New Issue of Kyoto Review of Southeast: Land Governance in Laos, 1 March 2019 | 京都大学 東南アジア地域研究研究所


New Issue of Kyoto Review of Southeast: Land Governance in Laos, 1 March 2019


The Center for Southeast Asian Studies at Kyoto University proudly presents the new issue (25) of Kyoto Review of Southeast Asia (March 2019) titled “Land Governance in Lao PDR”

1. Changes in Understandings of Land in Laos: From State Sovereignty to Capital Mobilization, by Ian G.Baird
2. Turning Land into Capital for Whom? Crises and Alternatives of Land Commodification in Laos, by Miles Kenney-Lazar
3. The Geography of Security: Coercion, Comparative Advantage and Population Management Work in Contemporary Laos, by Michael Dwyer
4. Forest-Land Commons in Laos in the Twenty-First Century: Agrarian Capitalism and the ‘Non-Commodified Subsistence Guarantee’, by Keith Barney and Alex Van Der Meer Simo
5. Making Possibilities out of the Impossible: Rural Migrant Workers’ Backdoor Economies and the Pitfall in Lao PDR, by Kelly Wanjiang Chen

For this issue, we gladly have Ian G.Baird, Associate Professor at the Department of geography at University of Wisconsin-Madison, as our Guest Editor.

All articles are translated from English into Japanese, Thai, Bahasa Indonesia, Vietnamese, and recently added Filipino.

This issue, as usual, also includes a section of book reviews. The list of book reviews is below:

1. 베네딕트 앤더슨(Benedict Anderson), by Suh Jiwon, reviewed by Hyun Kyoung Kim
2. 众女喧哗 ─ 从性别政治到生命叙事 (Heteroglossia: From Gender Politics to Life Narrative), by (Editors) 杨洁(Yong Kiat) and 张溦紟 (Cheong Wey Jin), reviewed by Lai Wan Teng
3. Indonesia: Twenty Years of Democracy, by James S. Davidson, reviewed by Ehito Kimura
4. Mythbusting Vietnam: Facts, Fictions and Fantasies, by Catherine Earl, reviewed by Nicholas Chapman
5. Anand Punyarachun and the Making of Modern Thailand, by Dominic Faulder, reviewed by Benjamin Zawacki

Finally, our column Young Academic’s Voice has been renamed Trendsetters to provide a wider scope of writers. We continue to publish an article on a monthly basis at Trendsetters. Please kindly contact me should you wish to write for us. For this month’s article, we present a piece on “Clans and Networks: Thai Clientelistic Politics at the Local Level”, by Suthikarn Meechan, who is a PhD candidate in Political Science and International Relations at the University of Canterbury.

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