Visitor’s Voice: Interview with Herman Hidayat – Sustainable peatland management: Critical for reducing global warming | 京都大学 東南アジア地域研究研究所


Visitor’s Voice: Interview with Herman Hidayat – Sustainable peatland management: Critical for reducing global warming


If this can be realized, programs that target economic, social and ecological empowerment of local people can mitigate global warming due to climate change.

— Herman Hidayat
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招へい研究員のHerman Hidayat氏 (専門: Indonesia, Southeast Asia, Japan)のインタビュー記事を公開しました。ご自身の研究内容の他、おすすめの本などについて伺いました。ぜひご覧ください。

Visitor’s Voice: Interview with Herman Hidayat
Sustainable peatland management: Critical for reducing global warming

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