Dear friends and colleagues,
The Center for Southeast Asian Studies (CSEAS) Kyoto University is pleased to announce the launch of a monthly internal newsletter. This will be sent out on a monthly basis and include updates on activities, research meetings, events, new publications and podcasts.
August 2023 issue includes:
1. Announcements and Highlights
2. Upcoming Events
3. Publications: Hot off the CSEAS Press
4. Podcasts in Japanese: “Book Talk on Asia”
5. Past Events
Thank you and regards,
The Public Relations Committee, Center for Southeast Asian Studies (CSEAS)
1. Announcements and Highlights
【Call for Applications】The applications for the 47th Southeast Asia Seminar on “Health, Border, and Marginality: Toward Transdisciplinarity?” has opened. CSEAS welcomes applications from early-career researchers (who received their PhDs within the last five years). The deadline is 31 August 2023.
【Call for Applications】The application for short documentaries for the 11th Visual Documentary Project (VDP2023) has opened. The theme is “Laugh!” The deadline is 1 September 2023.
【Call for Proposals】The 5th SEASIA Biennial International Conference 2024 (July 18-20, 2024, at the University of the Philippines, Diliman) calls for papers on “De/Centering Southeast Asia.” The deadline for submission is November 30, 2023.
【Visitor’s Voice】
・New interview articles are available now. We asked them about their research, future ambitions, and more.
Visitor’s Voice: Interview with Solahudin: “Understanding ISIS Genealogy in Indonesia”
Visitor’s Voice: Interview with Thanik Lertcharnrit: “Why does Heritage Need Proper Interpretation and Presentation?”
Visitor’s Voice: Interview with Remil Linggatong Galay: “Becoming a Devoted Researcher with a Purpose”
Visitor’s Voice: Interview with Melissa Crouch: “Constitutionalism in the Global South”
We have updated the visiting scholars’ web page. Please check here.
【TANKEN Video】CSEAS have released a new video in our research introduction video series ‘TANKEN Video: Welcome to Area Studies.’ We have launched the 5-minute series, focusing on keywords or exploring new research topics while highlighting different viewpoints and issues.
“Landscapes and Livelihoods in Rural Southeast Asia” (Main Cast: Tania Li)
A number of videos are available to promote the appeal of area studies. Please take a look! They can also be used as teaching materials.
【Lecture Video】Special Seminar by Tania Murray Li: “Dynamic Farmers, Dead Plantations, and the Myth of the Lazy Native”
2. Upcoming Events
・2023 American Political Science Association (APSA) Annual Meeting & Exhibition
August 31 – September 3, 2023
Venue: Los Angeles, CA
Tomoko Takahashi (CSEAS) will participate in the poster session with the iPoster “Embracing the Washington Consensus: Beijing’s “Seamless” Developmental Strategy.”
・The European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR) General Conference 2023
September 4 – 8, 2023
Venue: Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic
Tomoko Takahashi (CSEAS) will deliver a paper presentation entitled “Whose Agent? UN Bureaucrats and Their Domestic Network” in the panel on “Administrative Politics of IOs: Agency, Influence and Policymaking Behind the Scenes.”
・Special Seminar: “Digging the Deep Roots of Southeast Asian Culture: Archaeological Evidence, with Special Reference to Thailand”
8 September 2023, 4 pm – 5:30 pm
Venue: Seminar Room (Room 213), 2nd Floor, Inamori Foundation Memorial Building, Kyoto University
Speaker: Thanik Lertcharnrit (Silpakorn University/ Visiting Research Scholar of CSEAS)
・Fukuoka Prize: Public Lecture by Thongchai Winichakul
15 September 2023, 6:30 pm – 8:30 pm
Venue: International Conference Hall, Acros Fukuoka
Title: An Ivory Tower in the Street: my journey into history for the better future
Interlocutor: Junko Koizumi (CSEAS)
Coordinator: Hiromu Shimizu (Professor Emeritus, CSEAS)
・Special Lecture by Professor Thongchai Winichakul
20 September 2023, 3 pm – 5 pm
Venue: Large Conference Room, 3rd Floor, Inamori Foundation Memorial Building, Kyoto University/ Online
Title: “Reflections from My Adventure into Thai Legal History”
・CSEAS Reading Group Session: Energy and Civilization: A History by Vaclav Smil
29 September 2023, 4 pm –
Venue: Room 201 (Tonantei), 2nd Floor, Inamori Foundation Memorial Building, Kyoto University
Facilitator: Julie de los Reyes (CSEAS)
Book Information: Vaclav Smil, Energy and Civilization: A History, The MIT Press, 2018
3. Publications: Hot off the CSEAS Press
・Vol. 12, No. 2 of Southeast Asian Studies on 24 August 2023.
