List of Tables
List of Figures
Part 1: Governance and Social Dynamics
Chapter 1: Managing Multiculturalism in 21st Century Indonesia amid Ethnic and Religious Diversity / Thung Ju Lan
Chapter 2: Post-Reformasi Dynamism of the Urban Landscape: A Visual Report of the Street Art of Yogyakarta / Brigitta Isabella
Chapter 3: Religious Intolerance after Reformasi: Violence against the Shia Community in Sampang Regency, Madura / Kayane Yuka
Chapter 4: The Uneasy Road to Peace: Papuanization and the Politics of Recognition / Rosita Dewi
Part 2: Paths to Equality
Chapter 5: The Dynamic of Education Outcome in Decentralized Indonesia (2000–2014) / Abdul Wahid Fajar Amin
Chapter 6: Understanding Metropolitan Poverty: The Profile of Poverty in Jabodetabek / Asep Suryahadi and Cecilia Marlina vi
Chapter 7: Between Land Tenure Security and Agricultural Production: Problems of Farmland Liquidation in Rural Java / Ernoiz Antriyandarti and Susi Wuri Ani
Chapter 8: Fiscal Policy and Infrastructure Development: A Reflection of the Two Decades after the 1997 Financial Crisis / Maxensius Tri Sambodo and Latif Adam
Part 3: Structural Challenges
Chapter 9: Corruption and Anti-Corruption: Major Challenges to Reform / Adnan Topan Husodo
Chapter 10: Beyond the Enclave? Human Rights Promotion Strategies in Post-Reformasi Indonesia / Suh Jiwon
Chapter 11: Return Strategy of the State: Re-taming Private Security Providers in Democratized Indonesia / Okamoto Masaaki
Chapter 12: Intelligence Apparatus after Suharto: A Troubled Reform / Muhamad Haripin and Diandra Megaputri Mengko
Concluding Remarks / Jafar Suryomenggolo and Okamoto Masaaki