[Visitor’s Voice]インタビューを公開しました:Mark Richard Thompson “Democratic Backsliding, Opposition Pushback and Political Cycles in Philippine History” | 京都大学 東南アジア地域研究研究所


[Visitor’s Voice]インタビューを公開しました:Mark Richard Thompson “Democratic Backsliding, Opposition Pushback and Political Cycles in Philippine History”


招へい研究員 Mark Richard Thompsonさんのインタビューを公開しました。
専門:Philippine populism and democratic backsliding, presidentialism and democracy, opposition to autocratization, authoritarian learning

Interview with Mark Richard Thompson: Democratic Backsliding, Opposition Pushback and Political Cycles in Philippine History

“My undergraduate roommate at Brown University was Filipino and he encouraged me to study in the Philippines which I did by enrolling in a master’s program at the University of the Philippines (UP) Diliman courtesy of Rotary Foundation Scholarship. It was just after the Aquino assassination and shortly before the fall of Marcos, Sr. – needless to say a very interesting time politically…”

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