Kyoto Review of Southeast Asia 第38号(2024年6月)を公開しました


Kyoto Review of Southeast Asia Issue 38

今号はデーチャー・タンスィーファ准教授が編者を務めた特集 “Health, Border, and Marginality: Toward Transdisciplinarity” を掲載しています。本特集には、2023年12月に実施した第47回東南アジアセミナー参加者が執筆した9本の論考を掲載しました。


Critical Counterpoints: Human-mosquito relations from the Thai-Myanmar borderlands to Singapore
Tomas Cole

The crime of caring
Vincen Gregory Yu, MD

(Health) care and family (planning) of undocumented people along state borders
Miriam Jaehn

Circumventing undocumented-ness: Ethnic migrants along the Thai-Burma border pursue multiple mobilities
Siu-hei Lai

Experiences in temporary host countries and their impact on integrating resettled refugees
Jeonghyeon Kim

Enriching the land discourse from the Thai-Myanmar Border
Yi-Chin Wu

The Mae La “Temporary Shelter Area” as migration infrastructure & (im)mobility of people on the move
Busarin Lertchavalitsakul

Intersections of health, border, and marginality: Field research enriches understanding of Japanese engagement with post-coup Myanmar
Ryuji Hattori

International relations research and borderland as inhabited space
Tomoko Takahashi