LIBRARY / MATERIALS / DATABASES | 京都大学 東南アジア地域研究研究所


Books and Other Materials

CSEAS Library

TheCSEAS library has been a most essential foundation on in the promotion of research activities  in the field of South­east Asian studies. As the result of ongoing collection devel­opment focusing on academic publications on Southeast Asia, the library holds approximately 253,000 items and  as­sures access by both domestic and overseas patrons through its open access policy and reference services…

Special collection in Southeast Asian languages

Maps and other materials


Tel/FAX:  +81-75-753-9650
E-mail:  map[at]


CSEAS maintains several databases that contain not only basic research materials such as maps, statistics and visual documentation related to Southeast Asia and its environments, but also valuable resources collected during many groundbreaking projects. CSEAS also maintains experimental databases that contain information critical for area studies research. Applying information science methodologies, these contain information related not only to individual categories, but also to the combinations of categories.
Through these we contribute to the advancement of area studies.