【Latest Issue】
・Vol. 61, No. 1 of Japanese Journal of Southeast Asian Studies on 31 July 2023.
In this issue, two articles, a review article, and four book reviews are included. The full text is available on our website and J-STAGE.
【Latest Issue】
・Special Issue (35) titled “The Intellectual History of Buddhism in the Republic of Vietnam” of Kyoto Review of Southeast Asia is out on March 1, 2023. In this issue, Wynn Gadkar-Wilcox (Western Connecticut State University) and Olga Dror (Texas A&M University) serve as guest editors.
【New Article】
・TRENDSETTERS column “Bending with the Wind Again? Thailand’s Foreign Policy after the May Election” by William J. Jones and Douglas L. Rhein, in Kyoto Review of Southeast Asia on August 1, 2023.
【New Article】
・Report on “Political Development in Southeast Asia: Implications to Indo-Pacific Democracy: An international workshop in collaboration with the National Chengchi University of Taiwan” by Masaaki Okamoto.
【New Article】
・The latest essay CSEAS faculty and researchers recommend books recently read is now available: the August 2023 issue of “Letter from the Kamogawa River” by Nurul Huda Binti Mohd Razif.
【New Article】ERIA study team (2023), ‘Navigating Resilience and Vulnerability: Everyday Lived Experiences of Migrant Care Workers in Japan During the COVID-19 Pandemic’, in Takeo Ogawa, Takuma Kato, and Asuka Nagatani (eds.), Resilient Long-term Care under the COVID-19 Pandemic in Indonesia, Japan, and Thailand. ERIA Research Project Report FY2023 No. 08, Jakarta: ERIA, pp. 62–97.
Mario Lopez (CSEAS) contributed to Chapter 5.
・Kisho Tsuchiya, Emplacing East Timor: The Cycle of Regime Change and Knowledge Production, 1860-2010, University of Hawai‘i Press.
4. Podcasts in Japanese: “Book Talk on Asia”
In this program, the Editorial Office, CSEAS will introduce the latest books on Asia twice a month. The authors will be invited to talk about the contents and background of their books.
Soundcloud / YouTube
【New!】Book Talk on Asia No. 68 (23 August 2023) Hiroomi Takemori, Betonamu kenchiku angya: Hanoi, Hochimin, Fue, Hazan (Architectural Pilgrimage in Vietnam), Shokokusha, 2023 (in Japanese).
SoundCloud / YouTube / Book information
【New!】Book Talk on Asia No. 67 (9 August 2023) Ryo Asano and Takahiro Tsuchiya, Shu Kinpei no gunji senryaku: “Kyo-gun no yume” ha jitsugen suruka (Xi Jinping’s Military Strategy: Will “Dream of Strong Army” come true?), Fuyoshobo, 2023 (in Japanese).
SoundCloud / YouTube / Book information
・Book Talk on Asia No. 66 (26 July 2023) Ri Yongmi, Shutsunyukoku kanri no shakaishi: Sengo Nihon no kyokai kanri (Social History of Immigration Policy: “Border” Controls in Postwar Japan), Akashishoten, 2023 (in Japanese).
SoundCloud / YouTube / Book information
・Book Talk on Asia No. 65 (12 July 2023) Masahiro Umezaki, Biseibutsu tono kyosei: Papuanyuginia kochijin no tekio shisutemu (Living with microbiome: Adaptation system in Papua New Guinea Highlanders), Kyoto University Press, 2023 (in Japanese).
