Kyoto Review of Southeast Asia Issue 38
The Center for Southeast Asian Studies at Kyoto University proudly presents the special issue (38) of Kyoto Review of Southeast Asia (1 June 2024) titled “Health, Border, and Marginality: Toward Transdisciplinarity.” We have nine articles. In this issue, Decha Tangseefa serves as the Guest Editor.
Critical Counterpoints: Human-mosquito relations from the Thai-Myanmar borderlands to Singapore
Tomas Cole
The crime of caring
Vincen Gregory Yu, MD
(Health) care and family (planning) of undocumented people along state borders
Miriam Jaehn
Experiences in temporary host countries and their impact on integrating resettled refugees
Jeonghyeon Kim
Enriching the land discourse from the Thai-Myanmar Border
Yi-Chin Wu
The Mae La “Temporary Shelter Area” as migration infrastructure & (im)mobility of people on the move
Busarin Lertchavalitsakul
International relations research and borderland as inhabited space
Tomoko Takahashi