
オーストラリア国立大学よりMichael Wesley氏をお招きし、21世紀アジアの秩序を考える国際セミナーを開催します。皆さまのご出席をお待ちしております。

オーストラリア国立大学教授・アジア太平洋学群長(オーストラリア外交論、アジア国際関係・戦略論)。著書に、There Goes the Neighbourhood: Australia and the Rise of Asia (Sydney: University of New South Wales Press, 2011; winner of the John Button Prize for the best writing on Australian politics and public policy) 、編著に、Global Allies: Comparing US Alliances in the 21st Century (Canberra : ANU Press, 2017) など。

日時:2017年11月28日(火) 16:00~18:00

報告題目: “A Multipolar Asia: Implications for Australia and Japan”
報告者: Dr. Michael Wesley(Australian National University)
コメント: Dr. Tomohiko Satake (National Institute for Defense Studies)
司会: Dr. Jiro Okamoto (Shimonoseki City University)
The Trump Presidency has brought to an end America’s post-Cold War Grand Strategy of preventing the rise of other great powers in Asia. Under the 45th President, US alliances have moved from being system-supporting frameworks towards bilateral and tactical mechanisms; regional institutions have ceased to be seen as mechanisms for socializing rising powers; and the US has repudiated the ideals of liberal internationalism. Regional countries are already reacting to this major shift in US strategy. This lecture will examine the outlines of Asia’s emerging multipolar order, particularly focusing on its aspects promoting stability and instability. It will examine the role of Australia and Japan, as the two regional countries most committed to the status quo, in potentially helping to shape the future regional order.


**会場準備の都合上、参加を希望される方は ciras[AT] までご一報ください。お問い合わせもこちらへお願いいたします。