwork to publication. The session will be moderated by Dr. Zenta Nishio (Urban Sociology, Cultural Anthropology).
This event is highly recommended for researchers planning to publish their doctoral thesis, considering their second book, or anyone who enjoys reading academic books.

A documentary filmed and produced in 1997–98 under the supervision of Prof. Shimizu, documenting the resilience and transformation of the people of Aeta after a major volcanic eruption, is available on YouTube.

Future in Ashes: The Last Aeta Tribe of the 20th Century 灰の中の未来 (43 min. / Japanese)