SoundCloud / YouTube / Book information
・Book Talk on Asia No. 64 (28 June 2023) Ai Sugie, Kast saiko: Bangradeshu no Hindu to Musurimu (Reconsidering Caste: Hindus and Muslims in Bangladesh), The University of Nagoya Press, 2023 (in Japanese).
SoundCloud / YouTube / Book information
5. Past Events
・Inter-Noise 2023
20–23 August 2023
Venue: Makuhari Messe (2-1, Nakase, Mihama-ku, Chiba-city, Japan)
Satoko Kimura (CSEAS) will serve as a chair on the session titled “Effect of Noise on Aquatic Animals & Noise Exposure Criteria,” and deliver the presentation titled “Measurements of wild finless porpoise (Neophocaena asiaeorientalis sunameri) on-axis burst-pulse sound” with Mayu Ogawa (Graduate School of Agriculture, KU).
・ISA Asia-Pacific Region Conference 2023, Tokyo
10 August 2023
Venue: Online (Waseda University)
Toshihiko Kishi (CSEAS), Fumiharu Mieno (CSEAS), and Yusuke Murakami (CSEAS) served as chairs of the panel on “The Possibilities of Asia-Pacific Area Studies for Promoting Interdisciplinary Research.” Yusuke Murakami (CSEAS) delivered the presentation on “Beyond the Dismantling World Order: An Asian-Pacific Paradigm,” Tomoko Takahashi (CSEAS) on “Embracing the Washington Consensus: Beijing’s Seamless Developmental Strategy from its Domestic Politics to UN Diplomacy,” and Taisho Nakayama (Kushiro Public University of Economics) on “Border Shifting and Remaining in Modern East Eurasia.”
・Joint Seminar: “Indonesian Dynamics and Socio-environmental Challenges: Multidisciplinary Study’s Perspectives”
26 July 2023, 9:30 am – 4 pm
Venue: Middle-sized Meeting Room, 3rd Floor, Inamori Foundation Memorial Building, Kyoto University
・Workshop “Better Together: Gender, Female Alliance & Empowerment in Contemporary Malaysia”
26 July 2023, 1 pm – 5:30 pm
Venue: Tonantei (Room 201), 2nd Floor, Inamori Foundation Memorial Building, Kyoto University
Paper 1 “Enemies from Within: Love Magic, Sorcery & Intra-female Violence in Malay Polygyny” by Nurul Huda Mohd. Razif (CSEAS)
Paper 2 “Sexualized Joking in the Malay Corporate Workplace” by Prof. Patricia Sloane-White (University of Delaware)
Paper 3 “Socio-cultural Contexts of Reverse Gender Gap in Higher Education in Malaysia” by Hiroko Kushimoto (Sophia University) & Azmira Amran (Tokyo University of Foreign Studies)
・Research Units for Exploring Future Horizons Report Meeting 2023
29 July, 2023, 10:00 am − 5:00 pm
Venue: South Research Bldg. No.1, Institute for Life and Medical Sciences Bldg. No.1 (Common Seminar room 3) / Online (Preregistration required)
Ever since I came to Kyoto, everyone in the same room have taught me a myriad of things. One of the most paradigm-shifting ideas for me was how important it is to do research while enjoying life and taking care of ourselves rather than forcing myself through work. For example, when I was busy and tempted to skip lunch, someone would come up saying that “You need to eat” and share their delicious lunch or sweets, or when I am hectic with conference preparations, others would come up to me and say “Is there anything I can get for you at the convenience store?” Surrounded by such beautiful souls, I cannot thank you all enough. I would rather call everyone in the room as my “CSEAS family” rather than “colleagues,” who have shared with me their struggles and endeavors on the necessities of life to survival skills in the academia. (T.T.)
■To all affiliated researchers using CSEAS mail accounts: A Request from the Public Relations Committee
We are happy to share our monthly CSEAS Digital News with you through CSEAS and ASAFAS mailing lists.
Due to change of the CSEAS email account service, please contact the PR Committee if you wish to receive this newsletter to a new email address.
*Back issues of CSEAS Digital News are listed here in the order of one month after publication.
If there are any comments, suggestions, or inquiries, please contact the Public Relations Committee by email or via Google form, Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Kyoto University.