京都大学東南アジア地域研究研究所図書室 文化庁登録有形文化財登録記念 / 京都モダン建築祭2024連携企画 特別講演会
CSEAS Colloquium by Andreas Wimmer: “The Shadow Side of the Rootedness: How Geographic Stability Across Generations Increases Populist, Ethnic Nationalist, Authoritarian, and Chauvinist Attitudes”
Seminar by Patrick Devahastin: “Examining Hiring Discrimination through Direct Signalling: A Correspondence Study in the Thai Labour Market”
The Korea-Japan Conference of Southeast Asian Studies 2024: Searching for Southeast Asian Powers and Wisdom in the Turmoil World
コロキアム「Facing Violence, Transgressing Boundaries: Issues of Care at Borders」
スペシャルセミナー「埋め込まれた寡頭制? ―インドネシアにおけるクリーンエネルギー転換と資源搾取の政治経済学」
ヤスミン・アフマド没後15年記念×わすれな月2024 in Tokyo「多文化・多言語の物語世界 ヤスミン・ワールドを語るクロストーク」/ 京都・大阪でのトークイベント
CSEAS Colloquium by Wong Chin Huat: “Does Malaysia need a pure FPTP system? – Electoral system in Post-Transition Malaysia”
SEASIA 2024: De/Centering Southeast Asia
ブックトーク:Kisho Tsuchiya, Emplacing East Timor: Regime Change and Knowledge Production, 1860–2010
Seminar by Emmanuel Pannier: “Contingent Adaptation as Everyday Performance: Crafting New Agriculture Practices to Respond to a Historic Flood in Vietnam’s Northern Uplands”
Seminar by Oriana Skylar Mastro: “Japan’s Approach to Deterrence: Implications for Deterrence in the Taiwan Strait”
Book Talk by Joseph Torigian: “Prestige, Manipulation, and Coercion: Elite Power Struggles in the Soviet Union and China after Stalin and Mao”
Seminar by Norman Joshua: “Militarization Overlooked: Rethinking the Origins of Indonesia’s New Order, 1950–1965”
International Workshop: “Unpacking the rise of green developmentalism in Southeast and Northeast Asia”
Seminar by Karin Dean: “Changing Spatialities at the India-Myanmar Borderlands”